PaLM Conf Minutes 2018-Feb-14

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The recording for this meeting can be downloaded here


Francois Macary, Co-Chair Phast
Raj Dash, Co-Chair CAP
Riki Merrick, Co-Chair Vernitz
Carolyn Knapik CAP, secretariat
Alessandro Sulis CRS4
Daniel Rutz Epic
Francesca Frexia CRS4
Francesca Vanzo Arsenal IT
Gunter Haroske IHE Germany
James Harrison CAP
John David Nolen
Jurgen De Decker MIPS
Mario Villace Roche
Megumi Kondo Sakura Finetek Japan
Nick Jones MGH Harvard


Agenda Reviewed and adjusted for content

Agenda link:"


First Hour:

News on PaLM committee membership:

  • Roche Diagnostics is now IHE member again and back to PaLM.
  • Joachim Schroeder presented in Berlin 2016 along with Dmytro.
    • Mario will make the connection to another Roche member to help with the Digital Pathology paper via the Ventana affiliate of Roche.
  • Roche will also work on SET.
  • LSH - Roche will have to see if there is a way to help, but not right now.
    • LSH will need involvement of 2-3 vendors to move it forward
    • We will keep LSH on hold waiting for more contributors.


How to see comments on LCC?:


Current assessment of APSR 2.0 by BRIDG and NCI:

  • IHE PaLM APSR 2.0 is being harmonized with BRIDG model and will bring the digital pathology work as well
    • Goal is to be able to use BRIDG to link between different areas.
    • BRIDG has been harmonized with DICOM.
  • More info on BRIDG:
  • NCI in their data commons will use BRIDG to model their data and they would be able to apply that to their cancer images.
  • Here is the call information:
    • Mondays 9 -10 AM (Eastern time) (not 2/19):
    • Meeting Number: 732 799 223
    • 1-650-479-3207 (Call-in toll number (US/Canada)) / Access code: 732 799 223


Current Status of Digital Pathology White Paper / Call for Volunteers:

  • Raj and Nick discussed the vision now working in v0.6 – next step:
    • Flesh out the use cases and identify volunteer authors – preferred vended product or laboratory workflow familiarity.
    • Start a wiki page to work on the use cases – paragraph to link to white paper and use that for the use case development – goal is international participation.
    • Image files for external review (is cost saving, because we don’t need to re-cut the block) – also time/cost saving of courier.
  • Need to consider, but not focus on, how things should be done in the future.
    • Aggregating slides for 3D imaging – do we want to include that now?  
    • Maybe create a section of future use cases, but would not want to make that the main focus.
    • We want to set up the infrastructure- get the use cases that support vended products to work together as a MAIN focus.
  • White paper is good collection to capture all ideas, but for the functional profiles that will be built upon it, will use ONLY what is currently implementable.
  • Nick will start a future use case bucket content.
  • For short term use cases: have some missing elements form vended products: example: handling orders and handling QC – gap in functionality for technologist dashboards – Nicholas can also create a video for folks to review.
  • QC by machine, by tech, by pathologist – before and after diagnosis
    • Working on a publication for that as well;
    • Could be ready for next week, if desired – set up separate Digital pathology call;
    • In 2 weeks can have presentation and document ready. Carolyn to schedule a call for 2/28 at 9 AM ET. Details of call available here:
  • Want to get prioritization on use cases most important for inclusion in the functional profile.
  • EPIC: Use cases  #1, 3,5, 6, 8 and maybe the molecular aspects, are of interest.
  • What are the concerns in off-the shelf product today?
  • How do the issues tie in with specific use cases?
  • Francois will set up wiki page with link to white paper (version 0.6).
    • Need permission for Nicholas and Raj to edit wiki.
  • Would be good to have the recommendation on how to set up the database for digital pathology / QC etc.



  • Sharing spreadsheet with mapping to v2 element.
  • Looking for suitable message structure(s) to use, depending on the event we need to support.
  • Come up with a new message structure for SET – would be very confusing for folks.
    • First you need to know what data elements you need to capture;
    • Second, identify what segments are needed for all the use cases;
    • Third, find appropriate trigger event,  if new vocabulary is needed;
    • Fourth, we make harmonization proposals;
    • If needed, create one or two generic events of specimen event because they are very different.
  • Riki to send HL7 CR template to Alessandro.
  • Date/time of message – does the receiving system archive the sent and received time?
    • In Cagliari we discussed in MSH-7 = time of event receipt.
  • PHILLIPS connected to LIMS –
    • When interface is backed up, a scanning complete message will include that the slide is on scanner.
    • That message will supersede a later update (that gets sent there sooner).
  • May need to differentiate time sent versus slide processed.
  • In orders use ORC-9, but that may be a bit hard to interpret.
    • Better to use EVN segment. It will help with tracking this. 
    • It allows when time happened in system – and can also track sent date/time; received time etc.
  • MSH-7 is just for the message related date/time.


Next PaLM Teleconference:  14 March 2018, 0800 – 1000 am (central)


Special Digital Pathology Teleconference: 28 February 2018, 0800 – 0900 am (central)