DEV Domain F2F Apr 21-24, 2020 Webex

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Please NOTE: Agenda created March 16 - still being edited.

Paul Sherman, PCD TPM

Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
  • Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

- Virtual via Webex

- To assist European participants, all meetings will be morning meetings, with a meeting on Friday.
the times will be 8AM EDT - 1PM EDT
Tuesday April 21: Pump Working Group
Wednesday April 22: Joint PCD/PCHA meeting, PCD Planning Committee, PCH Meeting
Thursday, April 23: PCD Planning and Technical Committees, PCH Meeting
Friday, April 24: PCD Technical Committee
The schedule is proposed; actual meeting times may change during the week.
Daily Schedule -
  • 08:00 - 10:15 Session #1
  • 10:30 - 13:00 Session #2

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

From the PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:

168 Execute Stakeholder Survey

From the TC Action Items: PCD Technical Committee Action Items:

196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
201 Pump utilization - publicizing
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional
204 Gazelle and Proxy and NIST Tool improvements

Webex Support

Because of COVID-19, these meetings will be held via Webex. The links will are provided below.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password is different, and has been included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

The HIMSS Webex page is [HIMSS Webex]

PCD Meetings
- Tuesday morning, April 21: Pump WG: Meeting Number:
- Tuesday afternoon, April 21: Pump WG: Meeting Number:
- Wednesday morning, April 22: PC: Meeting Number:
- Thursday morning April 23: PC&TC: Meeting Number:
- Friday morning, April 24: TC: Meeting Number:
PCH Meetings:
- Wednesday morning, April 22: Meeting Number:
- Thursday morning April 23: Meeting Number:
- Friday morning, April 24: Meeting Number:

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when available will be found at the [ftp site] unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda

Tuesday, April 21 (Pump Workgroup)

Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday 08:30 - 4:15 Pump workgroup
  • Morning (08:30-12:00)
  • 8:45
CPs for Channel Relay - 1hr
  • Break (10:15-10:30)
CP for TCI - 30 min
MEMDMC terms for pumps - 30 min
Status update on Multi-step - 30 min
Status update on program specific drug library limits - 30 min
  • Lunch (12:00-1:00)
  • Afternoon (1:00-4:00)
Pump Terms containment model update - 1hr
Use of Systematic names - 1hr
  • Break (3:00-3:15)
TBD - 1 hr
  • 4:15 > Meeting Adjournment

Wednesday April 22, 2020

Date Hours Committees Topics

Wednesday Pt. 1 08:00 - 10:15 Joint PCD/PCHA Meeting
IHE & PCD Overview (10 minutes)
PCHA & Continua Overview (10 minutes)
Joint Exploration Committee Overview & Status (20 minutes) (Thom and Todd)
- Market Opportunity Analysis
- Domain / Subdomain Scoping & Mapping
- Test Process & Tooling
Domain status
- Charter
- Goals & Objectives
- Organization
- Work Groups
- Roadmap
  • 10:00 > Adjourn Joint PCD/PCHA Meeting
Break 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Wednesday Pt. 2 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 10:30 > Start PC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (Kurt)
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Jeff R)
- Pump (Kurt, Jeff R.)
- IPEC (Kurt)
- RDQ (John R) - Suspended per April F2F.
- PCIM (John R)
- Physio monitor (John R)
  • General update PCD TF) (John R)
- EC (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
168 Execute Stakeholder Survey
1:00 > Adjourn Planning Committee meeting

Thursday April 23, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Thursday Pt. 1 08:00 - 10:15 AM
  • 08:00 > Joint PC/TC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve Joint PC&TC Agenda (Kurt)

  • IHE International Board - Update & Feedback (Todd)
  • Review 2019 Milestones - [1]
  • Five year plan
No current plan
- 2017 Roadmap
- and 2011 Plan Notes
  • Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.
  • Location, Dates of the DEV PCD 2020 Fall F2F

Adjourn Joint PC&TC meeting.

