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IHE Integration Profiles describe a specific integration problem, and document the equipment roles, standards and design details for vendors to implement products that cooperate to address that problem. Integration Profiles offer a convenient way for vendors and users to reference the functionality defined in the IHE Technical Framework without having to restate all of the detail regarding IHE actors and transactions. For convenient reference, each Profile has a short acronym.

Each domain manages a collection of Profiles shown below. Alternatively, there is an alphabetized index of Profiles.

IHE Radiology Profiles

  • [SWF] Scheduled Workflow integrates ordering, scheduling, imaging acquisition, storage and viewing for Radiology exams.
  • [PIR] Patient Information Reconciliation coordinates reconciliation of the patient record when images are acquired for unidentified (e.g. trauma), or misidentified patients.

IHE Cardiology Profiles

IHE IT Infrastructure Profiles

  • [CT] Concistent Time ensures system clocks and time stamps of computers in a network are well synchronized (median error less than 1 second).
  • [ATNA] Audit Trail and Node Authentication describes certificate-based node authentication and transmitting PHI-related audit events to a repository. This helps sites implement confidentiality policies.
  • [RID] Request Information for Display provides simple (browser-based) read-only access to important patient-centric clinical information (e.g. allergies or lab results) located outside the user’s current application.
  • [EUA] Enterprise User Authentication enables single sign-on by facilitating one name per user for use on all devices and software that participate in this profile.
  • [PSA] Patient Synchronized Application enables single patient selection for the user working in multiple applications on a workstation desktop. With this Integration Profile patient selection in any of the applications causes all other applications to tune to that same patient. This allows a clinician to use the application they are most familiar with to select the patient and have that selection reflected in the other applications they are using follow along.
  • [PDQ] Patient Demographics Query lets applications query a central patient information server and retrieve a patient’s demographic and visit information.
  • [XDS] Cross Enterprise Document Sharing registers and shares electronic health record documents between healthcare enterprises, ranging from physician offices to clinics to acute care in-patient facilities.
  • [PWP] Personnel White Pages provides basic directory information on human workforce members to other workforce members and applications.

IHE Laboratory Profiles

IHE Patient Care Coordination Profiles

  • [MS] Medical Summaries defines the content and format of Discharge Summaries and Referral Notes.
  • [EDR] Emergency Department Referral allows clinicians to create electronic referrals to the emergency room including the nature of the current problem, past medical history, and medications. Upon arrival of the patient to the Emergency Department, the patient is identified as a referral, and the transfer document is incorporated into the EDIS. This profile builds onmedical summary adding structures to pass data specific for ed referral such as estimated time of arrival and transport method.
  • [BPPC] Basic Patient Privacy Consents helps create a vocabulary of codes that identify information sharing policies and which functional roles may access a document.

IHE Patient Care Devices Profiles

IHE Eyecare Profiles

IHE Radiation Oncology Profiles