Medication Overview Main Page

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Revision as of 11:53, 25 March 2023 by Costateixeira (talk | contribs)
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Medication Overview Project

The goal of this work item is to produce IHE Profiles for Medication Overview.

Medication overview relates to:

  • Documentation of medication lists - i.e. the list of medications that the patient is taking, or has been taking, or is supposed to be taking.
  • Medication treatment planning - where the medication for a patient starts as a treatment plan from which the necessary prescriptions and dispenses are derived.

While these are different goals, interoperability between practices and jurisdictions is essential to ensure continuity of care and patient-centered data, especially in transition of medication list content rules, or paradigm.

The goal of this work is to provide a standard set of transactions for exchanging medication information - overviews for different scenarios:

  • Medication Lists or Summaries for transition of care
  • Medication Details for EHRs or EPRs
  • Medication Treatments for care planning and delivery

This topic is intrinsically articulated with the Medication Prescription and Delivery topis:

  • In some situations, a Medication Overview is a result of collecting (manually or automatically) the available clinical documents - prescriptions, dispenses, etc.
  • In a growing number of cases, the "treatment overview" is not just a snapshot view resulting of the other clinical documents, but is rather the starting point for initiating clinical actions.


Reference Documents may be stored on the Google Drive. The folder for medication Management can be found here:Documents The artifacts, action items and work discussions are captured in the GitHub Repository, namely issues and wiki.

Current Meetings

Dates and Times are Central European Time (Brussels UTC+0100) unless otherwise noted, for others times and dates click here

Date Time Location Topic Agenda Minutes
Start of season
2023.03.27 10:00-11:30 Teams Medication Overview Call Agenda Minutes
2023.04.10 10:00-11:30 Teams Medication Overview Call Agenda Minutes
2023.04.24 10:00-11:30 Teams Medication Overview Call Agenda Minutes