ITI Vocabulary Registry and Data Dictionary

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ITI Vocabulary Registry and Data Dictionary

This page lists various vocabularies and data dictionaries that are under the control of the ITI Committee. Please do not edit this without coordinating your activity with the ITI Committee. It is supposed to be a safe reference for currently assigned terms, etc. Some terms should not be assigned permanent values here until after the ITI profile documentation is complete.

Volume 1, Section Numbers

Section Number and Name Profiles
3 RID Request Information For Display
4 EUA Enterprise User Authentication
5 PIX Patient Identifier Cross Reference
6 PSA Patient Synchronized Application
7 CT Consistent Time
8 PDQ Patient Demographics Query
9 ATNA Audit Trail and Node Authentication
10 XDS Cross Enterprise Document Sharing
11 PWP Personnel White Pages
12 NAV Notification of Document Availability
13 XUA Cross Enterprise User Assertion
14 PAM Patient Administration
15 XDR Cross Enterprise Reliable Interchange
16 XDM Cross Enterprise Media Interchange
17 RFD Request Form for Data capture
18 XCA Cross Community Access
19 BPPC Basic Patient Privacy Consents
20 XDS-SD Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Scanned Documents
21 SVS Sharing Value Sets
22 DRR Document-based Referral Request
23 PIXV3 Patient Identifier Cross-referencing HL7 V3
24 PDQV3 Patient Demographics Query HL7 V3
25 MPQ Multi-Patient Queries
26 DSUB Document Metadata Subscription
27 XCPD Cross-Community Patient Discovery
28 HPD Healthcare Provider Directory
29 XCF Cross Community Fetch
30 XDW Cross Enterprise Workflow
31 XAD-PID Change Management Integration Profile
32 DEN Document Encryption
33 MHD Mobile access to Health Documents
34 IUA Internet User Authorization
35 CSD Care Services Discovery
36 PLT Patient Location Tracking
37 DSG Document Digital Signature
38 PDQm Patient Demographics Query for Mobile
39 SeR Secure Retrieve
40 XCDR Cross-Community Document Reliable Interchanges
41 PIXm Patient Identifier Cross Reference for Mobile
42 mACM Mobile Alert Communication Management
43 APPC Advanced Patient Privacy Consents
44 RMD Remove Metadata and Documents
45 mXDE Mobile Cross-Enterprise Document Data Element Extraction
46 mCSD Mobile Care Services Discovery
47 NPFSm Non-patient File Sharing
48 RMU Restricted Metadata Update
49 PRIM Patient Resource Identity Management
50 MHDS Mobile Health Document Sharing
51 SVCM Sharing Valuesets, Codes, and Maps
52 BasicAudit Basic Audit Logging Patterns
53 PCF Privacy Consent on FHIR

Volume 1, Appendices

Appendix Appendix Title
A Actor Descriptions
B Transaction Description
C IHE Integration Statements
D User Authentication Techniques - passwords, Biometrics, and Tokens
E Cross Profile Considerations
F Request to Standards Development Organizations
G Security Considerations
H Intentionally Left Blank
I Intentionally Left Blank
J Content and Format of XDS Documents
K XDS Concept Details
L XDS Affinity Domain Definition Checklist
M Cross Enterprise Document Sharing and IHE Roadmap
N Examples of Using Digital Signatures
P Privacy Access Policies
Q IHE Encryption Overview

Volume 2 Transaction and Section Numbers

ITI subset of the codeSystem urn:ihe:event-type-code

Volume 2a, Transaction and Section Numbers

Number Section Name and Transaction Name
ITI-01 Maintain Time
ITI-02 Get User Authentication
ITI-03 Get Service Ticket
ITI-04 Kerberized Communication
ITI-05 Join Context
ITI-06 Change Context
ITI-07 Leave Context
ITI-08 Patient Identity Feed
ITI-09 PIX Query
ITI-10 Pix Update Notification
ITI-11 Retrieve Specific Information for Display
ITI-12 Retrieve Document for Display
ITI-13 Follow Context
ITI-14 Register Document Set
ITI-15 Provide and Register Document Set
ITI-16 Query Registry
ITI-17 Retrieve Document
ITI-18 Stored Query
ITI-19 Authenticate Node
ITI-20 Record Audit Event
ITI-21 Patient Demographic Query
ITI-22 Patient Demographic Visit Query
ITI-23 Find Personnel White Pages
ITI-24 Query Personnel White Pages
ITI-25 Send Notification
ITI-26 Receive Notifications
ITI-27 Send Acknowledgement
ITI-28 Receive Acknowledgement
CLOSED All future transactions go in 2b

