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The Public Comment Phase of the development of each IHE Integration Profile allows interested people to provide input on the Profiles, the scenarios and use cases they address, the technologies proposed and other details.

In particular, vendors who will implement the profiles and members of the healthcare community who will use the profiles are encouraged to review and comment.

  1. Review documents listed in the Public Comment columns on the Frameworks page.
  2. Note the deadline listed under the document link
  3. Submit your comments in the RSNA Forums.

Phases of Development

Supplements - Before any new Profile or other material is added to the IHE Technical Frameworks, it is written up as a separate "Supplement" document.

Public Comment - When new Supplements are sufficiently complete, they are published for 30 days of Public Comment. Comments may be submitted in the IHE Forums.

Trial Implementation - After the Public Comments have been reviewed, discussed and any necessary changes made, the Supplements are published for Trial Implementation.

Final Text - After Trial Implementation Supplements have been sufficiently implemented and tested and any necessary changes made, Supplements are published as Final Text. Final Text Supplements are merged into the domain Technical Framework document at the first opportunity, but are available until then as a separate document.

Change Proposals - After Supplements have been published (as Trial Implementation, as Final Text, or incorporated into a Technical Framework), changes are proposed and managed according to the CP Process.

The following diagram shows this process with some additional detail:
