ITI CPs 2017-18-Agenda and Minutes from past CP calls

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ITI domain CPs for 2017-2018 are managed here: ITI Change Proposals 2018

This page contains the minutes from past CP review calls during the 2017-18 publication cycle.

Current ITI CP status spreadsheet is here

Mar 1, 2018

Attendees: Tarik Idris (InterComponentWare), Bill Majurski (NIST), Dave Pyke (Ready Computing), Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), John Moehrke (ByLight), Elliot Silver (Change Healthcare), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Joe Lamy (SSA/Aegis), Vincent Van Pelt, Luke Duncan (IntraHealth), Nick Radov, Gregorio Canal (Arsenal.IT), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs for discussion in preparation for Ballot 46

  • 1082-02 - HPD: Remove constraint on hcSpecialisation format (Tarik) - the committee discussed alternatives for handling display names. The approach in this CP was approved as Completed and ready for Ballot 46. Tarik will be submitting a follow-up HPD CP to address this problem more elegantly in a datatype table.
  • 1076-01 - Clarifications and extension on sourcePatientInfo (Tarik) - the proposed change was reviewed and updated. Version -03 is approved as Completed and ready for Ballot 46

(2) Incoming CPs

  • a new HPD audit CP from Tarik - reviewed and updated. Tarik will complete agreed-to edits, and then this CP 1106 will be Completed and ready for Ballot 46
  • Out of time for these; deferred to next week's call
    • CP-ITI-ESL_formatCode_no_available.doc
    • CP-ITI-EST_mimeType_And_formatCode.doc
    • CP-ITI-AM-new_EventCodesystem_for_XDW.doc
    • CP-ITI-MHD-generated-references.doc
    • CP-ITI-MHD-patient-management-guidance.doc
    • CP-ITI-MHD-PDB-response-bundle.doc
    • CP-ITI-MHD-transaction.doc

(3) Next in CPs

  • Next week's CP (Mar 8) call is the last to complete CPs for Ballot 46
  • CP Ballot 46 is follows next week's call. Associated dates:
    • March 9 - last ballot CPs due to Lynn
    • March 12 - Apr 9 - Ballot is open
    • April 12 - CP call to resolve ballot comments

Feb 22, 2018

Attendees: Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), John Moehrke (By Light), George Varghese, Bill Majurski (NIST), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), Charles Parisot (GE Healthcare), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Incoming CPs

  • CP_MMA_MHDDocumentReferenceReview.doc - assigned to John Moehrke as CP 1102 (note...there is some overlap with existing CP 1079)
  • CP-ITI-SMM-fixCodingSchemeValueSDG.doc - assigned to John Moehrke as CP 1103
  • CP-ITI-COH-FIX_ITI43_Audit.doc - assigned to Elliot Silver as CP 1104
  • CP_ITI_LF_FixToAuditRoleIDvalue.doc - assigned to Elliot Silver CP 1105

(2) Next steps on XDS-Metadata Update & RMD Assigned CPs in light of F2F XCMU F2F discussions

  • 785 - PatientID consistency in stored query responses with respect to XDS metadata update - This CP is close to 'ready for ballot'. Elliott Lavy has an -05 version. He will review it and bring it back to the committee when he's confirmed it's ready.
  • These CPs will be marked with a new status 'On hold'. CP's rationale updated to indicate that work on this CP will follow related XCMU profile development to ensure consistency between that new profile & existing XDS-MU.
    • 980 - Deprecate Dangling Associations (Bill)
    • 981 - Conflict in ID format when updating and changing status (Bill)
    • 982 - MU trigger documentation (Bill)
    • 1028 - MU - add requirements for propagating SS-HM associations (Ken)
    • 1029 - MU - clarify rqmts for association submit/update operations (Ken)
    • 1030 - MU - clarify rqmts for propagating relationship associations (Ken)
    • 1031 - Reconcile XPID and MU requirements (Ken)

(3) formatCode mimeTypeSufficient -- redux

  • Elliott Lavy revisited Final Text CP 1060 which added formatCode 'mimeTypeSufficient'. He indicated that that CP only partially addressed the problem. The committee discussed this, and Elliott Lavy volunteered to submit two new CPs:
  • one to add clarifying text about how to determine whether formatCode alone is or not sufficient
  • one to address the situation where there is no available formatCode at time of submission...create a 'none available' formatCode and add a strong caution against using it as an 'easy out'

(4) Next in CPs

  • Next meeting: Feb 28, 10-noon CST
    • meeting expanded to 2 hours
    • John plans to have assigned MHD CPs ready for review prior to Ballot 46.
    • Other CPs are welcome. Send Lynn a note to get your CP added to the agenda.
  • Upcoming ballots:
    • CP Ballot 46
      • March 2 - last ballot CPs due to Lynn (after next week's meeting)
      • March 5 - Apr 3 - Ballot is open
      • April 5 - CP call to resolve ballot comments
    • CP Ballot 47last ballot for CPs to be integrated in 2018
      • April 13 - last ballot CPs due to Lynn
      • April 16 - May 15 - Ballot is open
      • May 17 - CP call to resolve ballot comments

Feb 8, 2018

Attendees: Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), George Varghese, Ken Meyer (IBM Watson Health), Luke Duncan (IntraHealth), Tarik Idris (InterComponentWare), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Gregorio Canal (Arsenal.IT), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

    • 661-06 - Should patient be inserted on ITI-8 or ITI-44 (or ITI-64) update? (Ken) - the TC members discussed alternatives. In the end, we decided to cancel this CP because prescribing behavior on the PIX Manager & Doc Registry in the scenarios in the CP (1) is not addressing an interoperability problem, (2) potentially introduces requirements on the PIX Manager & Doc Registry that are not backwards compatible, (3) potentially mandates behavior that should be left as an implementation choice on the PIX Mgr & Doc Registry.
    • 1086-00 - Clarify Max Length for CX Datatype (Ken) - the TC members discussed alternatives. Recommendation is to add a general statement above (or in ) the data type table in Vol 3 which indicates that, for datatypes derived from HL7, length restrictions in HL7 are not applicable in the context of use of that datatype for doc sharing attributes. CP remains assigned to Ken for future work.
    • 1022-00 - Specification of ITI-30 as optional transaction in PIX is incomplete (Lynn) - the TC reviewed the documentation approach in version -00 in the CP and suggested trying to use grouping instead. Lynn will explore this as an alternative and come back to the committee in the future with a new version of this CP. Remains assigned to Lynn.
  • CPs not reviewed:
    • 1085-04 - eMPI Caching Considerations (Dave P) - content updated based on input Jan 11 CP call. Not discussed today; deferred to a future call when Dave is able to attend)
    • 751-01 - UUID Type Incorrect Use in UML diagrams (Ken) - not discussed; deferred to a future call when Bill can also attend

(2) Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-ELS-MHD-created.docx - accepted and assigned to John M as CP 1100
  • CP-ITI-LF_MHDComprehensiveRecipRqmts.doc - accepted and assigned to John M as CP 1101
  • Discussion of these audit-related CPs deferred to the F2F where we will discuss potential for moving audit record definitions into the gazelle tools:
    • CP-ITI-COH-FIX_ITI43_Audit.doc
    • CP_ITI_LF_FixToAuditRoleIDvalue.doc

(3) Next in CPs

  • No call next week due to ITI F2F. Next regular CP call is Thurs Feb 22.

Feb 1, 2018 - CP-ITI-1021 focus

Attendees: Bill Majurski (NIST), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Tarik Idris (InterComponentWare), Gregorio Canal (IT.Arsenal), Luke Duncan (IntraHealth), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • CP-ITI-1021-05 - Clarify ITI-42 Expected Actions For Folders During RPLC/XFRM_RPLC (Ken, Bill)
    • This is addressing a challenge to the insertion of a requirement during the re-documentation of Vol 3 that has implications for a Doc Registry in ITI-42 expected actions.
    • Ken Meyer led a detailed discussion of alternative approaches and their implications. As a follow-up, Ken plans to incorporate the committee's guidance into version -06 of this CP which he expects to have available in the near-term. He will distribute it on the ititech mailing list when it is ready.

(2) Next in CPs

  • Next regular CP call is Feb 8. Back to XD* CPs and Incoming
  • The week following is the Oslo F2F -- no TF Maintenance during F2F this year

Jan 25, 2018

Attendees: Tarik Idris (InterComponentWare), Jouke Numan (GE), Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), Vassil Peytchev (Epic), Gregorio Canal (Arsenal.IT), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Nate Pelz (Epic), Mauro Zanardini (Arsenal.IT).

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • 1076-01 - Clarifications and extension on sourcePatientInfo (Tarik) - This was discussed, notes follow below. This CP remains Assigned.
    • we need need to have dedicated dataType for "field" or should we put all the requirement in the sourcePatientInfo section? (field dataType is used only by this metadata , so there is no real advantage in taking those requirements in two places).
    • and do we need to mandate PID-5.8 in the case of multiple names ? not requiring it, seems to be an error, but adding the requirement could be a breaking change.
    • There is no agreement on both the issues, and we didn't came to a resolution. We did not make any update to the text or to the rationale. This CP needs more discussion. In my opinion we should dedicate some f2f time to this, because the decision we will take could introduce breaking changes in the final text, so we should advertise as much ITI members as possible.
  • Out of time for these; deferred to future call:
    • 661-05 - Should patient be inserted on ITI-8 or ITI-44 (or ITI-64) update? (Ken) - continue to discussion from Dec 14, considering affect of proposed changes on existing Doc Registry & PIX Manager implementations.
    • 1085-04 - eMPI Caching Considerations (Dave P) - content updated based on input Jan 11 CP call.

(2) Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-NIP-RequireServerCertificateVerification_*.doc - accepted and assigned to Vassil as CP 1094
  • CP-ITI-PGL-MHD-Unsupported_List_Resource.doc - accepted and assigned to John M as CP 1095
  • CP-ITI-NJR-mCSD_logical_reference.doc - accepted and assigned to Luke as CP 1096
  • CP-ITI-PIXm-case3-expected-action.doc - accepted and assigned to John M as CP 1097
  • CP-ITI-XDW-accessType.doc - accepted and assigned to Mauro as CP 1098
  • CP-ITI-HPD_Audit_Trail.doc - accepted and assigned to John M as CP 1099
  • Out of time for this; deferred to future call:
    • CP-ITI-COH_Fix_Iti43_Audit.doc

(3) Next in CPs

  • Next week we focus on a single CP: 1021 - Clarify ITI-42 Expected Actions For Folders During RPLC/XFRM_RPLC, led by Ken & Bill

Jan 11 2018

Attendees: Ken Meyer (IBM Watson Health), Dave Pyke, Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Tarik Idris (InterComponentWare, Lue Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Elliot Silver (Change Healthcare), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-BPPC-Consumer-Create.doc - reviewed and accepted as Completed -- CP 1088
  • CP-ITI-LF-MHDcomprehensive.docx - reviewed and assigned to John M -- CP 1089
  • CP-ITI-SeR_Consistency.docx - reviewed and assigned to Gregorio -- CP 1090
  • CP-ITI-mCSD_fixPlaceholderTransactionNo.doc - reviewed and assigned to Luke D -- CP 1090
  • CP-ITI-mCSD_JSONvsXML.doc - reviewed and accepted as Completed -- CP 1092
  • CP-ITI-XDSUnknownPatientId_allowed_in_ITI-18.doc- reviewed and assigned to John M; most changes accepted; Rationale section updated to request one additional change to Vol 1 -- CP 1093
  • Out of time for these -- deferred to the next call on Jan 25:
    • CP-ITI-COH_Fix_Iti43_Audit.doc
    • CP-ITI-HPD_Audit_Trail.doc
    • CP-ITI-XDW-accessType.doc

(2) Assigned CPs

  • 1085-02 - eMPI Caching considerations (Dave P) - this CP was discussed, edited, and suggestions were made for additional improvements. Dave will contine work and bring an updated versino to a future CP call
  • Out of time for this one; deferred to Jan 25:
    • 661-05 - Should patient be inserted on ITI-8 or ITI-44 (or ITI-64) update? (Ken) - continue to discussion from Dec 14, considering affect of proposed changes on existing Doc Registry * PIX Manager implementations.

Dec 21, 2017

Attendees: Dave Pyke (Ready Computing), Tarik Idris (InterComponentWare), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Elliott Lavy (Harris), John Moehrke (ByLight), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Karen Witting, Ken Meyer (IBM Watson Health), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Gregorio Canal (Aresnal.IT), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI_DP_eMPI_Pix_Query_Cache_Limitation.doc
  • CP-ITI-AT_ClarifyMaxLengthforCXdatatype.doc -- assigned to Ken as CP 1086. Note that discussion of this CP during the call resulted in acknowledgement of the need for a change, but the proposed change goes in a different direction for this CP than is proposed in the rationale in the CP.
  • CP-ITI-DEN-no-mimeTypeSufficient.doc - discussed affect of new formatCode of mimeTypeSufficient on actors in the DEN profile and whether, if the new formatCode is not used in DEN, additional guidance is needed. This CP is assigned to John as CP 1087.
  • Out of time for these; moved to Jan 4 agenda:
    • CP-ITI-mCSD_fixPlaceholderTransactionNo.doc
    • CP-ITI-mCSD_JSONvsXML.doc
    • CP-ITI-HPD_Audit_Trail.doc
    • CP-ITI-XDW-accessType.doc

(2) Revisit open CPs in Ballot 45

  • 1060 - need null flavor for formatCode - Vol 3 changes remain Final Text in 1060, DEN changes split into new CP assigned to John
    • See 1060-05 in the Final Text directory. This now contains only Vol 3 changes.
    • Any changes to the DEN supplement will be done in CP 1087 now assigned to John Moehrke.
  • 1082 - HPD Removed constraint on hcSpecialisation format - Tarik talked offline with IHE-Switzerland about ballot comments and they agreed on the nature of the changes that are still needed. This CP is not approved in ballot 45 and is re-assigned to Tarik for future work. Then it will be re-reviewed & balloted again.

(3) Next in CPs

  • No CP call Dec 28; next call is Thurs Jan 4.

Dec 14, 2017 - XD* focus

Attendees: Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Gregorio Canal (Arsenal.IT), Elliot Silver (Change Healthcare), John Moehrke (ByLight), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson Health), Bill Majurski (NIST), Elliott Lavy (Harris Computer), Lynn Felhofer

-> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • XDS bundle
    • 458-05 - Multi-Document Retrieve (Ken) - this CP was discussed and the message semantics for ITI-43 was updated. Version -06 is approved as Completed and ready for future Ballot 46
    • 986-00 - Removal of profiling on error codes (Bill) - this CP was discussed, and the committee provided guidance on how to resolve the CP. These notes were added to version -01 of this CP. Remains assigned to Bill for work after Feb-2018.
    • 661-05 - Should patient be inserted on ITI-8 or ITI-44 (or ITI-64) update? (Ken) - proposed changes were presented to the committee for consideration. These were briefly discussed. People were asked to consider the affects on existing implementations, and we will revisit this CP on Dec 21l when we have more time.

(4) Next in CPs

  • Next CP call is Dec 21
  • No call Dec 28

Dec 7, 2017 - Ballot 45

Attendees: Bill Majurski (NIST), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Gregorio (Arsenàl.IT), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), John Moehrke (ByLight), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Tarik Idris (ICW), Lynn Felhofer

(1) Ballot 45 resolution

(2) Next in CPs

  • We will resume CP calls next Thurs with a primary focus on XD*

Nov 9, 2017 XD* focus

Attendees: Bill Majurski (NIST), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Gregorio Canal (arsenà, Elliott Lavy (Harris), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • Progress on PAM CPs!
    • 749-06 - Structure of the ZBE segment (PAM) - Lynn presented this CP which had gone through email review & revision with Isabelle G. This version is approved as Completed and ready for future ballot 46.
      • related CP 871 is cancelled -- changes are in 749
  • Determine whether/how to move forward, or Cancel:
    • 458-03 - Multi-document retrieve - alternatives for resolution were discussed. Committee agreed to update ITI-43 expected actions to be in line with similar text that is in ITI-86 (RMD supplement). version -04 updated and reassigned from Bill to Ken.
    • 519-00 - Improve HTTP Binding to SOAP reference - The committee reviewed Appx V for current references. Section V.8 had added during the subsequently redoc efforts, and this largely addresses the rationale for this original CP. Some links in Appx V may be inaccurate or incomplete (eg to WS-I). This CP is cancelled. Joe Lamy will submit a new CP with the scope to review Appx V for broken links and fix them, or to recommend additional useful links.
    • 751-00 - UUID type used incorrectly in Vol 3 diagrams - direction forward was scoped & notes added to CP rationale; version -01 updated and reassigned from Bill to Ken.
  • Out of time for these, but queued for future consideration:
    • 736-01 - clarification of BPPC typeCode
    • 314-00 - XDS Folder Entry identifiers
    • 986-00 - Removal of profiling on error codes

(2) Incoming CPs

  • none

(3) Next in CPs

  • Nov 16 - call cancelled, BUT...see maintenance topics on ITI F2F agenda here:
  • Nov 23 - call cancelled due to US Thanksgiving holiday
  • Nov 30 - call may be cancelled due to RSNA conferenced; this will be confirmed during the ITI F2F.
  • Dec 7 - Ballot 45 comment review

Nov 6, ITI TC F2F CP discussion

See detailed notes in 2:00 Thurs F2F agenda:

Nov 2, 2017

Attendees: Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Elliott Lavy (Harris Comp), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Incoming CPs

  • HPD:
    • CP-ITI-AGM-HPD-hcSpecialisationFormat.doc - reviewed & accepted as CP-ITI-1082. Completed & ready for future ballot 45.
  • Editorial:
    • CP-ITI-KM-Editorial-ITI-18-Fix-GetAll.doc - reviewed, slightly updated, and accepted as CP-ITI-1083. Completed & ready for future ballot 45.
    • CP-ITI-LF-AppxG-RemoveOutOfDateText.doc - - reviewed & accepted as CP-ITI-1084. Completed & ready for future ballot 45.

(2) Revisiting a few 'old' (dormant) CPs

  • Elliott Lavy prompted re-examination of a few old, dormant CPs. Here are the changes:
    • CP-ITI-661 - Should patient be inserted on ITI-8 or ITI-44 update? -- reassigned from Mark Sinke to Ken Meyer (thanks Ken!)
    • CP-ITI-785 - PatientID consistency in stored query responses with respect to XDS metadata update -- reassigned from Mark Sinke to Elliott Lavy (thanks Elliott!)
    • CP-ITI-897 - Clarify that rqmts in ITI-19 provide a baseline set, and are not mandated at all deployments -- reassigned from Laurent Lardin to Elliot Silver (thanks Elliot!)
    • HPD CPs - Lynn will reach out to parties associated with HPD CPs. HPD was recently tested at a Swiss projectathon, and we'll see if we can get advice about whether these long-standing HPD CPs can be cancelled (or if someone will move them forward):
      • 683 - HPD Performance Considerations - currently assigned to Mark Sinke
      • 766 - HPD clarify semantics of R/R2/O in query request & response - currently assigned to Eric Hefflin
      • 910 - HPD - Updates to ITI-58 – Provider Information Query - currently assigned to Dick Donker
      • 921 - HPD - discrepancies with ISO 21091 - currently assigned to Eric Heflin
    • PAM CPs - Lynn will reach to Isabelle to see what the next step is for these
      • 749 - Structure of the ZBE segment
      • 871 - Add two new fields to the ZBE segment

(7) Next in CPs

  • Lynn will compile Ballot 45 either Friday or Monday
  • CP calls resume next week

Oct 26, 2017

Attendees: Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), Bill Majurski (NIST), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Rob Horn (Agfa), Elliott Lavy (Harris Comp), Tarik Idris (ICW), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • XDS Vol 2/3 bundle:
    • CP-ITI-1075-01 - Update description of DocumentEntry.URI in Vol 3 (Elliot S) - This CP was discussed, and and update to Vol 2b ITI-32 was added, and version -02 is approved as Completed and ready for Ballot 45
    • CP-ITI-1060-02 - Need Null Flavor for FormatCode (Elliott L) - This CP was discussed and slightly updated. Version -03 is approved as Completed and ready for Ballot 45

(2) Incoming CPs

  • XDS Vol 2/3
    • CP-ITI-ELS-Broker-sourceId.doc - this was discussed to give guidance for resolution. It is assigned to Elliot S as CP 1081

(3) Next in CPs

  • The next CP call is Thurs Nov 2. CPs completed as of that call will go into Ballot 45 after that call.

Oct 12, 2017

Attendees: Ben Levy (Corepoint Health), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Raffaele Giordano (Arsenàl.IT), Tarik Idris (ICW), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • CP-ITI-1069-02 - Clarify what an XDS author is (Tarik)
    • This CP was discussed at length, and some changes were made to create version -03
    • We agreed that Tarik will make a few more changes, and circulate to seek input from Elliot, Elliott, Ken, and anyone else in interested, with the purpose of getting this subset happy with the wording before ballot. When this group agrees on a version, this CP will be called "Completed" (without further discussion at a future call.

(2) Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-DR-Patient_ID_in_ATNA.doc - (Dmytro)
    • Accepted as CP 1080. Dmytro agreed to take the lead in making the edits.
    • The change was discussed a bit during this morning’s call, with considerations about an ARR containing audit records as specified by various ITI transactions, and also ITI-20 compliant messages that are not associated with an IHE transaction.
    • There were also thoughts that ITI-81 might need an update.
    • Lynn to forward to CP to John & Rob for input.

(3) Next in CPs

  • There will be NO CP CALL on Thurs Oct 19.
  • Our next CP call is Oct 26, and a top priority will be setting the focus for the calls through the end of 2017.

Oct 5, 2017

Attendees: Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Bill Majurski (NIST), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Elliott Lavy (Harris), John Moehrke (By Light), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), Tarik Idris (ICW), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • XDS Vol 2/3 bundle:
    • CP-ITI-1021-04 - Clarify ITI-42 Expected Actions For Folders During RPLC/XFRM_RPLC (Ken / Bill) - Ken presented the results of his investigation on the history of this change. There was extensive discussion covering the scope of current tooling to test current implementation on Document Registries related to this proposed change. Tarik made a compelling point about the need to maintain the intent of the Document Source when it comes to associations related to a SubmissionSet, and that Registry not make changes that override this. The discussion gave Ken direction on future work for this CP. It remains assigned to Ken. The next version will be discussed at a future call TBD, along with several associated Assigned CPs, some of which may be able to be Cancelled.

(2) Remaining Ballot 44 comment resolution

(3) Next in CPs

  • We ran out of time for several items on today's agenda. They are now on the agenda for Thu Oct 12:

Sep 28, 2017 - XDS Vol 2/3 CPs

Attendees: Tarik Idris (ICW), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), John Moehrke (ByLight), Elliott Silver (McKesson), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Joe Lamy (SSA/Aegis), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs

  • XDS Vol 2/3 bundle:
    • 808-02 - Inconsistent Definition of uniqueId (Tarik) - This was discussed; Tarik will create an updated version of this CP based on input. Some discussion points...
      • To address the concern of using 'string' for DocumentEntry.uniqueId, John suggested creating a new entry for UniqueID in the Data Type table to contain some of the restrictions Tarik proposed in the DocumentEntry.uniqueId Coding section. Some additional restrictions would remain in the coding section of DocumentEntry.uniqueId
      • Tarik proposed removing or updating the current text referring to the corresponding formatCode attribute
      • Despite the current text that restricts this attribute to OID datatype, current implementations already put other types of values there. Tarik will write an inquiry seeking input from xds-implementors, acknowledging that there is already a problem due to this, and seeking input on proposed changes to the Coding section of DocumentEntry.uniqueId in Vol 3.
      • Ken suggested reviewing the SS and Folder uniqueID in the context of the changes to DocumentEntry (for consistency)

(3) Incoming CPs

  • XDS and MHD:
    • CP-ITI-JRN-XDS-Clarifications...sourcePatientInfo.doc - assigned to Tarik as CP 1076
    • CP-ITI-URN-HL7II.doc - accepted as CP 1077 - assigned to John M
    • CP-ITI-LF_MHD-fixes.doc - accepted as CP 1079 - assigned to John M
  • Editorial:
    • CP-ITI-LF-Fix_FMM_warning_in_PIXm.docx - reviewed and accepted as CP 1078 - Completed; ready for future ballot 45

(4) Next in CPs

  • We will have a CP ballot following next week's call. This should be a 'last call' for the Jan 2018 Connectathon.

Sep 21, 2017 -- XDS Vol 2/3 CPs

Attendees: Tarik Idris (ICW), Bill Majurski (NIST), Gregorio Canal (Arsenal.IT), Matt Blackmon (Sequoia Project), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Ken Meyer (IBM Watson Health), Joe Lamy (SSA), Lynn Felhofer.

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Continue remaining Ballot 44 comment resolution

(2) Assigned CPs for review

  • 1021-03 - Clarify ITI-42 Expected Actions For Folders During RPLC/XFRM_RPLC (Ken) - reviewed and made a few small changes to create -04. Bill identified a requirement that seemed to have been inserted as part of Vol 3 Re-doc. Ken will investigate whether there was a CP for this change; if not, thise CP will be updated to remove this text. CP remains Assigned pending Ken's homework.
  • 1069-01 - Clarify what an author is (Tarik) - Tarik's changes were reviewed and slightly updated. The updated -02 version will be sent to Elliot S, Elliott L, Rob, John for offline review prior to moving it to status Completed.

(3) Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-KM-Clean_Up_Section_4_2_2.doc - Changes reviewed & updated. Accepted as Completed CP 1073 for future ballot 45.
  • CP-ITI-KM-Remove_Assoc_Doc_Classification_Text.doc - Accepted as Completed CP 1074 for future ballot 45.
  • CP-ITI-TP-fixDocumentEntryURIexample.doc - agree change is needed; assigned to Elliot S as CP 1075

(4) Next in CPs

Sep 14, 2017 -- Ballot 44 comment resolution

Attendees: Gregorio Canal (, Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Tarik Idris (ICW), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Ballot 44 comment resolution

(2) Next in CPs

  • Next week, we will finish CP 1057 and 1065 from ballot 44
  • Then we shift to XDS Vol 2/3 CPs. Let Lynn know if you have an assigned CP to discuss.