Break 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Thursday Pt. 2 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
10:30 > Open PCD Technical Committee (TC)
TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
Proposals -

  • PCD Program review:
ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
DEC (John R)
EC (John R)
IPEC (Al E, Jeff R)
PIV (Al E)
Pump (Al E, Jeff R.)
DPI (John R)
Physio monitor (John R)
PCIM (John R)
Vent (Paul Schluter)
IDCO (Paul Schluter)
RTM (Paul Schluter)
Quiet Hospital
- Standards Coordination
IEEE 11073 SC & PARs & EMBS SC (mobile, IoT, AI/ML)
Devices on FHIR

Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Friday Pt. 1 08:00 - 10:15 AM
  • 08:00 > Continue TC Meeting
TC Action item review
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
201 Pump utilization - publicizing
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional
204 Gazelle and Proxy and NIST Tool improvements

Break 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Friday, Pt. 2 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
> Continued topic discussions
F2F Action Review (from this week)

  • > TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Kowalczyk)

Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO


Tuesday, October 15

On Site: Morning: Al Engelbert (BBraun), Brian Witkowski (BBraun), Christophe Fournier (Fresenius), Dan Kernan (Epic), Jeff Rinda (ICU Medical), Ray Kan (Baxter), Tom Kowalczyk (BBraun), Todd Cooper ''

Afternoon: Al Engelbert (BBraun), Brian Witkowski (BBraun), Christophe Fournier (Fresenius), Dan Kernan (Epic), Jeff Rinda (ICU Medical), Paul Schluter (CMI), Ray Kan (Baxter), Tom Kowalczyk (BBraun), Todd Cooper, John Garguilo ''

Remote: "Ali Nakoulima(Cerner), Monroe Pattillo "

Wednesday, October 16

On Site: Brian Witkowski (BBraun), Christophe Fournier (Fresenius), Dan Kernan (Epic), Jeff Rinda (ICU Medical), Paul Schluter (CMI), Ray Kan (Baxter), Tom Kowalczyk (BBraun), Todd Cooper, John Garguilo, Thom Erickson, Kurt Elliason (Smiths), Rob Wilder (Spok), Paul Sherman, John Rhoads (Philips), John Donnelly, Amit Trivedi, Ken Fuchs (Draeger)

Remote: Ali Nakoulima(Cerner), Monroe Pattillo

Thursday, October 17

On Site:



Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Tuesday Pump WG Meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Reviewed IHE IP Management Process


Agenda approved


2 CPs for Channel Relay and TCI
Reviewed content of CP for channel relay
- add diagrams to CP and TF
- changes based on IPEC supplement, will follow up with John R to incorporate into TF
Reviewed content of CP for TCI
- changes based on IPEC supplement, will follow up with John R to incorporate into TF

3 MEMDMC terms for pumps
- Need to CP profile to clarify from specific to generic.
- New event MDCX_EVT_DEVICE_MANAGEMENT replaces other trigger events in existing OBR-4, Trigger events move to an OBX
4 Ststus updates
Status update on Multi-step
CPs have been done for TF, waiting for EMR and pump vendors to implement.
Status update on program specific drug library limits
tabled for now.

5 Pump Terms/RTMMS
Pump Terms containment model update
Demonstration of new graphical view
Use of Systematic names
- Will not use for pump terms. Will make sure we have a revised preamble that takes common terms and has good definition up front.

Action(s): See above

Wednesday Joint PCD/PCHA Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

  • 08:05 > Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt and Thom)
(Slides will be available on the PCD ftp site)
IHE & PCD Overview (10 minutes) (Todd)
- Todd - 15 years of work. How to ensure cooperation and clear delineation of responsibilities. At the time, most devices were regulated, so was clearer. Went through slides showing PCD process. Described Domains, Deployment Committees and sponsoring organizations. Discussed Plug-a-thons vs. Connectathons and Conformity Assessment.
PCHA & Continua Overview (10 minutes) (Thom)
- Explained why we’re here. Provided PCHA and Continua difference info; Continua is the engineering side. Provides design Guidelines for manufacturers, etc. Reviewed Implementation Framework. Working to minimize field confusion about who does what and the appearance of conflicting standards. Went over pain points. Reviewed progress to date, determined PCD best landing spot. Will integrate Continua Test Tool into Gazelle. Press release went out yesterday. Reviewed mapping Continua into IHE, fair amount of work to be done. Concern: Many Domains in PCHA could disappear in IHE. This should be discussed and resolved. SDO relationships need to stay well defined. That will be maintained and the relationships emphasized.
- Reviewed New Devices Domain and three “subdomains”. Subdomains are new, we may redefine it as needed going forward. Reviewed their foci. Sponsorship overview – new sponsors; and PCHA.
Thom reviewed PCH subdomain. Slides available.
Joint Exploration Committee Overview & Status (20 minutes) (Thom and Todd)
- Market Opportunity Analysis
- Domain / Subdomain Scoping & Mapping
- Test Process & Tooling
Vote on Proposal for PCD 2.0 Domain Reorganization -
- Rename PCD Domain to "Devices (DEV)" domain (Board endorsed)
How does this affect naming documents and transactions?
- and Create (3) DEV Subdomains:
  • Device Point-of-care Interoperability (DPI) - device-to-device Plug-and-play interoperability around bedside
  • Patient Care Devices (PCD) - enterprise integration
  • Personal Connected Health (PCH) - PCHAlliance "Continua"
Vote – Approved unanimously with two abstentions.
- Create Joint domain-wide coordination committees: Joint Planning Committee, Joint Technical Committee, Domain Coordination Committee
Launch Personal Connected Health Subdomain (60 minutes) (PCD and PCH)
- Charter
- Goals & Objectives
- Organization
- Work Groups
- Roadmap (2019-2020)

