IHE Domain Coordination Committee 2009-06-09 Teleconference

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of Minutes

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Milestone Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • ITI released for public comment: <<Comments due by ???>>
    • Document Metadata Subscription (DSUB)
    • Multi-Patient Queries (MPQ)
    • Retrieve Form for Data Capture (RFD)
    • Cross-Community Patient Discovery (XCPD)
    • White Paper: Access Control
    • White Paper: A Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) View of IHE Profiles
    • No domain specific feedback requested

Domain Coordination Issues

1. Webinar Series - Kick off Webinar, June 11, 1-2pm CDT Review timelineand next steps

2. ITI Change Proposals with potential impact on other domains:

  • 426 deprecates XDS.a
  • 421 breakup of ITI Volume 2 into four separate documents

3. Cross Domain Dependencies - 1.5 years ago a table of cross-domain dependencies was started (see Cross_Domain_Dependencies beware, out of date material there). Does IHE need this type of information? If yes, how should it be created and managed?

4. Review of updates to CP Process page (made January 2009) pursuant to Action Item.

  • decide whether updates should be accepted as standard procedure or left to domain discretion.
    • standard procedure includes file version codes of FT and IN to indicate CPs that have reached the Final Text and Incorporated states respectively
    • the update adds codes RJ, CA and CM for CPs that have reached the Rejected, Cancelled and Complete (for ballot) states.
    • the update clarifies <version #> as "starting at 00 and incrementing for each revision of the CP including when it is sent back to Assigned due to comments in ballot".

5. CP Publication advice request from Radiology.

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

2. Radiology Board Report Review Updated Board Report Template from Chris Carr.

Governance Implementation

Next steps and New Actions Items

1. Next call, June 23, 9-10:30am CDT

Domain Coordination Committee