DEV Domain F2F Oct 2020 Webex

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Paul Sherman, PCD TPM

Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • DEV Domain level Discussions
  • DEV PCD Program Discussion
Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals;Adjourn Joint PC&TC meeting. contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

- Virtual via Webex (Info below)

- To assist European participants, all meetings will be morning meetings, with a meeting on Friday.
the times will be 9AM EDT - 1PM EDT
Monday : Pump Working Group
Tuesday : Joint DEV Domain meeting (PCD+DPi+PCH), PCD Planning Committee
Wednesday : PCD Planning and Technical Committees
Thursday, : PCD Technical Committee
Friday, : PCD Technical Committee
The schedule is proposed; actual meeting times may change during the week.
Daily Schedule - All times Eastern Daylight Time (US)
  • 09:00 - 11:00 Session #1
  • 11:15 - 13:00 Session #2

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

From the DEV PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:

No current open Action Items

From the DEV PCD TC Action Items: PCD Technical Committee Action Items:

196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
201 Pump utilization - publicizing
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional

Webex Support

Because of COVID-19, these meetings will be held via Webex. The links will are provided below.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password is included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

The IHE Webex page is [IHE Webex]

DEV PCD Meetings
- Monday, October 5: DEV PCD Pump WG: Meeting Number: 145 575 8268
- Tuesday, Oct 6: DEV Domain joint, followed by DEV PCD PC: Meeting Number: 145 230 3641
- Wednesday Oct 7: Joint DEV PCD PC&TC and TC: Meeting Number: 145 257 7058
- Thursday Oct 8: DEV PCD TC: Meeting Number: 145 546 3377
- Friday, Oct 9: DEV PCD TC: Meeting Number: 145 767 6035
PCH Meetings:
- Tuesday, Oct 6: DEV Domain joint: Meeting Number: 145 230 3641
DPi Meetings:
- Tuesday, Oct 6: DEV Domain joint: Meeting Number: 145 230 3641

Updated 8/10/2020 PRS

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when available will be found at the [New Devices Google Drive] unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda

Monday, October 5 (PCD Pump Workgroup)

Date Hours Committees Topics

Monday 09:00 - 1:00 PCD Pump workgroup
  • Morning (09:00-1:00)
  • 9:15
Pump Terms containment model update - 1.5hr
Are all terms correct and unambiguous?
Identify any missing comments/descriptions for terms.
Identify any deprecated/withdrawn terms.
Decision on readiness of terms for IEEE 10101b
  • Break (10:45-11:00)
  • 1:00 > Meeting Adjournment

Tuesday Oct 6, 2020

Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 Joint IHE Devices (DEV) Meeting
  • 09:00 > IHE IP Management Process (Kurt)
  • 09:05 > Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt and Thom)
  • 09:20 > Welcome (15 minutes)
  • 09:30 > Program Reports (20 minutes each)
09:30 PCD
09:50 PCH
10:10 DPI
  • IHE International Board - Update & Feedback (Todd)
  • Review 2020 Milestones - [1]
  • Domain Discussions
Domain vs. Program decisions (Profiles, CPs, etc.) (Paul Sherman)

Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Tuesday Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM Joint IHE Devices (DEV) Meeting Continued
  • 11:15 >
New Proposals
- DPI - Medical Device Interoperability Reference Architecture (MDIRA)
DEV PC Action Items: DEV PC Action Items
- 002 Board Review
- 003 Wiki Web Updates
- 004 Finalize the DEV Cochair Leadership (PCD vs DEV TC & PC) - Call for Domain Cochairs. Put forth 2 names for the DEV Ballot
Ballot currently open - results or finish vote (Michael)
Proposed schedule for Spring 2021 F2F
- If Virtual
Tuesday AM Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Thurs AM TC
Friday AM Joint DEV
- If Live
Tuesday Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Wed PM and Thurs AM TC
Thurs PM Joint DEV
  • 12:45 > Next steps and wrap up
  • 13:00 > Adjourn Joint DEV Meeting

updated 10/02/2020

Wednesday Oct 7, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Wednesday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:15 AM
  • 09:00 > Joint DEV PCD PC/TC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve Joint PC&TC Agenda (Kurt)
  • Five year plan
No current plan
- 2017 Roadmap
- and 2011 Plan Notes
  • Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.
  • Location, Dates of the DEV PCD 2021 Spring F2F
Adjourn Joint DEV PCD PC&TC meeting.
Break 11:15 - 11:30 AM
Thursday Pt. 2 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
11:30 > Start DEV PCD PC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (Kurt)
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Kurt)
- IPEC (Kurt)
- Pump (Kurt)
- PCIM (John R)
- Physio monitor (John R)
  • General update PCD TF) (John R)
- EC (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
None as of 9/30/2020
Adjourn Planning Committee meeting