Adjourn Joint PCD/PCHA Committee (PC)


Voted: Rename PCD Domain to "Devices (DEV)and create (3) DEV Subdomains.
- Unanimous approval with two abstentions.


Wednesday PC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Minutes approved



3 Agenda Items

Reviewed current PCD programs

- ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
Slides on ftp site
PCD 06 and 07 tested? Yes, with multiple participants. 05 has not. Other Domains may need to change how they deliver messages to accommodate these notifications. Concerns for alert/alarm notifications, not really useful for patient safety issues. Has mACM been well tested? Not really, just a couple of data accumulators. No delivery expertise. Can’t really tell how they would use it. Monroe provided mACM background. ACM can add all the capabilities needed easily to PALM and Radiology; the vendors are about 10 years behind us.
- MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
Slides on ftp site
- MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
Slides on ftp site
Found ways to implement finding external locations. Teletracking is also involved. Waiting critical mass to bring others on board. It’s getting close
Slides on ftp site
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
Pretty stable, promoting its use.
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- Work continuing on, providing new terms. May be close to CN participation.
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Michael Faughn working on it. Paul’s been working on 10101b. 10101r is in IEEE publication. Also working on event and alert terms, collaborating with Stefan. Including about 7000 new terms. May be able to provide medical and technical alert numeric codes, will do it if there is a clear need to do so for Connectathon and Pre-CN. Put event codes in a separate ‘bucket’. Monday discussion at PHD vent meeting. Post meeting comment by Ken “They should at least include some waveforms”. Deeply concerned that they can’t use 90% of existing work.
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Jeff R)
- Two CPs approved earlier this year, will be in
- Pump (Al E, Jeff R.)
Met yesterday, have two CPs underway, will review them tomorrow
- IPEC (Al E)
In FT, it can changed in Gazelle as soon as published
- RDQ (John R) - Suspended per April 2019 F2F.
Can we show it’s suspended? No, nor much need to do so. May have new life in FHIR.
- PCIM (John R)
Percolating in the background, not much work lately.
- Physio monitor (John R)
Not much change. Good exemplar in Vol 3. Not much demand yet.
General update PCD TF) (John R)
- Well established, very open, easily added to. Some TF additions – Added semantics, no triggering requirement. Good add to MDS attributes following DIM. Have a TC Action Item underway, hope to work on it this year.
- Came from Korea CN. They plan on including SDPi. Held the CN at a hospital. Asked to include this in DEC. Asked about difference between FOU and this. Next formal step – PCD Planning Committee approval to go forth.
Motion: Start a DEC CP to include an option for HL7 FHIR transport. John Rhoads seconds. Discussion – Another appendix, make sure they are not interoperable. 10 approve, 5 abstain. Passes.
- EC (John R)
Theoretical except for IPEC. Expresses what it would look at.
-Table for future (remove from future agendas.
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- Table for future (remove from future agendas.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
168 Execute Stakeholder Survey
- Manny’s current survey underway and works. Can revisit when MARCOM. Close it.
"Quiet Hospital" Initiative (30 minutes)
- Overview / Update
- Approach for QH support in IHE DEV
- Roadmap for 2020
  • Discussion of Showcase deployment. Likely multiple vignettes, but Phil and Bronwen believe it focusses on one vignette. Alarms will apply across many vignettes anyway. This will be getting ‘ahead of the game’. This work closes the loop, which require work on the device mftcr part. Some regulatory concerns. Will depend on company policies and FDA rulings. The FDA may rule before HIMSS. Todd: In the process, part of a national movement. Many pieces are moving toward it. Can discuss during SPDi session this afternoon.
  • Marketing – Prep a 30 sec or so blurb saying this is on the way. This is a significant part of it – need a multi-vendor group to take this. We need help to prepare it, not getting much yet. Many Showcase vignettes this could apply to. May just need to change the way we talk to them about it. Todd will see if Bronwen is on site, maybe we can meet with her and hammer it out.
  • Since Monroe diagrammed the process, it’s much easier to explain it to others. The pieces are available and being tied together. We need to let clinicians know it’s available. HIMSS is the place to do it. The message needs to come from outside the vendor community (FDA, HIMSS, others). Todd has an HIMSS session approved.
Dinner tonight at Trillium Brewing – How many and what time?
  • 10 at 6PM
PCD 2.0 (Todd) (45 Minutes)
  • Much detail is in the slides for this session.
  • Reviewed timeline. Don’t need to solve everything today, but we should get this started. Bring both global promotion info together.
Specific topics
  • What is a Device? – No regulatory science for Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). Looked at how things changed in the last 15 years, discussed at 11073 meetings. How can we summarize in 1-2 bullet points what we’re trying to achieve? Trying to make our data more accessible? The enterprise piece is well integrated. Need to expand beyond the enterprise, which PCH can address.
  • Subdomains and Governance – How to manage decision making. A lot needs to be addressed. What are the problems? All votes happen at the Domain level, not sub-domain level. Concerns over one sub-domain dominating the overall domain, especially with patient safety awareness or knowledge.
  • Meetings?
Meet once a year at least. Different meeting cadences. When to meet next.
  • Single TF or multiple
  • Device use case compendium.
  • Transaction labels.
  • Testing and tooling.

