Pharm Tech Minutes 2014.06.13

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08:45 - 09:00 Welcome

  • Participants
    • Juergen Brandstaetter (Codewerk, Austria)
    • Michael Tan (Nictiz, Netherlands)
    • Simon Letellier (EAHP, France)
    • Jose Costa Teixeira (Portugal)
    • Christof Gessner (Gematik, Germany)
    • Sylvia Thun (University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein)
    • Ricardo João Cruz Correia (University of Porto, Host)
    • Sebastiao Ferreira da Silva (University of Porto, Host)
  • Review and Approve Agenda
  • Approved

09:00 - 10:00 Pharmacy Medication List (Jürgen)

  • Public Comment processing
  • PC period is over, no comments received
  • Approval as new profile
  • Motion: Accept PML as new profile (Jürgen raised, Jose seconds)
  • Approved unanimously
  • Approval of CPs related to PML
  • PHARM-CP-056, Introduce PML into CMPD
  • Approved with changes
  • PHARM-CP-060, Introduce or change meaning of <author> and <performer> elements in PRE, DIS and PADV when used elsewhere as in the appropriate documents (e.g. in PML)
  • Approved with changes
  • PHARM-CP-061, Extend glossary with PML terms
  • Approved

10:00 - 11:00 Query Dispatch and Aggregate (Michael/Vincent)

  • Presentation (Vincent through Webex)

11:00 - 11:30 Break

11:30 - 13:00 Medication Data Management (Jose)

  • Presentation by Sylvia Thun

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 15:00 CP Processing (Jürgen)

CPs left to discuss:

  • CP-PHARM-063, Introduce a “Dosing Information” Content Module and restructure the PRE, PADV, DIS documents to reference this Content Module for Dosing Information
  • Approved with changes
  • Next steps:
  • All CPs are approved (including the ones related to PML)
  • Action item: Jürgen will prepare a ballot asap
  • All participants are asked to cast their vote as soon as possible
  • Decision: If all participants eligible to vote have cast their vote, the ballot will be closed (even if before ballot deadline)

14:45 - 15:15 Administrative tasks

  • Jürgen's term ends: Start election process of Technical Co-Chair
  • Schedule for the election (Simon drives that process):
  • Jun 16 - Jul 14: Call for candidates
  • Reminder at Jul 7
  • Jul 16 - Aug 17: Election period
  • Reminder at Aug 8
  • Aug 18: Presentation of election result by email
  • Presentation of candidates of Planning Co-Chair election
  • Incoming applications:
  • User Planning Co-Chair: Leonidas Tzimis
  • Vendor Planning Co-Chair: Jürgen Brandstätter
  • Next steps (Simon drives that process):
  • Jun 16 – Jul 16: Election peroid
  • Reminder at Jul 9
  • Aug 6: Presentation of election result at TCon
  • Schedule 2014/2015
  • Action item: Jürgen: Check with ITI/PCC/QRPH if and when they have a Joint Meeting in Europe in 2015
  • First version of schedule created
  • Work and Action-item list
  • Outdated, requires thoroughly review and reshape
  • Skipped

15:15 - 16:00 Extending Pharmacy Whitepaper Admission/Discharge (Michael)

  • Discussion

16:00 - 16:15 Any other business

  • None

16:15 Adjorn

Pharmacy Technical Committee