Volume 2b, Transaction and Section Numbers

Number Section Name and Transaction Name
ITI-29 Cross Enterprise User Authentication (Cancelled in favor of ITI-40)
ITI-30 Patient Identity Management
ITI-31 Patient Encounter Management
ITI-32 Distribute Document Set on Media
ITI-33 Send Document Set (Unused)
ITI-34 Retrieve Form
ITI-35 Submit Form
ITI-36 Archive Form
ITI-37 Retrieve Clarifications
ITI-38 Cross Gateway Query
ITI-39 Cross Gateway Retrieve
ITI-40 Provide X-User Assertion
ITI-41 Provide and Register Document Set-b
ITI-42 Register Document Set-b
ITI-43 Retrieve Document Set
ITI-44 Patient Identity Feed HL7 V3
ITI-45 PIXV3 Query
ITI-46 PIXV3 Update Notification
ITI-47 Patient Demographics Query HL7 V3
ITI-48 Retrieve Value Set
ITI-49 Convey Printed Referral Request
ITI-50 Request Referral
ITI-51 Multi-Patient Query
ITI-52 Document Metadata Subscribe
ITI-53 Document Metadata Notify
ITI-54 Document Metadata Publish
ITI-55 Cross Gateway Patient Discovery
ITI-56 Patient Location Query
ITI-57 Update Document Set
ITI-58 Provider Information Query
ITI-59 Provider Information Feed
ITI-60 Retrieve Multiple Value Sets
ITI-61 Register On-Demand Document Entry
ITI-62 Delete Document Set
ITI-63 Cross Gateway Fetch
ITI-64 Notify XAP-PID Link Change
CLOSED All future transactions go in 2c

Volume 2c, Transaction and Section Numbers

Number Section Name and Transaction Name
ITI-65 Provide Document Bundle
ITI-66 Find Document Manifests
ITI-67 Find Document References
ITI-68 Retrieve Document
ITI-69 Create Destroy Pull Point
ITI-70 Pull Notification
ITI-71 Get Authorization Token
ITI-72 Incorporate Authorization Token
ITI-73 Find Matching Services
ITI-74 Query for Updated Services
ITI-75 Care Services Free Busy Query
ITI-76 Patient Location Tracking Feed
ITI-77 Patient Location Tracking Query
ITI-78 Mobile Patient Demographics Query
ITI-79 Authorization Decisions Query
ITI-80 Cross-Gateway Document Provide
ITI-81 Retrieve ATNA Audit Event
ITI-82 Retrieve Syslog Event
ITI-83 Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query
ITI-84 Mobile Report Alert
ITI-85 Query for Alert Status
ITI-86 Remove Documents
ITI-87 Submit File
ITI-88 Search File
ITI-89 Update Document Reference
ITI-90 Find Matching Care Services
ITI-91 Request Care Services Updates
ITI-92 Restricted Update Document Set
ITI-93 Mobile Patient Identity Feed
ITI-94 Subscribe To Patient Updates
ITI-95 Query Value Set
ITI-96 Query Code system
ITI-97 Expand Value Set
ITI-98 Lookup Code
ITI-99 Validate Code
ITI-100 Query Concept Map
ITI-101 Translate Code
ITI-102 Introspection
ITI-103 Get Authorization Server Metadata
ITI-104 Mobile Patient Identity Cross-Reference Feed
ITI-105 Simplified Publish
ITI-106 Generate Metadata
ITI-107 Cross Gateway Revoke
ITI-108 Get Consent Access Token
ITI-109 Introspect Consent Token
ITI-110 Access Consent

Volume 2x, Appendices

Appendix Appendix Title
A Web Service Definition for Retrieve Specific Information for Display and Retrieve Document for Display Transaction
B Definition of Document Unique IDs
C HL7 Profiling Conventions
D Cross-Profile Interactions of PIX and PSA
E Usage of CX Data Type in PID-3 Patient Identifier List
F (available)
G Transition from Radiology Basic Security to ATNA
H Intentionally Left Blank
I Intentionally Left Blank
J Intentionally Left Blank
K XDS Security Environment
L Relationship of Document Entry Attributes and Document Headers
M Using Patient Demographics Query in a Multi-Domain Environment
N Common Data Types (wiki said NAV Service Binding but that doesn't seem to exist)
O HL7v3 Transmission and Trigger Event Control Act Wrappers
P Examples of messages
Q Available
R Media Formats
S Examples of Portable Media Content Organization
T Use of EMail (Informative)
U Available
V Web Services for IHE Transactions
W Implementation Material
X Basic Unstructured WOrkflow Definition
Y Care Services Discovery Model
Z FHIR Implementation Material

