Ihero job jar

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The IHE-RO Job Jar

The creation of a 'job jar' to collect tasks, prioritize them, and solicit volunteers.

The Priority correspond to the following

5 - Highest Priority, Secretariat
4 - Higher Priority, PC Co-chair leadership
3 - High Priority
2 - Medium Priority
1 - Low Priority
0 - Should be removed from the list

The PC Co-Chair corresponds to one or more of the following:

Abbrev Role Contact Info
RO Radiation Oncologist Ramesh Rengan, rengan<at>xrt.upenn.edu ?
MP Medical Physicist Colin Field, colin.field<at>albertahealthservices.ca
V Vendor Adam Earwicker, adam.earwicker<at>varian.com
Pub Publications Committee
Sec Secretariat Sidrah Abdul, sidraha<at>astro.org

Volunteers that have been identified should not be considered as owning the task. Other assistance is appreciated; please contact one of the above.

Please replace <at> with @ to generate the correct email address.

IHE-RO Job Jar

Job Description Priority (3,2,1,0) PC Co-Chair Responsible Volunteers
PC TCONs & meetings Organize Calls 5 RO, MP, V Sidrah
IHE Vision Document Prepare and Update annually 5 RO, MP, V Colin, Sidrah
IHE-RO Structure Establish and publicize Terms of Reference, Position Terms, Succession planning 4 RO, MP, V
Job Jar Organize and maintain the job jar 4 RO, MP, V
PC and TC Membership and participation Recruit volunteers for IHE-RO effort. Identify new stakeholders, and volunteers from other countries 3 RO, MP, V, TC co-chairs
Physician communication strategy and IHE-RO compliance Develop simple concise statement of “what does this mean to me in the clinic ?”
Define what IHE-RO compliance means.
IHE-RO compliant planner means …
IHE-RO compliant advanced planner means …
reference IHE-RO helper
3 RO
IHE Communications Participate in IHE co-chair TCONs 4 RO, MP, V Sidrah, Bruce, rotate through PC co-chairs
Other IHE-RO country domains Communicate with other IHE-RO country domains, e.g. Japan, Netherlands 3 V
FDA Prepare white paper (details needed) USA specific. 2 RO
Publications and promotion Organize all communications with RO community 3 MP Charles, Akkamma
IHE Webinar Prepare and give IHE Webinars 1 Publications Colin, Bruce
Connectathon results Publicize results (via IHE-RO helper) 3 RO, MP Bruce
NROR Provide interface to National Radiation Oncology Registry 1 MP
Each profile in development
  • DPDW
  • TDW-II
  • QAPV
provide continual feedback to the TC for development of the profiles and reports progress back to the PC. Provide evaluation of completed profiles (make it user case specific) 3 V
SAM Prepare content for SAM 2 RO Kevin, Tony, Ramesh, Akkamma, Colin, Rishabh
Distribution of info Take IHE-RO message to other meetings (Lung, GU, etc). Stop giving talks to ourselves 3 RO, Publications
Use Case Selection Organize use case solicitation, definition, selection, prioritization, interface with TC 3 MP, V Colin, Adam, David, Sidrah, all PC during process
Use Case Follow-up Followup with individuals who submitted as use case to let them know what is happening 2 MP, V
IHE-RO helper Web-based tool to publicize document IHE-RO solutions 3 MP Rishabh (short term), ?? (long term)
Connectathon Judging Attend the connectathon and serve as an independent judge 3 MP Lakshmi
Wiki keep it up to date 2.5 MP Colin, Sidrah
RT Process flowchart Look at process map and re-examine where we have use cases on it (safety, workflow) 3 V, MP
Patient Archive Develop Use Case, vision to include long term goal of providing a patient archive with patient access. EMR requirements ? Could be tied to RT Process flowchart. Should be this be dealt with as a use case ? 1 MP
Communications Interactions with technical groups (e.g. TC, RT Shareholders, NEMA, others) 3 MP
Business Model Manage our budget, set fee structures, develop funding opportunities. How do we use resources. 4 V
Connectathons Support TC for connectathon planning and execution 2 V
ESTRO Connectathon ? Will we have a presence at ESTRO ? 4 V
Fund raising Identify and approach (or organize request) to organizations for funding 2 V
Closing the Loop Ensure vendors release products  into the RO market within a certain time period from when the products passed at a Connectathon 3 V
Re-testing at connectathons Prepare guidance document for re-testing at connectathon 4 V
Test Laboratory Figure out what IHE-RO needs to do 4 V