Sep 7, 2017 -- CP 720 (cont) & Security CPs

Attendees: Ken Meyer (IBM), Bill Majurski (NIST), Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Gregorio Canal (Arsenàl.IT), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Tarik Idris (ICW), Rob Horn (Agfa), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Massimiliano Masi (Tiani-Spirit), John Moehrke (By Light), Joe Lamy (SSA/Aegis), Charles Parisot (GE), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) CP 720 continued (30 minutes max) - Clarify Replacement for addendum and transformation docs (Ken)

  • Materials are in Assigned CPs:
    • CP-ITI-720-06 - this CP is moved to status Completed; ready for future ballot 45 (graphic updates factored out)
    • CP-ITI-1072-00 - new CP assigned to Ken as a home for graphics updates in associated with replace/transform...
    • CP-ITI-1071-00 - remains assigned to Ken

(2) Security - Review John's updates to CP 902 from Ballot 43 comments

  • John's post ballot-43 updates to this CP were confirmed; this CP is now final text

(3) Security -- Assigned CPs for review

  • 920-02 - Restore IHE Extensions in ITI-20 (Rob) - this was examined briefly; more work needed by Rob before this CP is ready for discussion

(4) Next in CPs

  • Sep 11 - Comments/votes on Ballot 44
  • Sep 14 - Ballot 44 resolution call

Aug 31, 2017 -- focus on CP 720

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) CP 720 - Clarify Replacement for addendum and transformation docs (Ken)

  • Latest version -06 is in Assigned CPs
  • for reference: 1021-02 - Clarify ITI-42 Expected Actions For Folders During RPLC/XFRM_RPLC
  • Related new CP-ITI-XXX-Clarify_Replacement_Associations.doc -- Assigned to Ken as CP 1071

(2) Next in CPs

  • Next week's focus is Security CPs along with a continuation of CP 720 discussion
  • CP Ballot 44 votes/comments are due 11-Sep.

Aug 24, 2017

Attendees: Gregorio Canal (Arsenàl.IT), John Moehrke (By Light), Tarik Idris (ICW), Joe Lamy (SSA, Aegis), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Gretchen Sutton, Viral Rama (Orion)

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs for review

  • Discussion of related CPs 594 and 808 and XDS implementor's topic Is XDSDocumentEntry.uniqueid Strictly OID Formatted?. See thread at:!topic/ihe-xds-implementors/VM__q0oxm68
    • We don't know whether we arrived at a solution previously. Participants in this call agreed that we should not be strict. Proposed change to use String data type, but give guidance on how to encode common types of identifiers. This avoids problems when querying by uniqueId. CP-ITI-994-01 in ballot 44 already changes the wording of the examples in the coding section. Other suggestion to force OID, OID^extension or URI. Participants can live with a recommendation for OID (includes DICOM as an example), OID^extension or URI without forcing it. Cancel CP-594 and point to CP-808. CP-808 will be assigned to Tarik, will check CP-594 and make sure there is no overlap with Rob's CP regarding uniqueIds for slightly different CDAs with the same ClinicalDocument/id.
  • 1050-01 - Appendix B Cleanup UID specifications (Elliott L)
    • Elliott will improve the editor instructions to get rid of the yellow. He will move it to completed. To be include in next ballot.
  • 1060-02 - Need Null Flavor for FormatCode (Elliott L)
    • out of time, moved to next call

(2) Next in CPs

  • Next week's focus is on CP 720 - replace/transform use cases not covered in the current documentation. To prepare in advance, there is material linked on next week's agenda
  • CP Ballot 44 is out. Votes/Comments due 11-Sep.

Aug 17, 2017

Attendees: John Moehrke (By Light), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Ken Meyer (IBM), Tarik Idris (ICW), Joe Lamy (SSA, Aegis), Bill Majurski (NIST), Elliott Lavy (Harris), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Doc Sharing, Vol 3 CPs:

  • Assigned CPs
    • 1019-02 - Clarify Repository action required on duplicate uniqueId (Elliot) - discussed, updated, and version -03 is Completed and read for future ballot 45
    • 720-04 - Clarify Replacement for addendum and transformation docs (Ken) - during discussion, we decided that the scope of this CP will be corrections to the existing diagrams. There will be a separate, new CP to clarify specifications for use cases that are currently not addressed in the TF (combinations of replace, addendum, transform). We will dedicate the Aug 31 call to that topic to try to come to consensus on expected behavior for those use cases. Ken will create a high-level outline to guide that discussion
  • Incoming CPs
    • CP-ITI-clarify-XDS-author.doc (Tarik) - discussed and accepted as CP 1069. Tarik will do additional work to scope the changes and will bring the CP back to the group. It's possibe that this may be spun-off into a work item.

(2) Next in CPs

  • Tarik will chair next week's call; Lynn will compile the agenda and start the call.
  • CP Ballot 44 is out. Votes/Comments due 11-Sep.

Aug 10, 2017

Attendees: Ken Meyer (IBM Watson), John Moehrke (By Light), Joe Lamy (SSA/Aegis), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Tarik Idris (ICW), Rob Horn (Agfa), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs for review

  • Doc Sharing, Vol 3 CPs:
    • 995-02 - Align entryUUID descriptions (Tarik) - reviewed and Completed; ready for Ballot 44
    • 977-01 - datatype clarification for phone number (Rob) - reviewed, updated, and Completed; ready for Ballot 44
  • Other
    • 795-01 - Fix ITI-44 text to match the schema - reviewed and Completed; ready for Ballot 44

(2) Review Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-CXiExampleReferral.doc - accepted as Completed CP 1065; ready for Ballot 44
  • CP-ITI-XUA-Subject-ID-XSPA.doc - accepted as Completed CP 1066; ready for Ballot 44
  • CP-ITI-FixITI-54auditMsg.docx - accepted as Completed CP 1067; ready for Ballot 44
  • CP-ITI-FixITI-86auditMsg.docx - accepted as Completed CP 1068; ready for Ballot 44
  • CP-ITI-FixOutOfDateTFreference.docx - reviewed & rejected as a duplicate. Already fixed in CP1026 which will be in Ballot 44.

