Pharm Tech Minutes 2022.12.06

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  • Participants
    • Hernany
    • Leonidas
    • Anne
    • Sylvia

  • Review and Approve Agenda

IHE Pharmacy workgroup health

  • strategy and future of IHE Pharmacy
    • Need to find customers who are willing to implement.
      • FMD for the barcodes (UBP)
      • Supply chain

    • EAHP 1 representative
    • Nictiz will bring a candidate co-chair for IHE Pharmacy. Esther Peelen is a possible candidate.
    • GS1 Anne and Sylcia wll discuss possibilites
    • WHO
    • OpenHIE

Planning Schedule

  • Current version: Schedule 2022-2023
  • The dates for the F2F in Netherlands have been set to 2nd and 3d of March 2023

Work items

Medication Lists

  • NCPDP has approached Jose on Medication list
  • Switzerland has also worked on the medication list.
  • Can we combined the efforts and make it global.
  • Netherlands is also working on a medication list.
  • We need to store our minutes and models in one location.
  • Jose will create a repository where we store our profile.

Supply topic

    • Use cases and transactions have been defined.
    • We do not have the technical transactions yet.
    • Expect to finish end of the year.
    • Need additional slides to explain what the transactions are to provide.
    • Need a new serie of calls.
    • Next call is for December 15th 3:30 pm. Leonidas has to be invited.

Any other business

ISO will review prescriptions (ISO/TS 17523) and dispenses (ISO/TS 19293). These are logical models. Jose and Michael are involved.