Patient Care Coordination

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IHE Patient Care Coordination (PCC) domain was established in July 2005 to deal with integration issues that cross providers, patient problems or time. It deals with general clinical care aspects such as document exchange, order processing, and coordination with other specialty domains. PCC also addresses workflows that are common to multiple specialty areas and the integration needs of specialty areas that do not have a separate domain within IHE.

IHE Patient Care Coordination manages the PCC Profiles and the PCC Technical Framework.

Timeline : 2007-2008 Development Cycle

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Oct. Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) Oct X - Deadline E-mail
Nov. PCC Planning – New profile proposals (Lunch will be served prior to start of ITI meeting) November 6-8 RSNA
Dec. TC Review of PC Selected Profiles Dec 4-5 RSNA
Feb. 2007 PC Selects Final Profiles Feb ??, 2007 New Orleans (HIMSS)
Mar, 2007 Profile development kickoff meeting (TC Meeting) Mar 13-17, 2007 Chicago
May, 2007 Profile development meeting: finalize supplements for public comment (TC) May 14-18, 2007 Chicago
Jun. Publication of Public Comment Supplements Jun 3, 2007
Jul. Deadline for submission of public comments of profile supplements Jul 17,2007
Jul. Reconciliation of public comments received (TC Meeting) July 23-27 2007 Chicago
Aug. Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements Aug. 10, 2007
Aug. Publication of Final Text Technical Framework Aug. 10, 2007
Jan. Test implementations at Connectathon Jan ??-?? Chicago



Essential Now
Essential Future
Nice to Have

Prerequisites: List of applicable standards

Coordination: Other domains to coordinate efforts with.

Develop Content Profile
Develop Integration Profile
Research Applicable Standards
Promote Applicable Standards Development Efforts

Year: Earliest Opportunity given prerequisites, priority and skills.


Current Activity

Contact the PCC Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in mid-July, 2007.


As a Clinician / Patient Advocate

Get involved in the planning committee. This is where the clinical problems are discussed and prioritized. The planning committee is an open group and is interested in having your input! Bring us your interoperability problems! You can also help by participating in the himss showcase scenario definitions.

You can do this by:

  1. Send us a note saying you’re interested so we can get you on the list-serves.
  2. Come to face to face meetings, and attend the telephone conferences.
  3. Submit your profile proposals by:
    • Fill out this template.
    • Submit the propsal draft to us.
    • Attend the november planning meeting to help clarify and prioritize your proposal
    • Follow up by submitting a the formal proposal
    • Attend the joint planning/technical meeting to explain your idea to the technical committee
    • Any additional resources you can provide toward the problem will help prioritize getting your proposal solidified more quickly.

As a Hospital Administrator

In addition to getting involved in the planning committee, hold your vendor accountable. Put a statement in your rfp that indicates you want the vendor to support the actor in the profile you desire.

As an Implementer

Get involved in the Technical Committee. Help make sure profiles are feasible and will work for you. Implement the profile, and come experience the Connectathon. Send us a note saying you’re interested so we can get you on the list-serves.

Profile Selection

These Brief Profile Proposals were selected by the planning committee for review for the 2007-2008 Development Cycle:

  • Research Data Capture Clarification
  • EMR Query (RFD Part2) for use with:
    • Public health repository uses (e.g. HRSA)
    • ACC repository
    • Clinical trials (e.g. CDISC)
    • Biosurveillance uses
    • Claims Situational data elements
    • Quality measure data extraction (incl pay for performance requirements)
    • Drug safety
    • Disease registry (overlap with d?)
    • Patient education and literacy tracking uses
    • Patient Selection Query for Clinical Trials
    • Cross System Data Query: CDASH
  • Emergency Department Encounter Record / ED to PCP transfer / ED to Surveillance Registry
  • Antepartum Ambulatory Prenatal Care Summary
  • Care Assessments & Assessment Instrument Content

These White Papers were selected to go forward for the 2007-2008 Development Cycle:

  • Case Management for:
    • Public Health Case Management Workflow
    • Cross System Protocol Insertion
    • Quality Report Document

These Detailed Profile Proposals were short-listed and evaluated by the Technical Committee

  • ...

These items were selected by the Planning Committee for this Cycle:

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
2007.02.25-2006-03.01 New Orleans, LA HIMSS 2007 HIMSS Interoperability Showcase

See Also

PCC Planning Committee

PCC Technical Committee

This page is based on the Domain Template.