Volume 3, Section 5 Content Section Numbers

Number Section Name and Content Module Name
5.1 Basic Patient Privacy Consents (BPPC)
5.2 Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Scanned Documents (XDS-SD)
5.3 Document Encryption (DEN)
5.4 Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow (XDW)
5.5 Document Digital Signature (DSG)
5.6 Advanced Patient Privacy Consents (APPC)
5.7 Basic Audit Logging Patterns

Volume 4, Section Numbers

Section Number Section Name and Nation
3 United States
4 France
5 Germany

Coded Terminology

Code Value Default Code Meaning Definition
urn:ihe:iti:xdw:2011:unspecworkflow Unspecified Workflow Identifies that the related activity is an unspecified kind of workflow activity. This is primarily used for testing and other ad hoc workflows.
urn:ihe:iti:csd:2013 Namespace for CSD 2013 profile.
urn:ihe:iti:csd:2013:directoryModificationsRequest Action ID for CSD Directory Modifications Request
urn:ihe:iti:csd:2013:directoryModificationsResponse Action ID for CSD Directory Modifications Response
urn:ihe:iti:csd:2013:contactPoint Schema identification for CSD contact point
urn:ihe:iti:csd:21367:x Used for Connectathon testing of CSD
urn:ihe:iti:pixm:2016 Used to define codes in the PIXm profile. Initially vocabulary elements for OperationOutcome
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:author-institution:id Used to identify an authorInstitution (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:author-person:id Used to identify an authorPerson (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:availability-status Used to identify the DocumentEntry.availabilityStatus (see ITI TF-3:, the SubmissionSet.availabilityStatus (see ITI TF-3:, or the Folder.availabilityStatus (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:community-id Used to identify the community holding the resource in question in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:source-system-id Used to identify the SubmissionSet.sourceId (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:class-code Used to identify the DocumentEntry.classCode (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:confidentiality-code Used to identify a DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:creation-time Used to identify the DocumentEntry.creationTime (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:event-code Used to identify an entry in the DocumentEntry.eventCodeList (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:healthcare-facility-type-code Used to identify the DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:legal-authenticator:id Used to identify the DocumentEntry.legalAuthenticator (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:reference-id Used to identify an entry in the DocumentEntry.referenceIdList (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:practice-setting-code Used to identify the DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:service-start-time Used to identify the DocumentEntry.serviceStartTime (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:service-stop-time Used to identify the DocumentEntry.serviceStopTime (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:source-patient-id Used to identify the DocumentEntry.sourcePatientId (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:type-code Used to identify the DocumentEntry.typeCode (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:related-folder:id Used to identify a Folder.uniqueId of a Folder linked to a DocumentEntry through an active association (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:document-entry:related-folder:code Used to identify a Folder.codeList entry of a Folder linked to a DocumentEntry through an active association (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:resource-type Used to distinguish between different types of XACML resource, e.g., DocumentEntry, Folder, SubmissionSet in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:folder:code Used to identify an entry in the Folder.codeList (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:folder:last-update-time Used to identify the Folder.lastUpdateTime (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:submission-set:content-type Used to identify the SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:submission-set:submission-time Used to identify the SubmissionSet.submissionTime (see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:submission-set:intended-recipient:id Used to identify a SubmissionSet.intendedRecipient (when using XCN or XON, see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:iti:appc:2016:submission-set:intended-recipient:email Used to identify a SubmissionSet.intendedRecipient (when using XTN, see ITI TF-3: in a Privacy Consent Document
urn:ihe:event-type-code Used to identify a IHE Transaction numbers when used in ATNA messages. For example in ITI-43 the audit message EventTypeCode is defined as EV(“ITI-43”, “IHE Transactions”, “Retrieve Document Set”). urn:ihe:event-type-code is the URI/URN equivalent of "IHE Transactions" for the codesystem.
urn:ihe:iti:npfs:2017:class-codes A value set identifying class-codes used in NPFS profile.
urn:ihe:iti:xca:2010:homeCommunityId The value of the Home Community ID assigned to the Community
urn:ihe:iti:mcsd:2019:facility A Facility This code represents that a FHIR Organization or Location resource is a Facility by using this value in the type element.

See Also

The IT Infrastructure Technical Framework is the official master document.