(3) Next in CPs

  • CP Ballot 44 will come out in the coming days w/ completed CPs.
  • We continue Assigned/Iincoming review next Thurs
  • Need to identify bundle-focused calls for the rest of 2017; Lynn will use google doc to poll ITI Tech members for availability in coming months.

Aug 3, 2017

Attendees: Ben Levy (Corepoint), Joe Lamy (Aegis/SSA), John Moehrke (By Light), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Ken Meyer (IBM/Merge), Rob Horn (Agfa), Tarik Idris (ICW), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Charles (GE), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Ballot 43 comment resolution

(2) Next in CPs

  • We resume regular CP review next Thurs, Aug 10
  • CPs completed as of Aug 10 will go into Ballot 44
  • Bundle focus for near-term CP calls

July 17-21 F2F

Outcomes and notes for the TF maintenance topics during the ITI Technical Committee face-to-face are here.

Original maintenance agenda topics follows below

See the face-to-face agenda for times devoted to Maintenance-related topics, and for call in details: July ITI F2F wiki page.

Maintenance topics we will cover, as time allows, are listed below. This will likely be modified during the week. They are more-or-less in priority order.

Quick links

(1) CPs that just need review - Assigned CPs with changes ready for the committee to confirm/tweak.

  • XDS-Vol3 bundle
    • 977-00 - datatype clarification for phone number (Rob)
    • 994-00 - Increase XDS.b DocumentEntry.uniqueId maximum length (Nick Radov) -- updated and now Completed are ready for future ballot
    • 1050-00 - Appendix B Cleanup (Elliott L) -- reviewed and scope was expanded; remains Assigned
    • 976-01 - Fix Folder.codeList example (Tarik) -- reviewed and now Completed and ready for future ballot 44
    • 917-00 - Recommend using OIDs for codingScheme (Rob) -- reviewed, updated, and now Completed and ready for future ballot 44
    • 925-02 - Clarify UTC offset within DTM datatype (Nader) - discussed; will be Cancelled
  • Security bundle
    • 1013-01 - Clarify UDP requirements in ITI-20 (again) (Rob)
  • Security-Audit bundle
    • 920-02 - Restore IHE Extensions in ITI-20 (Rob)
    • 938-01 - Audit messages for ITI-30 and 31 (Lynn)
  • HL7v3 bundle
    • 795-00 - Fix to match ITI-44 TF text to the schema
  • editorial bundle
    • 1022-00 - Specification of ITI-30 as optional transaction in PIX is incomplete (Lynn)

(2) Low-hanging fruit - CPs that could be finished with a bit of heads-down attention by editor, followed by committee confirmation

Those known to be attending the F2F are listed below with CPs that seem close to completion. Feel free to choose a different CP to work on.

  • Charles
    • 866-00 - Wrong Transaction Labels in XCDR Figure
  • Rob
    • 1047-00 - Remove mandatory User Authentication from ITI-19
    • 968-02 - Fix optionality for AlternativeUserId field in SeR audit messages ( - refer to Completed CP 1058-02 'ATNA Audit Message Optionality Definitions'
  • John
    • 736-00 - clarification of BPPC type code
    • 709-03 - Accounting of Disclosures audit message
  • Mauro
    • 915-00 - Clarify definition of COMPLETED task status in XDW
    • 1054-00 - XDW: Datatype fix and update diagram (Mauro or Gregorio)
  • Sylvie
    • 1052-00 - Corrections to Document Sharing Cardinality in Diagrams (review and make a recommendation: update the diagrams, or remove cardinality)
  • Ben
    • 1049-00 - Distinction between PIX vs PDQ should be made more clear
  • Elliot S
    • co-chair's choice
  • Joe
  • Luke
  • Eric
    • Any HPD: 766 or 921
  • Chris
  • Lynn
    • 541-03 - Remove configurable fallback for empty PID-3.4

(3) CPs that will benefit from broad committee input to provide direction

  • 1060-00 - Need Null Flavor for FormatCode
  • others to be brought forward...

(4) Tackle the 'optionality' monster Committee discussion to examine current state (optionality defined many, many place) and decide on a path forward.

  • Considerations:
    • CP 1059 - Refine optionality definitions in FHIR Appx Z (assigned to Elliot S)
    • IHE Common Appendix E (been there since 2014; largely unknown) See
      • E.2 Profiling DICOM
      • E.3 HL7 Message Profiling Conventions
      • E.3.1 HL7 Message Profiling Conventions
      • E.4 (CDA) Optionality Constraints
    • ITI TF-2x: Appendix C - HL7 profiling conventions
    • ITI TF-3: Table 4.2.1-2 Sending Actor Metadata Attribute Optionality Code Definitions
    • ITI TF-3: Table Responding Actor Metadata Attribute Optionality Code Definitions
    • ITI TF-3: 5.4.3 Optionality Definitions for XDW
    • ITI TI Supp Appx Z.20 Profiling conventions for constraints on FHIR
  • ITI TF-4: 4.1 Optionality for French extensions
    • Others in ITI documents..??
    • Definitions in underlying standards...
    • In other domains (not exhaustive list)
      • RAD TF-2:2.2 DICOM Usage Conventions
      • RAD TF-2:2.3 HL7 profiling conventions
      • CARD (and EYECARE) TF-2: 2.2 DICOM Usage conventions
      • CARD TF-2:2.3 HL7 profiling conventions
    • Others??

