Mobile Alert Communication Management(mACM)

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The Mobile Alert Communication Management (mACM) Profile provides the infrastructural components needed to send short, unstructured text alerts to human recipients and can record the outcomes of any human interactions upon receipt of the alert. The mACM Profile additionally allows for a feedback mechanism to determine the status of an alert through the use of alert statuses.

The mACM profile describes three actors and the transactions between them:

  1. Alert Reporter - This actor originates the alert (an alarm, either physiological or technical, or an advisory). May also query the Alert Aggregator for the status of the alert.
  2. Alert Aggregator - This actor receives alerts from the Alert Reporter and collects status events related to the dissemination of the alert.
  3. Alert Manager - This actor receives alert from an Alert Reporter manages them according to business context, and disseminates them to an Alert Communicator.

mACM Process Flow Diagram


Recognizing that there are many health care workflows that could leverage a notification mechanism, it is not the aim of this profile to describe all of these workflows. Instead, this profile will limit considerations to two use cases:

  • Crisis Response - covers the distribution of notifications to health workers defined by the Common Alerting Protocol version 1.2.
  • Care Reminders - covers the distribution of notifications to care givers and subjects of care based on upcoming or missed appointments as defined, medication reminders and other similar patient care reminders.

It is the expectation that the infrastructural components of the mACM Profile will be reusable beyond the use cases and will support extensions to support domain specific workflows. The mACM Profile:

  • defines a transaction, Mobile Report Alert [ITI-84], which is suitable for mobile devices and non-clinical contexts and provides alternative message semantics for the Report Alert [PCD-04] transaction;
  • defines a transaction, Query for Alert Status [ITI-85], which allows an originator of an alert to receive all status updates on alert that it reported;
  • supports alerting in national deployment and cross-enterprise contexts in addition to a controlled health delivery network;
  • supports interaction with the public, such as appointment reminders, on a broad a variety of devices, interaction timings and platforms.


Profile Status: Trial Implementation


Additional Supplements: Appendix Z on HL7 FHIR

See Also

Related Profiles

Implementer Information

The IHE mACM Profile and the HL7® FHIR® activities are working together to revise and enhance the transactions profiled here. For details on HL7 FHIR. See

This supplement uses FHIR STU3 defined resources -- CommunicationResource 2 and Communication 2. FHIR Maturity Level (FMM) 2.

Reference Articles

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template

Current: IT Infrastructure Technical Framework.