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Change Proposal TF-PCC-CP-0030

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Tracking Information

Patient Care Coordination
Change Proposal Number
Last Updated
17:04, 19 June 2008 (CDT)

Change Proposal Summary

Edits to XD* Metadata Bindings
Submission Date
17:04, 19 June 2008 (CDT)
Profile Affected
TF Version
Volume and Section


Binding edits for clarity and to reduce implementation confusion are recommended below in red. Summary of edits: 1) moved all explainations of value to the 'Source/Value' column so exceptions to the x-path(ex. patientId) are more easily identified, wording suggestions; 2) added intended recipient (XDR); 3) updated concat statements for CPs pending in ITI for XCN and XON data type use in metadata


see below section copied here for clarity. Original section is here Medical Document Binding to XDS, XDM and XDR

Medical Document Binding to XDS, XDM and XDR

This binding defines a transformation that generates metadata for the XDSDocumentEntry element of appropriate transactions from the XDS, XDM and XDR profiles given a medical document and information from other sources. The medical document refers to the document being stored in a repository that will be referenced in the registry. The other sources of information include the configuration of the Document Source actor, the Affinity Domain, the site or facility, local agreements, other documents in the registry/repository, and this Content Profile.

In many cases, the CDA document is created for the purposes of sharing within an affinity domain. In these cases the context of the CDA and the context of the affinity domain are the same, in which case the following mappings shall apply.

In other cases, the CDA document may have been created for internal use, and are subsequentyly being shared. In these cases the context of the CDA document would not neccessarily coincide with that of the affinity domain, and the mappings below would not necessarily apply.

The table below identifies those cases where the assumption of context equivalence between the CDA and the affinity domain may be relevant.

XDSDocumentEntry Metadata

XDSDocumentEntry Attribute Optional? Source Type Source/ Value
availabilityStatus R DS  
authorInstitution R2 SAT

$inst <= /ClinicalDocument/author

The authorInstitution can be formated
using the following XPath expression, where $inst in the expression below represents the representedOrganization.
concat($inst/name, "^^^^^&",
$inst/id/@root, "&ISO", "^^^^", $inst/id/@extension

authorPerson R2 SAT

$person <= /ClinicalDocument/author

The author can be formatted using the following XPath expression, where $person in the expression below represents the author.
"^^^&", $person/id/@root,"&ISO")

authorRole R2 SAT This metadata element should be based on a mapping of the participation function defined in the CDA document to the set of author roles configured for the affinity domain. If the context of the CDA coincides with that of the affinity domain, then the following x-path may be appropriate:

authorSpecialty R2 SAT This metadata element should be based on a mapping of the code associated with the assignedAuthor to detailed defined classification system for healthcare providers such configured in the affinitity domain. Possible classifications include those found in SNOMED-CT, or the HIPAA Healthcare Provider Taxonomy. If the context of the CDA coincides with that of the affinity domain, then the following x-path may be appropriate:

classCode R CADT Derived from a mapping of /ClinicalDocument/code/@code to an Affinity Domain specified coded value to use and coding system. Affinity Domains are encouraged to use the appropriate value for Type of Service, based on the LOINC Type of Service (see Page 53 of the LOINC User's Manual). Must be consistent with /ClinicalDocument/code/@code
classCodeDisplayName R CADT DisplayName of the classCode derived. Derived from a mapping of /ClinicalDocument/code/@code to the appropriate Display Name based on the Type of Service. Must be Consitent with /ClinicalDocument/code/@code
confidentialityCode R CADT Derived from a mapping of /ClinicalDocument/confidentialityCode/@code to an Affinity Domain specified coded value and coding system. When using the BPPC profile, the confidentialyCode may also be obtained from the <authorization> element.

] /code/@code

comments O DS  
creationTime R SAT /ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime

Times specified in clinical documents may be specified with a precision in fractional sections, and may contain a time zone offset. In the XDS Metadata, it can be precise to the second, and is always given in UTC, so the timezone offset if present must be added to the current time to obtain the UTC time.

entryUUID R DS  
eventCodeList O CADT These values express a collection of keywords that may be relevant to the consumer of the documents in the registry. They may come from anywhere in the CDA document, according to its purpose.
eventCodeDisplayNameList R
(if event
Code is valued)
CADT These are the display names for the collection of keywords described above.
formatCode R FM The format code for each PCC Document content profile is provided within the document specifications.
healthcareFacilityTypeCode R CAD A fixed value assigned to the Document Source and configured form a set of Affinity Domain defined values. Must be concistent with /clinicalDocument/code
R CAD Must be concistent with /clinicalDocument/code
intendedRecipient (for XDR, XDM) O SAT