Updated 10/02/2020 PRS

Thursday Oct 8, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Thursday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 AM
  • 09:00 > COpen DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
  • DEV PCD Program review:
ACM (Monroe P)
MEM DMC (Monroe P)
MEM LS (Monroe P)
DEC (John R)
EC (John R)
PIV (Kurt)
IPEC (Kurt)
Pump (Kurt)
DPI (John R)
Physio monitor (John R)
PCIM (John R)
Vent (Paul Schluter)
IDCO (Alexander Kraus)
RTM (Paul Schluter)
Quiet Hospital
Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Thursday, Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 11:15 > Continued topic discussions
PCD TC Action item review
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
201 Pump utilization - publicizing
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional

updated 10/02/2020 PRS

Friday, Oct 9, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Friday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 AM
  • 09:00 > Continue DEV PCD TC Meeting

Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Friday, Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 11:15 > Continued topic discussions

F2F Action Review (from this week)
- DEV - PCD Program
If approved, schedules for Spring 2021 F2F
- If Virtual
Tuesday AM Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Thurs AM TC
Friday AM Joint DEV
- If Live
Tuesday Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Wed PM and Thurs AM TC
Thurs PM Joint DEV

  • > TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Fournier)

updated 10/02/2020 PRS

Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO


Monday Oct 1

Tuesday, Oct 2

Wednesday, Oct 3

Thursday, Oct 4

Friday, Oct 5


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Monday Pump WG Meeting

Note - this is Spring F2F notes, pump group will edit

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Reviewed IHE IP Management Process


Agenda approved


2 MEMDMC terms for pumps and MEMDMC Battery status
Added MDS terms to VMD as optional if there multiple modules.
MDC_ATTR_ID_SOFT term needs to be checked. Looked in 10201 for definition.
From 10201 "Soft-Id. MDC_ATTR_ID_SOFT. OCTET STRING. Settable, e.g., hospital inventory number."
Discussion of battery terms, Dalibor expressed need for Low battery indication. We have terms for Battery charge level and time remaining. Also have events for battery low and depleted that could be used.

3 Bolus from existing Infusion
Given Clinician Bolus (CH)
Need clarification on whether the ‘O’ on Bolus from existing infusion table should really be ‘X’
Should be 'O', since some EMR vendors always send TQ1.
Confirm: MDCX_INFUSION_PROGRAM_TYPE to be used to signify type, while RXG-15/16, TQ1, and MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP to define values
Need clarification on what MDCX_INFUSION_PROGRAM_TYPE “continuous” is expected to be used for -- Need CP Should be OBX-3 with enumeration of "clinician dose"
Titration (XO)
Remove “not valid for PCA” means not valid for PCA device type, revisit in the future if it should be for PCA Basal rate only. Need input from EMR vendors. Typically a change to a PCA pump would be a new order.
Intermittent Bolus
Need these segments available for PCD-03
Need clarification on whether “MDC_TIME_PD_PROG” is needed
defer to pump terms discussion later today

4 Pump Terms containment model update
Brian working with a MongoDB. Created a pump MDS containment generator supports 01, 10, need to add 03. Could support others
could put it on a website so the group can review and comment

5 Pump alert/alarm events and Mapping of detailed pump events to broader 11073 terms
Reviewed content of ListParSrcEvt.3o.x3u.2020-04-20T16.P3-expanded-displayText.xls
Targeting August to start ballot process
Would like description of infusion pump for standard. Dialysis has 8 page description
6 ACM state changes
Need to make sure REFIDs work well with state machines

Action(s): See above

Tuesday Joint PCD/PCH/DPi Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
DEV Domain Mar 25, 2020 DEV Joint 2020-03-25 Webex



3 Agenda Items

  • 09:05 > Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt and Thom)
  • Program Reports
Presentations will be on the Google Driver.
  • Next steps and wrap up

Adjourn Joint DEV Committee (PC)



Tuesday DEV PCD PC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Minutes approved



3 Agenda Items
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Jeff R)
- Pump (Kurt, Jeff R.)
- IPEC (Kurt)
- PCIM (John R)
- Physio monitor (John R)
  • General update PCD TF) (John R)
- EC (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
None as of 8/10/2020

Adjourn PCD Planning Committee (PC)



Wednesday Joint PCD PC&TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
IHE IP Management Process


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

Joint PC&TC Meeting Adjourned



  • Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.
Close, refer to Tiger Team and start as a DEV Action Item.
  • Fall F2F
DEV decision refer to Tiger Team

Thursday/Friday PCD TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved
IHE IP Management Process
Announcements –
- Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

PCD Program review:

F2F Action Review (from this week)


  • Spring F2F

No Follow-up action for TC, most relevant are at DEV level.

TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Kowalczyk)

TC Meeting Adjourned


Action Items - PCD PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Action Items - PCD TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings

DEV Domain Meeting:

Technical Committee:

Planning Committee: