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Medical Equipment Management - Location Services (MEM LS) profile communicates location observation and status associated with people (staff, patients), medical devices, and RTLS tag information (identification, battery status, environmental values, operator interactions).


The Medical Equipment Management - Location Services (MEM LS) profile defines an HL7 V2 message for communication of detailed information about location observations to information consuming systems which might include equipment management systems, as well as other location services systems for implementing capabilities such as moving maps.


  • Identifies medical devices on the network
  • Communicates last known location information regarding people (staff, patients) and medical devices
  • Communications area dwell and boundary transition information
  • Communications Real Time Location Services (RTLS) active tage information, such as battery status
  • Communicates event information with the exception of alerts (technical alarms) which are communicated using the Alert Communication Management (ACM) PCD profile


This profile consists of reporting and consuming actors and a report transaction from reporter to consumer with receipt confirmation acknowledgement.

Systems Affected

Patient care devices. RTLS systems. Medical device maintenance management systems.

Actors & Transactions:


Location Observation Reporter - The Location Observation Reporter (LOR) actor produces or transmits location observation, dwell, boundary transition, and status observations.

Location Observation Consumer - The Location Observation Consumer (LOC) actor consumes or receives location observations.


Report location Observation - The Report Location Observation (RLO) transaction contains observations of last known location, dwell, boundary transition, and RTLS tag specific information, such as battery status, environmental information (temperature, pressure, humidity, gases), orientation information (from accelerometers and gyroscopes associated with MEMS sensors), and tag operator interaction information (button presses). Upon receipt of the RLO transaction by the receiving LOC actor shall send a receipt acknowledge message.

Location information can be formatted as HL7 v2 Person Location (PL) facility structured information (for use inside of hospitals), X/Y/Z offsets from a defined base (useful for moving maps), or as GNSS/GPS coordinates (outdoors).


Profile Status: Trial Implementation


Underlying Standards:

  • HL7
  • IEEE 11073-10101

See Also

IEEE P1847 Location Services for Healthcare (LS-H) Working Group (WG) which references MEM-LS for data communication.

ACM Documents Page

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