Adjourn PCD Planning Committee (PC)



- Close Action Item 168 - Execute Stakeholder Survey

Wednesday Joint PC&TC Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Reviewed & approve Agenda (10 minutes)
Reviewed and approve PC/TC Meeting discussion summary
Reviewed PCD Calendar and Update "PCD ftp site [[2]]"


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair



September 18 PC/TC summary approved
3 Agenda Items

  • 3:40 > Joint PC/TC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve Joint PC&TC Agenda (Kurt)
  • IHE DEV - DPI Subdomain Launch (Todd)
Slides are on ftp site.
DPI Subdomain Overview
- Overview today, technical details tomorrow. Most items covered by slides, additional notes are below.
Devices prototyped, some in use in Europe.
- Action Item – Identify organizations actively using this and the modalities they are using it in.
Discussed OpenICE/MedPnP and possible integration into SPDi. It’s not provided many results yet, the DoD may be interested in our work. EEG may be a good use case. Addressed core standards.
Good to have an example for tomorrow to discuss and help understand process.
  • FHIR Upload TI (Brian R and Thom)
Brian described the transaction model and data flow. Using FHIR data model instead of PCD-01 per request of some designers. Does this support a containment tree? No. Is there a way to communicate this? No. Re-used some existing transactions. Testing – Group actors? There are some, need to group a consumer and creator. When registering at a test event, how would they register it? It passed through Steve Moore, he created the name, so they conform with the testing process. Extensive message and transaction discussion.detail

Adjourn PCD Joint Planning & Technical Committee (PC & TC) for the evening.

- Resume 8:30 AM Thursday.



Thursday Joint PC&TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
IHE IP Management Process


