MPD Agenda 2023.08.21

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  • Participants
Present Name
Jürgen Brandstätter
José Costa Teixeira
Anne van Berkel
Reinhard Egelkraut
Oliver Egger
Rutt Lindström
Marc Robberecht
Hernany Silva Costa Melo
Stephane Spahni
Sylvia Stein
Michael Tan
Leonidas Tzimis
Joao Almeida
Matthias Frohner
Triin Hirvlaan
Fernanda Bigolin
  • Agenda Approval

Action item list

Action item list


See GitHub Issues starting with "MPD work-item"

  • Areas of work in this call:
  • Primary
  • Review Logical Model Draft
  • Secondary
  • Decide on method how to group Prescription items
  • Define set of transactions between the actors
  • Continue discussion on status handling
  • Continue work

Next meeting

  • Monday, September 4, 2023, 11:00-12:30 CEST

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