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Query Problems and Allergies

This section corresponds to Transaction PCC-2 of the IHE Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework. Transaction Query Problems and Allergies is used by the Clinical Data Consumer and Problem and Allergy Data Repository Actors.

Transaction Query Problems and Allergies uses the same pattern as transaction PCC-1. Therefore, the Referenced Standards and Interaction Diagrams sections of that transaction also serve to document the standards and interactions used in this transaction. Information specific to this transaction is described in futher detail below in the section on Domain Content.

Use Case Roles

Clinical Data Consumer   Problem and Allergy Data Repository
Query Problems and Allergies
Clinical Data Consumer
Requests a list of problems or allergies for a given patient matching a minimal set of selection criteria from the Problem and Allergy Repository.
Cooresponding HL7 Version 3 Application Roles
Care Record Query Placer (QUPC_AR004030UV)
Query by Parameter Placer (QUQI_AR000001UV01)
Problem and Allergy Data Repository
Returns problems or allergy entries for a given patient matching the selection criteria supplied by the Clinical Data Consumer.
Cooresponding HL7 Version 3 Application Roles
Care Record Query Fulfiller (QUPC_AR004040UV)
Query by Parameter Fulfiller (QUQI_AR000002UV01)

Domain Content

This section lists the requirements specific to the Query Problems and Allergies transaction.

Note: Implementors of a Problems and Allergies Data Repository Actor, or a Clinical Data Consumer Actor shall publish an HL7 Conformance Profile that indicates the vocabularies and code sets that they support for this transaction.

Get Care Record Profile Query

A Clinical Data Consumer may specify the following values from the HL7 ActCode vocabulary (2.16.840.1.113883.5.4) to obtain the observations listed in the table below.

Code Returns Template Id
MEDCCAT All problem entries Problem Entry
ALLGCAT All allergies Allergy and Intolerance Entry
CONDLIST All Concern Entries Concern Entry
PROBLIST All Problem Concerns Problem Concern
INTOLIST All Allergy Concerns Allergy and Intolerance Concern
RISKLIST All Risks1 Concern Entry

Note 1: Risks are other concerns that may not be explicitly classified as problem or allergy concerns.

A Clinical Data Consumer Actor may make requests using other codes to obtain information about specific problem, allergy, or risk observations, however, the Problem and Allergy Data Repository Actor need not honor these codes.

One such set of codes that may be used are the problem codes listed in the Problem Entry, and reproduced in the table below.

Problem Codes
Code Description
64572001 Condition
418799008 Symptom
404684003 Finding
409586006 Complaint
248536006 Functional limitation
55607006 Problem
282291009 Diagnosis

Another such set of codes that may be used are from the HL7 ObservationIntoleranceType vocabulary, as used in the Allergy and Intolerance Entry.

Additional codes for problems and allergies may be found in SNOMED CT (2.16.840.1.113883.6.96), ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes (2.16.840.1.113883.6.103), MEDCIN (2.16.840.1.113883.6.26), and in other controlled vocabularies.

Note: The code value specified in the query may represent a code found in either the <code> or <value> elements of the <observation> element.


When careProvisionCode is set to INTOLIST, or ALLGCAT from the HL7 ActCode domain (see above), or other values specific to allergies and/or intolerances, the Clinical Data Consumer may specify the a code identifying a substance in the <value> element of the <careProvisionReason> element to refine the query to allergies to a particular substance. The <value> element shall contain a code from a controlled vocabulary that describes a substance. The Problem and Allergy Data Repository Actor need not honor these codes.

For Public Comment Is this a correct use of careProvisionReason? If not, how could we query for an allergy to a specific substance? Only SNOMED-CT supports such a statement in a single post-coordinated code, which prevents use of NDC or RxNorm codes to identify the substance. Should we extend the parameterList to support specification of the drug using other codes?

Get Care Record Profile Response

A Problems and Allergies Data Repository Actor shall respond to a query request by returning clinical statements matching the query parameter returned within <pertinentInformation3> data elements.

The clinical statements that are returned for codes specified in the table above in the section on careProvisionCode shall conform to the template identifiers shown therein.

A Problems and Allergies Data Repository Actor may respond to query requests using other codes to return information about specific problem, allergy or risk observations. These observations shall conform to the Problem Entry or Allergy and Intolerance Entry

WSDL Declarations

The following WSDL naming conventions SHALL apply for this transaction:

WSDL Definitions for PCC-2
WSDL Item Value
wsdl:definitions/@name ProblemAndAllergyDataSource
Get Care Record Profile Query QUPC_IN043100UV_Message
Get Care Record Profile Response QUPC_IN043200UV_Message
General Query Activate Continue / Cancel QUQI_IN000003UV01_Messsage
portType ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_PortType
Query Operation ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUPC_IN043100UV
Continue Operation ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUQI_IN000003UV01_Continue
Cancel Operation ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUQI_IN000003UV01_Cancel
SOAP 1.1 binding ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_Binding_Soap11
SOAP 1.1 port ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_Port_Soap11
SOAP 1.2 binding ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_Binding_Soap12
SOAP 1.2 port ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_Port_Soap12

The following WSDL snippets specify the Port Type and Binding definitions, according to the requirements specified in ITI TF-2: Appendix V. A full WSDL example for the Problems and Allergies Signs Data Source actor implementing the QED profile can be found at ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Coordination/yr3_2007-2008/resources/Query.zip. For a general description of the WSDLs for QED see the Appendix of the same name in this volume.

Port Type
<portType name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_PortType">
 <operation name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUPC_IN043100UV">
   <input message="tns:QUPC_IN043100UV_Message"
   <output message="tns:QUPC_IN043200UV_Message" 
     wsaw:Action="urn:hl7-org:v3:QUPC_IN043200UV "/>
 <operation name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUQI_IN000003UV01_Continue">
   <input message="tns:QUQI_IN000003UV01_Message"
   <output message="tns:QUPC_IN043200UV_Message" 
     wsaw:Action="urn:hl7-org:v3:QUPC_IN043200UV "/>
 <operation name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUQI_IN000003UV01_Cancel">
   <input message="tns:QUQI_IN000003UV01_Message"
   <output message="tns:QUPC_IN043200UV_Message" 
     wsaw:Action="urn:hl7-org:v3:QUPC_IN043200UV "/>
Port Types for PCC-2
<binding name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_Binding_Soap12" 
 <wsoap12:binding style="document"
 <operation name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUPC_IN043100UV">
   <wsoap12:operation soapAction="urn:hl7-org:v3:QUPC_IN043100UV"/>
     <wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
     <wsoap12:body use="literal"/>
SOAP 1.2 Binding for PCC-2
<binding name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_Binding_Soap11" 
 <wsoap11:binding style="document"
 <operation name="ProblemAndAllergyDataSource_QUPC_IN043100UV">
   <wsoap11:operation soapAction="urn:hl7-org:v3:QUPC_IN043100UV"/>
     <wsoap11:body use="literal"/>
     <wsoap11:body use="literal"/>
SOAP 1.1 Binding for PCC-2