(5) Soliciting suggestions to the CP process for the coming year

  • ideas...???
  • some progress on move to Jira for tracking
  • create bundle-specific call schedule for fall??

(6) CPs that need a new owner

  • HL7v2 bundle
    • 211 - PIX/PAM integration
    • 307 - PDQ Continuation Protocol in One Socket or Multiple Sockets
    • 718 - Namespace ID required even if ISO OID set
  • Security bundle
    • 897 - Clarify that rqmts in ITI-19 provide a baseline set, and are not mandated at all deployments
  • XDS-Vol3 bundle
    • 817 - Add the Reference ID List slot to the Submission Set metadata

July 13, 2017

Attendees: Elliott Lavy (Harris), Elliot Silver (Change HC), Gregorio Canal (Arsenàl.IT), Joe Lamy (SSA/Aegis), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Ken Meyer (Merge/IBM), Rob Horn (Agfa), Tarik Idris (ICW), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Review Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-NullFormatCode.doc - accepted as CP 1060 and assigned to John (for now). Added to the list of CPs for broader discussion during the F2F to get a consensus on the direction for the change. Tarik suggested that this be considered after the IHE-E metadata discussion.
  • CP-ITI-KM-ITI-18_Correct_Availability_Status.doc - reviewed & accepted as Completed CP 1061; ready for future ballot 44.
  • CP-ITI-ELS-Intro-schedule.doc -
  • CP-ITI-LF-AppxG-RemoveOutOfDateText.doc - reviewed & accepted as Completed CP 1063; ready for future ballot 44.

(2) Assigned CPs ready for discussion

  • CP-ITI-985 - Relationship Association Target in SubmissionSet (Elliott L)
  • CP-ITI-1059-00 - Refine optionality definitions in FHIR Appendix Z - discussion deferred to the larger 'Optionality' discussion targeted for the F2F next week

(3) Seeking input on use of F2F time for TF maintenance

  • A draft list of topics for the ITI TC face-to-face is here. Suggestions welcome.

July 6, 2017

Time: 10:00-11:00am CDT

Attendees: Dmytro Rud (OeHF), Elliott Lavy (Harris/QuadraMed), Elliot Silver (McKesson), Gregorio Canal (Arsenal.IT), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Ken Meyer (Merge/IBM), Tarik Idris (ICW), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Review Incoming CPs

  • CP-ITI-TI-fix-coded-values-in-XDS-author.doc - accepted as CP 1057. Reviewed, updated and approved as Completed for future ballot 44.
  • CP-ITI-NullFormatCode.doc - deferred discussion of this one until John M is on the call. Remains in Incoming.
  • the 'optionality' family in Incoming:
    • CP-ITI-AppxZoptionalityDefinitions.doc - accepted and assigned to Elliot Silver as CP 1059. The scope of this CP will remain updates to Appendix Z. ie this CP will not try to normalize these definitions with other similar ones elsewhere in the TF. We kick that can down the road a bit. We will continue discussion on this one when Elliot and John are one the call; or at the F2F.
    • CP-ITI-ELS-OptionalityTable.doc -reviewed and updated. Elliot S will do a final update to align contents with recently-approved DICOM CP, then this CP 1058 is approved as Completed for future ballot 44.
    • CP-ITI-AuditMsgoptionalityDefinitions.doc

(2) Assigned CPs ready for discussion

  • 1026-04 - Review ITI-18 for out of date section references and XDS.a orphans (Elliott L) - reviewed and updated. Version -05 approved as Completed for future ballot 44.

(3) Next in CPs

  • We will have a regular CP call next Thurs Apr 13 at 10am CDT
  • The week following is the ITI Tech face-to-face. The focus for TF maintenance sessions is TBD.

June 29, 2017

Attendees: Elliot Silver (Change HC), John Moehrke (By Light), Karen Witting (Ready Computing), Ken Meyer (Merge/IBM), Tarik Idris (ICW), Elliott Lavy (Harris/QuadraMed), Lynn Felhofer

--> ITI CP Tracking Spreadsheet is here.

(1) Assigned CPs ready for discussion

  • 985-08 - Relationship Association Target in SubmissionSet (Elliott L) -- this CP was extensively reviewed and updated a bit. Version -09 is uploaded to the Assigned directory. A bit more discussion needed in order to finalize this one.
  • Out of time for this one; deferred until next week's call:
    • 1026-04 - Review ITI-18 for out of date section references and XDS.a orphans (Elliott L)

(2) Review Incoming CPs

  • Out of time to discuss these; deferred to next week's call:
    • CP-ITI-NullFormatCode.doc
    • CP-ITI-AppxZoptionalityDefinitions.doc
    • CP-ITI-ELS-ATNA-Optionality-table.doc
    • CP-ITI-AuditMsgoptionalityDefinitions.doc

(3) Next in CPs

  • Ballot 43 will be sent out after this call with the 9+ Completed CPs. Comments due Aug 1.
  • Next regular CP call is Thu July 6, 10-11am CDT