EduWG Minutes 2015-01-12

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9:30am Welcome

  • Participants and introduction round
    • Rene Spronk
    • Werner Henschelchen
    • Stefan Sauermann
    • Juerg Bleuer

9:45 Status: What has happened so far

See Google drive

10:00 Scope: Where are we heading from here

  • Certified Professional IHE (CP IHE)??
    • Do the regions agree that certification is necessary?
    • Is there enough motivation for training providers: Will there be enough demand for training towards certification?
    • Users have asked for CPs so that knowledge is clearer defined
    • start broad and then become more specific,
    • Do not have too many different types of CPs

    • ToDo:
      • Define titles for CPs IHE (e.g CP IHE Foundation, CP IHE ITI, CP IHE Imaging)
      • Define "Business Outcome" for CPs: What do these CPs contribute to implementation?
      • Define "Learning Objectives" for CPs: What must the CPs know and to what level.
      • start with CP IHE Foundation, CP IHE ITI
      • find more experts to address CP IHE Imaging
      • Stefan to start WIKIS for CP IHE Foundation, CP IHE ITI, CP IHE Imaging
    • With these definitions then:
    • ToDo: Ask IHE Deployment Committe to start a survey among regional DCs?

  • Training towards the CP IHE?

See an example of an approach towards training / how can you construct a cooperation of training providers:

10:30 - 11:00 Next steps

  • How to proceed


Global Deployment Coordination Committee