Patient Care Coordination

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IHE Patient Care Coordination (PCC) domain was established in July 2005 to deal with integration issues that cross providers, patient problems or time. It deals with general clinical care aspects such as document exchange, order processing, and coordination with other specialty domains. PCC also addresses workflows that are common to multiple specialty areas and the integration needs of specialty areas that do not have a separate domain within IHE.

IHE Patient Care Coordination manages the PCC Profiles and the PCC Technical Framework.

Timeline : 2007-2008 Development Cycle

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Oct. Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) Oct X - Deadline E-mail
Nov. PCC Planning – New profile proposals (Lunch will be served prior to start of ITI meeting) November 6-8 RSNA
Dec. TC Review of PC Selected Profiles Dec 4-5 RSNA
Feb. 2007 PC Selects Final Profiles Feb ??, 2007 New Orleans (HIMSS)
Mar, 2007 Profile development kickoff meeting (TC Meeting) Mar 13-17, 2007 Chicago
May, 2007 Profile development meeting: finalize supplements for public comment (TC) May 14-18, 2007 Chicago
Jun. Publication of Public Comment Supplements Jun 3, 2007
Jul. Deadline for submission of public comments of profile supplements Jul 17,2007
Jul. Reconciliation of public comments received (TC Meeting) July 23-27 2007 Chicago
Aug. Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements Aug. 10, 2007
Aug. Publication of Final Text Technical Framework Aug. 10, 2007
Jan. Test implementations at Connectathon Jan ??-?? Chicago



Essential Now
Essential Future
Nice to Have

Prerequisites: List of applicable standards

Coordination: Other domains to coordinate efforts with.

Develop Content Profile
Develop Integration Profile
Research Applicable Standards
Promote Applicable Standards Development Efforts

Year: Earliest Opportunity given prerequisites, priority and skills.


Topic Pri Standards/Prerequesites Coord Strategy Year
Referral/Transfer of Care
>Medical Summaries H CDA Release 2.0HL7 Care Record Summary CPPromote 2005
Document Transfer H XDSMedical SummariesLinking ITI IP 2005
Discharge Packaging (Discharge Back to Ambulatory Care Environment) H XDSMedical SummariesLinking CP 2005
#1 Discharge Packaging (Discharge to Sub-Acute Nursing Facility/ Extended Care Facility) H XDS-MSLinking w other clinical reportsPt consent/granting role-based access controls (PCC #8) CP, IP 2006
       Discharge Packaging (Home Health Care Environment) H XDSMedical SummaryLinking CP 2007
       Find Provider for Referral L Unknown Finance Research 2007
       Referral Notification/Authorization   (payer focused) L X12-837HL7 V3 Finance Research 2007
Transfer of Care workflowInitiate/accept/reject/follow-up M HL7 V3HL7 Care Transfer Messages IP 2007
Document Types       History and Physical       Operative Notes       Discharge/Transfer Summary (2005)       Progress Notes       Nursing Notes       Flow Sheets       Laboratory/Pathology Report       - Plan to coordinate with IHE Lab activities largely in Europe, Canada, Asia       Radiology Report       Cardiology Report       Generic data dumps              Consultants Report       ED Triage Surveillance Report       ED Encounter Report HHM CDA Release 2.0LOINCJCAHO (US)ELINCS [HL7 v2.4]- new transform for lab elements from v2 (using ELINCS as the stnd) to CDA v3CCR (General, discipline-focused) Lab/Path (IHE Europe)RadiologyCardiology Research CP 2006 - 2007
Orders between Providers / Ancillary Services H HL7 V3HL7 V2 ORU ITILabRadiology Promote/ Adapt Existing IPs 2006
Order Sets and Care Plans L XDS Non-Patient DocumentsHL7 Templates [Orders/Obs]HL7 Patient CareHL7 EHROrder Sets [Rad/Labs, Unified terminology/code systems] ITIQuality Promote 2008
Pay for Performance Data Aggregation M Order Sets and Care PlansHL7 TemplatesHL7 Orders and ObservationsMinimum Data SetsDoc-IT Quality Research 2008
Query for Medication List from Multiple Providers H HL7 V3RxHubJCAHO Med Reconciliation Research 2007
#2 Pt Created Summary Information Exchange- #1Model 1: Payer-provided PHR w pt portal for viewing infoModel 2: Provider-based portal f pts for viewing (lev1); updating (lvl2) infoModel 3: PHR application system exchanging info electronically w EMRs via portal media (USB,CD), pt2pt network, XDS registry) HL7 EHRXDS-MSCCRASTM EHR Data ModelAHIMA PHR Definition (AHIP PHR Init, Connecting f Health)EHRVA PHR DefinitionWSRP (Web Services for Remote Portals) PCD CP (Model 3)IP referred to ITI domain (Document Interchange Media proposal) 2006
Practice Management System to/from Ambulatory EHR Connection M HL7 V2.5EHR DSTUCCHIT Interoperability ITI-PAM IP 2007
Public Health Registries & Surveillance H XDS-MS w immunization structure Quality Refer to Quality Domain ?
Capture of Clinical Research Data within an EHRability to display Case Report Form for data captureretrieve info from EHR system(Note: Form definition work to be undertaken by CDISK in 2006 independent of ITI RFD profile work) CDISC’s ODMHL7’s CDAeDCIHL7 CCOWSAFE (Digital Signature)Clinical Trial Care Report Forms ITI CP (Clinical Trial Data Capture profile)IP Referred to ITI domain (Retrieve Form for Display) 2006+
#3 PCP to Emergency Dept Referral - #2 H Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) v1.0CDA/CRS (CCR)Pt consent/granting role-based access controls (PCC #8) ITI CP 2006
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to Emergency Dept Data Transfer M Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) v1.0CDA/CRS (CCR)National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) v2.2 CP 2007
#4 Self-referred ED Event (no pre-announcement of pt arrival) H Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) v1.0CDA/CRS (CCR)Pt consent/granting role-based access controls ITI CP 2006
ED to Surveillance Regsitry H 2007
ED to PCP transfer M XDS-MSCDA R2 2007
#5 IHE CCR Medical SummariesED Use CasePHR Use Case (#2 above) XDS-MS or CDA/CRS (CCR)HL7 Care Record Query CP 2006
#6 Pre-Surgical H&P- adds sections for Pt history, Pt physical data at a level 2 to an XDS-MS Submission Set - the beginning of a PCP to Acute Care Profile?? XDS-MS or CDA/CRS (CCR)Radiology Reports (XDS-I)Laboratory ReportsSubmission Set Deployment CP, IP 2006
Healthcare Document MetaData CDA R2Standard Document Content Formats (TIFF, pdf, JPEG, MIME) ITI Referred to ITI domain 2006
Electronic Image Formats for HealthcareText chart notesGraphs, Charts, Line Drawn diagramsImages (photos, medical images, non-med images) CDA R2Standard Image Content Formats (TIFF, pdf, JPEG, GIF, PNG) ITI Referred to ITI domain 2006
#7 Document Section EncodingPediatrics (Immunizations, Growth charts)Public Health Survelliance (Immunizations, etc)Chronic Disease MgmtRevised to: Immunization, Vital Signs, and Laboratories CCRCDA R2HL7 V3 Clinical Statement ModelHL7 V3 Patient Care StructuresHL7 V3 PharmacyLOINCJCAHO (what stnds?) CP 2006
Patient Selection QueryClinical trial qualificationsTransfer to ECF assessmentChronic disease mgmt candidateDisease survelliance candidate HL7 V3 Care Record Query 2007
#8 Patient Consentfor Access to Medical Records- #3 H ISO TS22600-1,2ASTM E1762W3C – XaDESISO 22857 CPIP 20062007
Cardiac electrophysiology admission discharge summary for the referring cardiologist (from Harry Solomon) XDS-MSCDA R2 / CRS CARD Refer to Cardio domain 2007