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items
08:30 > Resumed Joint PC&TC Meeting
  • IHE International Board - Update & Feedback (Todd)
Continue to add members, Scott Care. Steady membership, ~ 150. will join and sponsor SPDi. Some discussion on PCHA on business logistics. Challenges between IHE and HL7. Should have a formal HL7, IHE and HIMSS agreement soon. Our impact? Get a better Int’l platform to share our work. CASC moving along, taking over Gazelle. Concert is mothballed. Further certification discussion, unsure what its value is to us and our customers. Next F2F and CASC at RSNA
  • IHE DEV - DPI Subdomain Launch (Cont. from Wed Q4)(Todd)
Published WP in mid-August. Completed public comments in Sep. FDA had a lot of them. Will change title of on chapter. Some other comments, mostly international. Next – finalize and publish. Then execute roadmap. Will have five basic profiles. Have a three year plan, Stefan, Todd and Ken will work on Vol 1, hope to have it done by the end of the year. Will propose plug/Connectathons. Could have three CNS by next year – could go to FT. Where will the Compendium document live? Discussed the 3 year roadmap. Dev days are next activity. Hope for a 2020 plug-a-thon. Displayed timeline.
- Motion – Publish White Paper: 9 in favor, 2 abstain, passed
- Motion – Approve developing SDPi supplement as proposed in white paper: 9 in favor, 2 abstain, passed
  • TF Organization per Reorganization Plan
How to address a single TF that incorporates DEV general + DPI / PCD / PCH subdomain-specific content
Better use of Word to manage a broader set of developers
Process for TF & profile & testing coordination across domain (from proposing to balloting to publishing to testing)
Can use ITI doc as a model. IHE is familiar with this. How do we label our transactions? Answering this will address the ‘carved in stone’ contingent. Will smooth Vol2. Questions – Transaction labels and Transaction numbers? How to address this. Have transactions that are domain wide and used in all sub-domains. Will also have sub-domain specific transactions.
  • Prepare 2020 IHE Milestones
Review 2019 Milestones - [3]
  • Determine 2020 Milestone dates
Table for DEV Joint Planning Committee
  • POU Supplement - Review & Determination of plan for public comment => TI => CAT testing
Motion to accept the POU Supplement for Public Comment ) in favor, 7 against 5 abstain.
  • Motion fails
  • Comments –
Profile is not sufficiently mature for public comment.
Our intent is to work to achieve a viable document in the coming weeks.
Our recommendation is to target a NA Plug-a-thon in January and Connectathon in June.
Need to take the same approach for SPDi and PHD, as a full Domain method. This should be pursued in DEV Domain wide context, especially harmonizing PHD and POCD devices.
  • Survey of device condition and operation messaging (Manny/Paul)
Paul will send to TC members next week.
  • Five year plan review
All Paul could find is:
- 2017 Roadmap
- and 2011 Plan Notes
Table for Joint PC
  • Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.
Tabled for next Cochair meeting.
  • Location, Dates of the DEV PCD 2020 Spring F2F
Mayo looks good for POCD, Rob will check for combined.
Schedule discussion – Use 4 days. Tuesday AM for Pump, PC 2nd half of Tues, Joint PC/TC and part of TC on Wed. Finish TC Thurs. Full DEV Friday AM
Dates – Either week of April 13th or 20th. Rob will check.

Joint PC&TC Meeting Adjourned


Thursday TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved
IHE IP Management Process
Announcements –
- Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

