Pharm Tech Minutes 2020.07.02

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  • Jose Costa Teixeira
  • Esther Peelen
  • Stephane Spahni
  • Leonidas Tzimis
  • Marc Robberecht
  • Michael Tan

IHE Pharmacy reporting

  • IHE Pharmacy Board Report
    • should look at strategic webpage. replace epSos with CBeHIS
    • action: co-chairs and board members should updated the document
  • Update DCC planning Planning Chart
    • action: has to be done some other time

Greece presentation of National Framework:

  • Goal is to introduce the IHE Pharmacy profiles to IT professionals. Presented by Alexander Boerle, Karima
  • Series of 8 meetings. Participants will receive certificate on completion of the series.
  • Each region has it's own system in Greece. This is an attempt to let institutions become familiar with IHE.

F2F meetings

  • European Connectathon :
    • scheduled for 2d November
  • IHE Pharmacy
    • Plan a F2F in October: week of 22nd-23nd October.
    • Location not known : suggestions?

Documentation Publication topics

  • Jose has discussed with Chris Carr and he expects to have a server to publish the profiles. Since then no news.
  • FHIR meeting planned today.

Medication lists

  • nothing new


  • Belgium insitution is intending to create FHIR profiles to be reused by IHE.
  • It is focussing of the medication administration.
  • There is also a Chafea report European Project on the European Vaccination Card
  • The inception report is not public available, but has been distributed under embargo by Michael
  • Action: Michael will send the document to Jose.


  • The team is progressing with logical models; FHIR resources inventory to be proposed.
  • Next step is to produce the profile. Question how to publish.
  • Action: Esther will provide a meeting agenda with a video call link.
  • The meetings are Wednesdays from 16:00-17:30 hours.


  • Newletter from IHE Europe. Need more topics. Members could add announcements.
  • Approach Esther if you have news to share.
  • Link to webinar has been fixed.
  • search for new content for shorter webinars.
  • Example of the presentation of IPS. 200 secs.

Any other business

  • Belgium is active with encryption. Jose searching for useful material.
  • Switzerland has material which will be published soon.

Pharmacy Technical Committee