Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD)

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The Mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD) Profile supports RESTful queries across the following related care services resources:

  1. Organization – Organizations are “umbrella” entities; these may be considered the administrative bodies under whose auspices care services are provided such as Healthcare Information Exchanges (HIEs), Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs), Non-gGovernment Organizations (NGOs), fFaith-bBased oOrganizations (FBOs) or even a one-physician family practice. An organization has a unique identifier and may have additional administrative attributes such as contact person, mailing address, etc. Departments of an institution, or other adminsitrative units, may be represented as child Organizations of a parent Organziation.
  2. Location – Locations are physical care delivery sites such as hospitals, clinics, health outposts, physician offices, labs, pharmacies. Locations also include political administrative units such as a village districts or region. A Location has a unique identifier and may have geographic attributes (address, geocode), contact attributes, attributes regarding its hours of operation, etc. Each Location may be related to at least one Organization. A location may have a parent-child relationship with another location.
  3. Practitioner – A Practitioner is a health worker such as defined by WHO (; a Practitioner might be a physician, nurse, pharmacist, community health worker, district health manager, etc. Practitioners have contact and demographic attributes. Each Practitioner may be related to one or more Organizations, one or more Locations and one or more Healthcare Services. Specific attributes may be associated with the Practitioner relationship with these other entities.
  4. Healthcare Service – Each healthcare service has a unique identifier. Examples include: surgical services, antenatal care services or primary care services. The combination of a Healthcare Service offered at a Location may have specific attributes including contact person, hours of operation, etc.

mCSD Top-Level Relationships between Care Services Entities

The mCSD profile describes four actors and the transactions between them:

  1. Care Services Selective Consumer – the Care Services Selective Consumer submits search queries to the Care Services Selective Supplier, which returns the requested resource(s).
  2. Care Services Selective Supplier – the Care Services Selective Supplier processes inbound queries from Care Services Selective Consumers and returns responses from local data.
  3. Care Services Update Consumer – the Care Services Update Consumer queries updates from one or more Care Services Update Suppliers.
  4. Care Services Update Supplier – the Care Services Update Supplier is responsible for returning a bundle of resources in response to a refresh request from a Care Services Update Consumer. The response bundle contains content which has been inserted or updated in the listing since the last refresh.


Because it maintains interlinked resource information, the mCSD profile is able to respond to queries such as:

  • Which locations are associated with which organizations?
  • What healthcare services are provided at specific locations or, conversely, where are the locations that provide a specified healthcare service?
  • Who are the practitioners associated with a particular organization; what healthcare services do they provide; at which locations do they provide these healthcare services, and when?

The loosely coupled design and flexible querying capability of the mCSD Profile means it can be deployed within a number of eHealth architectures and support a wide array of care workflows.


The ability to query interrelated, federated, care services resources supports important service discovery activities. This includes consumer-centric queries such as finding:

  • Where is the closest youth mental health services clinic?

In addition, crucial health system management workflows are supported. This can include reporting and analyses, such as:

  • What are my health human resource capacities, by location, by specialty?,
  • What are all the healthcare services offered at this location?
  • Where are all the locations that offer this healthcare service?

Systems Affected

A variety of systems may have a need to query these resources and a jurisdiction may have many existing data systems that can share this data to a central location for queries.

  • HR systems may implement the Care Services Update Supplier to share existing data and the Care Services Selective Consumer to receive updates from other systems
  • Training systems may implement the Care Services Update Supplier to share existing data and the Care Services Selective Consumer to receive updates from other systems
  • Facility registries may implement the Care Services Update Supplier
  • An Interlinked Registry may implement the Care Services Update Consumer to receive updates from a variety of systems


Profile Status: Draft for Public Comment


Additional Supplements: Appendix Z on HL7 FHIR

Underlying Standards:

    • Organization
    • Location
    • Practitioner
    • PractitionerRole
    • HealthcareService
    • OperationOutcome
    • Bundle

See Also

Related Profiles

  • Care Services Discovery [CSD] - A Care Services Directory in the CSD Profile can be grouped with the Care Services Update Supplier from mCSD. The CSD Care Services InfoManager could implement the mCSD Care Services Update Consumer and the Care Services Selective Supplier Actors. The CSD Service Finder could implement the mCSD Care Services Selective Consumer. This enables the CSD actors to allow RESTful transactions without having to change the underlying data store.
  • Healthcare Provider Directory [HPD] - A Provider Information Source in HPD can also implement the Care Services Update Supplier from mCSD. Note that in this case the Provider Information Source would be queried for updates instead of pushing the updates to the Consumer. The HPD Provider Information Directory could implement the mCSD Care Services Update Consumer and the Care Services Selective Supplier Actors. The HPD Provider Information Consumer could implement the mCSD Care Services Selective Consumer. This enables the HPD actors to allow RESTful transactions without having to change the underlying data store.
  • Mobile Alert Communication Management [mACM] - The mACM Profile defines the means to send an alert to practitioners. The mCSD Profile provides a way to query that list of practitioners. A mACM Alert Reporter can be grouped with a Care Services Update Consumer or a Care Services Selective Consumer to ensure that it has an updated list of practitioners.

Implementer Information

The IHE mCSD Profile and the HL7® FHIR® activities are working together to revise and enhance the transactions profiled here. For details on HL7 FHIR. See

This supplement uses FHIR STU3 defined resources -- Organization 3, Location 3, Practitioner 3, PractitionerRole 2, and HealthcareService 2. FHIR Maturity Level (FMM) 2-3.

FHIR Conformance Resources StructureDefinintion and CapabilityStatement are available in the Implementation Materials folder

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template

Current: IT Infrastructure Technical Framework.