10:45 > Open PCD Technical Committee (TC)
TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
Proposal Updates -
- Sterilizer (Paul)
a bit more interest, some slow progress.
  • PCD Program review:
ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
- Slides will be on ftp site
- CP to allow AR to provide supporting/alternate info. Quiet hospital work going well, no comment on this work, CP went to ballot. ACM been on fatigue work sideline, recent work is addressing that. Will add to glossary. Some work on ‘keep-alive’, needs more. Deprecating PCD-07 polling – not used, not really viable. Worked with PALM for lab alerts. Working on a message to pass LS info to other devices. Reiterated need to auto test AC actors. John will talk to Nicholas, also Michael Faughn may be able to put something together.
- Extensive discussion of the ‘keep-alive’ option. Source of the message will be adjustable to fit the situation. Need ability to ID and map equipment requirements to implementation and testing across whole domain. What is train to ensure the whole path works and the message stays viable. They’re still working on that, will likely involve ACM actor to focus message delivery. Idea is that concept needs to be consistent, but may not need a new transaction. Should not be ACM specific. Could benefit as a HL7 wide message. Will warrant further discussion. This covers all discussion of ‘keep alive’ scheduled for later. Tabled for now.
MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
- Slides will be on ftp site
- John G will send Hans a message in HL7 O&O to provide a unique trigger for PCD-16.
MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
- Slides will be on ftp site
MEM RDC (Rob and Monroe)
- Slides will be on ftp site
DEC (John R)
- Opportunity to provide new requests.
EC (John R)
- Tabled, remove from list
IPEC (Al E, Jeff R)
- No additional info.
PIV (Al E)
- Two CPs underway. Christophe; What is required to get them ready to vote? Complete them and send to Paul Sherman. Won’t be ready for a vote today.
Pump (Al E, Jeff R.)
- Remove from list.
DPI (John R)
- Have a live example up as a subdomain.
Physio monitor (John R)
- No update
PCIM (John R)
- Needs an update
Vent, IDCO, RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Slides will be on ftp site
- Work on these topics handles terminology. 10101 work is going well. Captured many devices and terms, vendors continue to contribute terms. Cleaning up some synonyms. Working on clinical procedure driven alert suppression. Next steps – cleanup at RTM T-cons. Have about 1100 event terms. Able to set up method to access terms as needed. Adding Several new parameters.
Quiet Hospital
- What else to discuss? Nothing.
- Standards Coordination
IEEE 11073 SC & PARs & EMBS SC (mobile, IoT, AI/ML)
Devices on FHIR
- Is there any more to say on this? Project to create next iteration with guidance info and SDC. Related to collaborative HIH and FHIR grant. May help pay for tooling upgrades.
The IHE-PCD Test Tools, IEEE-11073 Nomenclature (-10101), Domain Information Model (-10201), and HL7 message validation – an overview and discussion on NIST’s integration efforts and everything in between. (John Garguilo, Michael Faughn)
- Status update, slides are on ftp site.
- Extensive review ‘’(Check recording from 15-35 mins)’’
- Michael Faughn updated on tooling. If we have any questions, contact John, Michael or Nich.
- This link contains most info you’d want to look at for this topic:
TC Action item review
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
- John needs to formally request this, a rigid process. Set to February 2020.
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
- Mostly done, Michael talked about a lot of it today. In process. Review next F2F.
201 Pump utilization – publicizing
- No new info, move to joint PC/TC in January
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional
- Covered earlier, in process, awaiting reply from O&O. Review in December.
204 Gazelle and Proxy and NIST Tool improvements
- How do we get Eric’s attention? If no luck by December, close and repeat. Move to December.
ACM profile mapping of PCD-04/PCD-07 content into PCD-05 content (Monroe)
  • 05 in for a long time, removed for FT. Member wanted it back in, CP re-inserted it. Produced a gap document, ACM will be working addressing those gaps. A couple of AMs are implementing it, need three to validate it at CN. Want to get a minimal version for CN/Showcase. Not in NIST tool, work with notes for this cycle, then look at getting it into the tools. With 2 AMs and no tools, will be a hodgepodge, will it get past Phil and Bronwen for the Showcase.
F2F Action Review (from this week)
- Create Joint domain-wide coordination committees: Joint Planning Committee, Joint Technical Committee, Domain Coordination Committee
- PHC and SDPi appoint joint PC and TC representatives
- Quiet Hospital
Marketing – Prep marketing documentation and Showcase speaking points.
HIMSS session approved (Todd), AAMI session proposed (Paul Sherman)
- Motion: Start a DEC CP to include an option for HL7 FHIR transport. John Rhoads seconds. Discussion – Another appendix, make sure they are not interoperable. 10 approve, 5 abstain. Passes.
- Determine 2020 Milestone dates - DEV Joint Planning Committee
- Five year plan review and update - - DEV Joint Planning Committee

IHE DEV - DPI Subdomain Launch
- Motion – Publish White Paper: 9 in favor, 2 abstain, passed
- Motion – Approve developing SDPi supplement as proposed in white paper: 9 in favor, 2 abstain, passed
SPDi Sub-Domain will work on these.
Confirm availability of Mayo Jacksonville for DEV F2F meetings in April – Rob
- Check with PCH on their availability the week of April 13 or April 20.
POU Supplement
- Need to take the same approach for SPDi and PHD, as a full Domain method. This should be pursued in DEV Domain wide context, especially harmonizing PHD and POCD devices. POCD volunteers will work with PHD group to finalize this.
- Officially add as an IHE Devices domain co-sponsor (Todd)
- SDPi profile development (Todd / Ken / Stefan to lead)

Pump CPs from Chistophe to Paul to prep for vote.
POCD Cochairs
- Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.

  • Joint POCD/PCH wrap up.
Thom Erickson will arrange a meeting to review this week's discussions.

  • > TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Kowalczyk)

TC Meeting Adjourned


Action Items - PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

No new Action Items

Action Items - TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

MEMDMC profile to change via CP to use a message template of ORU_R(as allocated by ONO) which affords it the ability to make the usage of the PID and PV1 segments as optional for MEMDMC use cases. If PID and/or PV1 segments are present they should be populated per the IHE PCD TF. We did this with ACM, so should be able to do so in MEM.
Validation tool error related to CWE-23.
Gazelle and Proxy and NIST Tool improvements.

Next Meetings

Technical Committee: PCD TC 2019-11-06 Webex

Planning Committee: PCD PC 2019-11-13 Webex

Joint Planning and Technical Committee: PCD PC&TC 2019-10-23 Webex, PCD PC&TC 2019-11-20 Webex