$person <= /ClinicalDocument/intendedRecipient
$inst <= /ClinicalDocument/intendedRecipient/receivedOrganization

The intendedRecipient can be formated
using the following XPath expression, where $inst in the expression below represents the receivedOrganization and where $person in the expression below represents the intendedRecipient.
"^^^&", $person/id/@root,"&ISO",
$inst/name, "^^^^^&",
$inst/id/@root, "&ISO", "^^^^", $inst/id/@extension)

languageCode R SA /ClinicalDocument/languageCode
legalAuthenticator O SAT $person <= /ClinicalDocument/

The legalAuthenticator can be formatted using the following XPath expression, where $person in the expression below represents the legalAuthenticator.
"^^^&", $person/id/@root,"&ISO")

mimeType R FM text/xml
parentDocumentRelationship R
(when applicable)
DS Local document versions need not always be published, and so no exact mapping can be determined from the content of the CDA document.
The parentDocumentRelationship may be determined in some configurations from the relatedDocument element present in the CDA dsocument. If the context of the CDA coincides with that of the affinity domain, then the following x-path may be appropriate:
parentDocumentId R
(when parent
Relationship is present)
DS Local document versions need not always be published, and so no exact mapping can be determined from the content of the CDA document.
The parentDocumentId may be determined in some configurations from the relatedDocument element present in the CDA dsocument. If the context of the CDA coincides with that of the affinity domain, then the following x-path may be appropriate:
$docID <= /ClinicalDocument/

The parentDocumentId can be formatted using the following XPath expression, where $docID in the expression below represents the identifier.
concat($docID/@root,"^", $docID/@extension)

patientId R DS The XDS Affinity Domain patient ID can be mapped from the patientRole/id element using transactions from the ITI PIX or PDQ profiles. See sourcePatientId below. If the context of the CDA coincides with that of the affinity domain, then the following x-path may be appropriate:

$patID <= /ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/

practiceSettingCode R CAD This elements should be based on a coarse classification system for the class of specialty practice. Recommend the use of the classification system for Practice Setting, such as that described by the Subject Matter Domain in LOINC.
practiceSettingCodeDisplayName R CAD This element shall contain the display names associated with the codes described above.
serviceStartTime R2 SAT /ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/

Times specified in clinical documents may be specified with a precision in fractional sections, and may contain a time zone offset. In the XDS Metadata, it can be precise to the second, and is always given in UTC, so the timezone offset if present must be added to the current time to obtain the UTC time.

serviceStopTime R2 SAT /ClinicalDocument/documentationOf/

Times specified in clinical documents may be specified with a precision in fractional sections, and may contain a time zone offset. In the XDS Metadata, it can be precise to the second, and is always given in UTC, so the timezone offset if present must be added to the current time to obtain the UTC time.

sourcePatientId R SAT $patID <= /ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/

The patientId can be formatted using the following XPath expression, where $patID in the expression below represents the appropriate identifier.
concat($patID/@extension,"^^^&", $patID/@root, "&ISO")

sourcePatientInfo R SAT /ClinicalDocument/recordTarget/

The sourcePatientInfo metadata element can be assembled from various components of the patientRole element in the clinical document.

title O SA /ClinicalDocument/title
typeCode R CADT /ClinicalDocument/code/@code

The typeCode should be mapped from the ClinicalDocument/code element to a set of document type codes configured in the affinity domain. One suggested coding system to use for typeCode is LOINC, in which case the mapping step can be omitted.

R CADT /ClinicalDocument/code/@displayName
uniqueId R SAT $docID <= /ClinicalDocument/id

The uniqueId can be formatted using the following XPath expression, where $docID in the expression below represents the identifier.
concat($docID/@root,"^", $docID/@extension)

XDSSubmissionSet Metadata

The submission set metadata is as defined for XDS, and is not necessarily affected by the content of the clinical document. Metadata values in an XDSSubmissionSet with names identical to those in the XDSDocumentEntry may be inherited from XDSDocumentEntry metadata, but this is left to affinity domain policy and/or application configuration.

Use of XDS Submission Set

This content format uses the XDS Submission Set to create a package of information to send from one provider to another. All documents referenced by the Medical Summary in this Package must be in the submission set.

Use of XDS Folders

No specific requirements identified.


IHE Content Profiles using this binding require that Content Creators and Content Consumers be configurable with institution and other specific attributes or parameters. Implementers should be aware of these requirements to make such attributes easily configurable. There shall be a mechanism for the publishing and distribution of style sheets used to view clinical documents.