Current Activity

Contact the PCC Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in mid-July, 2007.


As a Clinician / Patient Advocate

Get involved in the planning committee. This is where the clinical problems are discussed and prioritized. The planning committee is an open group and is interested in having your input! Bring us your interoperability problems! You can also help by participating in the himss showcase scenario definitions.

You can do this by:

  1. Send us a note saying you’re interested so we can get you on the list-serves.
  2. Come to face to face meetings, and attend the telephone conferences.
  3. Submit your profile proposals by:
    • Fill out this template.
    • Submit the propsal draft to us.
    • Attend the november planning meeting to help clarify and prioritize your proposal
    • Follow up by submitting a the formal proposal
    • Attend the joint planning/technical meeting to explain your idea to the technical committee
    • Any additional resources you can provide toward the problem will help prioritize getting your proposal solidified more quickly.

As a Hospital Administrator

In addition to getting involved in the planning committee, hold your vendor accountable. Put a statement in your rfp that indicates you want the vendor to support the actor in the profile you desire.

As an Implementer

Get involved in the Technical Committee. Help make sure profiles are feasible and will work for you. Implement the profile, and come experience the Connectathon. Send us a note saying you’re interested so we can get you on the list-serves.

Profile Selection

These Brief Profile Proposals were selected by the planning committee for review for the 2007-2008 Development Cycle:

  • Research Data Capture Clarification
  • EMR Query (RFD Part2) for use with:
    • Public health repository uses (e.g. HRSA)
    • ACC repository
    • Clinical trials (e.g. CDISC)
    • Biosurveillance uses
    • Claims Situational data elements
    • Quality measure data extraction (incl pay for performance requirements)
    • Drug safety
    • Disease registry (overlap with d?)
    • Patient education and literacy tracking uses
    • Patient Selection Query for Clinical Trials
    • Cross System Data Query: CDASH
  • Emergency Department Encounter Record / ED to PCP transfer / ED to Surveillance Registry
  • Antepartum Ambulatory Prenatal Care Summary
  • Care Assessments & Assessment Instrument Content

These White Papers were selected to go forward for the 2007-2008 Development Cycle:

  • Case Management for:
    • Public Health Case Management Workflow
    • Cross System Protocol Insertion
    • Quality Report Document

These Detailed Profile Proposals were short-listed and evaluated by the Technical Committee

  • ...

These items were selected by the Planning Committee for this Cycle:

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
2007.02.25-2006-03.01 New Orleans, LA HIMSS 2007 HIMSS Interoperability Showcase

See Also

PCC Planning Committee

PCC Technical Committee

This page is based on the Domain Template.