DEV Domain F2F Apr 2024 SanDiego

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Meeting Week: April 15-19, 2024 Agenda Dates: April 16-18, 2024

Meeting Objectives


These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the programs and committees involved:
  • DEV Domain level Discussions
  • DEV PCD Program Discussion
  • DEV PCH Program Discussion
  • DEV DPi Program Discussion
Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

Meeting Location: BD Headquarters | 3750 Torrey View Court, San Diego, CA 92130
Suggested Hotel San Diego Marriott Del Mar
Address: 11966 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130
Phone: (858) 523-1700
Becton Dickinson rate: Call hotel directly to ask for the BD business rate
This property is only 10 minutes from BD office.
  • Tuesday, April 16 : Session 1: Pump Meeting - Session 2: Point-of-Care Identity Management
  • Wednesday, April 17 : PCD Planning Committee & PCD Technical Committee
  • Thursday, April 18 : Joint DEV Domain meeting (PCD+DPi+PCH)(9am to 1pm Pacific)
The schedule is proposed; actual meeting times may change during the week.
Daily Schedule - All times Pacific Daylight Savings Time
  • 08:30 - 12:00 Session #1
  • 1:00 - 17:00 Session #2

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

Teams Information

Topic: IHE DEV Domain April 2024 F2F - Tuesday, April 16

Pump & PCIM WG 8:30-5:00 PT
Meeting ID: 264 941 901 067
Passcode: Vbr8tu

Topic: IHE DEV Domain April 2024 F2F - Wednesday, April 17

Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committee 9:00-5:00 PT
Meeting ID: 298 396 190 082
Passcode: 6hcv7e

Topic: IHE DEV Domain April 2024 F2F - Thursday, April 18

Devices Domain Planning and Technical Committee 9:00-5:00 PT
Meeting ID: 266 821 876 147
Passcode: FjuXDt

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when available will be found at the [2024-04 DEV F2F Devices Google Drive] unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


PCD Work Program Co-Chairs:
  • DEV Planning Committee Co-Chair: Kurt Elliason (ICU Medical), [Rob Wilder (Spok)]
  • DEV Technical Committee Co-chair [Tom Kowalczyk, (BBraun Medical)] and [Lisa Diggett (Becton Dickenson)]
PCH Work Program Co-Chairs:
  • DEV Planning Committee Co-Chair: [TBD]
  • DEV Technical Committee Co-chair [Javier Espina (Philips)]
- Device Point-of-Care Interoperability Program Co-Chairs:


Tuesday, April 16

Chair: Kurt Elliason
On site:
Chair: Kurt Elliason

Wednesday, April 17

PCD Planning and Technical
Chair: Kurt Elliason
On site:

Thursday, April 18

DEV Planning and Technical
On site:

Meeting notes

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 (Pump & PCIM Workgroups)

Date Hours Committees Topics
Tuesday 07:30 - 8:30 breakfast in conf room
Tuesday Pt. 1 08:30 - 12:00 Pump WG Meeting
CP for PCD-03 appendix example corrections - 10 min
Flush Whitepaper 15APR24 update review - 20 min
PCD-03 Error code consolidation - 20 min
IPEC/DEC Containment model - 30 min
Break (9:50-10:00)
Digital barcodes, how to standardize the information encoded in the barcodes - 30 min
Use of RXG/OBX in PCA PIV, what orders look like, how they are constructed. - 30 min
Multistep/bolus orders, how to create example orders - 30 min
ACM discussion, reporting of online/offline - 30 min
Review action items

Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Tuesday Pt. 2 1:00 - 5:00 PCIMWG Meeting
  • Status Update on latest PCIM spec – Draft for Public Comment
  • CAT/HIMSS24 related feedback topics
PRT 4.3 and whether we need a change proposal to state that name of coding system must be specified
New message type needed for DEV-51 and DEV-52 due to PRT segment definition (not present in ORU_R01)
Discuss tests at CAT24 and related changes to existing tests and identification of additional
2024 PCIM Tests
OBR-7 and 8 timestamp requirements review
PRT-10 standardization
Definitively identify updates to an initial association through the use of OBR-3 (Filler Order Number) and OBR-29.2 (Parent.Filler Assigned Identifier)
  • Break (2:50-3:00)
  • Next Steps
DPAM->DPAR Application ACK and simple ACK message type or custom message type? What do we need in the message structure besides error codes?
DPAR/DPAC Initiator connection management and reuse option (allows manager to initiate new connections back for application ack, real-time publishing)
MEMDMC -> PCIM interface option for automating device registration and real-time endpoint configuration
FHIR interface(s) options for DPAC<->DPAM functionality, especially retrospective query capabilities
5:00 Review action items

Wednesday April 17, 2024 (PCD Work Program committee)

Date Hours Committees Topics
Wednesday 07:30 - 8:00 breakfast in conf room
Wednesday Pt. 0 08:00 - 10:00 PCD Program Planning and Technical Committee (PC&TC)
  • FDA webinar on their ASCA program (meeting room will be available at 8am for those on site to watch as a group.)
Wednesday Pt. 1 10:15 - 12:00 PCD Program Planning and Technical Committee (PC&TC)
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve PCD Agenda (Kurt)
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans, and technical discussion)
- ACM (Rob W)
- ACM-NC Integration
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Monroe P)
FaceToFace Update
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- Pump (Kurt)
- IPEC (Kurt)
- PIV (Kurt)
- PCIM (Eldon, Tom)
- Physio monitor (John R)
No updates, not active at this time
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
No updates, currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- General update PCD TF (John R)
2023/24 PDF publication
Moving to GitHub publishing
Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Wednesday Pt. 2 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Continue PCD Planning and Technical Committee
  • Standards Coordination -45min
IEEE 11073
Device nomenclature standards (Paul S)
  • Marketing/Recruitment of PCD Globally
Discuss ways to promote PCD profiles outside the US
  • NA/EU Connectathon topics
  • Proposals -
  • PC&TC Action item review
- Complete DEV Domain Action Items
  • PC&TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Kurt & Tom)
Group dinner 6:00 - 8:00 PM Location TBD

Thursday April 18, 2024 (Devices Domain)

Quarter Time Committees Agenda Items
Thursday 07:30 - 8:30 breakfast in conf room
Thursday Pt. 1 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM DEV Planning and Technical Committee Meeting
- Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt)
- Welcome
  • 9:10 > Last Dev Joint Meeting DEV Joint 2023-04-26
  • 9:15 IHE International Board - DEV Town Hall (Todd/Ken)
  • 9:40 Program Summary Reports (20 minutes each)
  • DPI (9:40)
  • PCD (10:00)
  • PCH (10:20)
  • 10:45 - 11:00 Break
  • 11:00 Upcoming EU legislation - Ken 30 min
  • 11:30 AI Topics
Lunch 12:00 - 01:00 PM
Thursday Pt. 2 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM DEV PC & TC Continued
Afternoon (01:00)
- How to determine quorum and voter eligibility.
  • Discussion of how to manage DEV content other than DPI in IHE Github in conformance with HL7 Github policies
  • NA Connectathon 2025, Feb 3-7, 2025. Location TBD
- Complete DEV Domain Action Items
> Next steps and wrap up
  • Location, Dates of the DEV Fall 2024 F2F
2024 joint in person meet 11073 IEEE, at IEEE Headquarters 445 Hoes Ln., Piscataway, NJ 08854 Sept 10-12,2024
  • F2F Action Review (from this week)
  • Adjourn Joint DEV Spring Meeting 2024
4:00 > Meeting Adjournment

Action Items - PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings

Technical Committee:

Planning Committee:

DEV Home Page