PCD PC 2008-07-16 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Routine Meeting of the Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: Patient Care Device Domain

Date: July 16, 2008

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

  1. Introductions and Agenda Review
  2. Approval of Minutes PCD PC 2008-07-02 Webex
  3. Action Items
  4. Face to Face Logistics
  5. PCD Calendar and Face to Face Meeting

Attachments / Materials

Minutes for Approval: July 2 PCD PC 2008-07-02 Webex

Action Items Brought Forward from July 2

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
41 Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID Jeff Secunda October 1, 2008 Open FDA announced that nothing will happen before the election.
44 Define relationship between IEEE standards and IHE profiles; the role of the PCD in determining this relationship. Todd Cooper July 2, 2008 Open IEEE MOU in limbo at IHE until HL7 MOU is finalized; it will be a template. Paul is concerned about permission for use of IEEE terms in Rosetta.
July 2: Paul emphasized the need for IEEE to support the RTM effort in the future. One or two expert editors are needed and may be paid employees of some group/association or a collaborative effort among a number of companies. Oaul believes this can become an ISO/IEEE standard. The need for promulgating and maintaining the RTM is increasing - e.g., Continua appears to be going in a different direction and lack of universal adoption will create problems. Paul will addres this in the RTM meeting which follows this one.
Peter and Paul discussed various ways to implement and provide access to the table. Peter referred to a tutorial that explains how to use Protege with the OWL plug-in. It uses a Pizza ontology but all of the principles are explained. http://www.co-ode.org/resources/tutorials/ProtegeOWLTutorial-p4.0.pdf
Ken noted that this level of coordination with IEEE or other group is outside the scope of this action item. He suggested that this become an agenda item for the cochairs tomorrow, addressing the question of where the continuation of this effort would lie.
64 Vendor prioritization of additional systems for Showcase Todd Cooper Cochairs, Manny July 16, 2008 Open Todd updated document which will be folded into PCD domain governance document. Referred to PCD cochairs.
66 Analysis of Survey Results Ray July 30, 2008 Open
68 Monitor HITSP and make the case for the PCD Remote Monitoring application. Todd Cooper Steve Staats, Paul Schluter July 2, 2008 Open Charles Parisot and Rick Cnossen have been present. Discussion continues with them. HITSP document will be released for public comment shortly. Todd suggested PCD schedule Webex sessions to develop a response. Paul suggested that PCD-01 could be a reasonable protocol. Paul, Todd to provide HITSP timeline and propose response process.
July 2: Response to HITSP Remote Monitoring public comment period. Conference calls for review - need a due date for comments. Members were invited to participate.
69 Recruit Champions for development of Profiles, e.g., document transfer Ken October 1, 2008 Open Extensions to ACM, waveform segments, MEM, PnP likely.
70 Coordinate 12 lead ECG effort with Cardiology domain Ray August 13, 2008 Open Depends upon Cardiology Domain's success in finding sponsors.
71 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Ken, Manny None Open A few replies were recieved from Ken's email indicating nurses would not be able to participate in PC. Todd indicated that RTM ventilator WG has successfully recruited physicians. Profile development may be a reasonable initial focus for involvement and perhaps lead to further involvement in PCD. Paul had earlier suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liase with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies.
72 Press releases as recruiting tool Manny July 16, 2008 Open Manny to send press releases, develop a list of possible newsletters. Manny requested suggestions for distribution. Paul suggested reaching out to professional organizations looking for common terminology. This and item 71 will be coordinated.
73 How to accommodate participation of non-members Cochairs July 16, 2008 Open Questions remain about IP aspect of IHE membership. PCD needs to find a way for public participation in developing profile proposals and to clarify how to go beyond that in developing supplements. Need to schedule a webinar with Didi, Chris, IHE's IP attorney. PCD Cochairs to continue discussion.
<Add links to discussion materials here for review before the meeting, or that are added during the discussion>

Minutes and Action Items


Chair/Host: Ray Zambuto, Technology in Medicine
Alex Beechie, Jon Blasingame, Steve Borchers, Todd Cooper, Jeff Dern, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, Peter Hendler, Jeff Rinda, Scott Zaffrin, Ray Zambuto, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Approved with addition of calendar and F2F


2 Approval of Minutes
- Chair


  • Minutes of July 2 were approved.


3 Action Items Review
- Chair


  • #44 – Elliot arranged for Didi to forward the current HL7 draft to IEEE for review as a template. That one is complete and signatures added. This MOU addresses intellectual property exchanges. Change date to Oct. 1.

Todd noted that PCD has been working closely with 802 community. That meeting is underway in Denver. Elliot, Ricky Hampton, Monroe Pattillo and others made a presentation on how PCD activities and their relationship to standards.

  • #64: Close – move to Cochairs
  • #68: Meeting yesterday of volunteers to review the HITSP public comment. PCD will submit comments. Todd invited members to join the discussion. Change date to July 25 when the submission is due.
  • #72: Manny requested suggestions for publications (email and print) to send press releases. Ray suggested we develop a feed to the new CE/IT community. Steve Campbell at AAMI, Joyce and __ for HIMSS, and __ for ACCE. Change date to July 30.
  • #73: Ray to call Didi and Chris to follow up.
  • #74: New: Mapping PCD into v3 CDA with relevance to RTM. Todd: VA was planning to move forward about use of CDA. He will talk with James McCain. Peter: Kaiser and VA working to trade documents as part of NHIN project. Goal is to assure the appropriate set of documents is included the appropriate location in CCD and CDA. Todd and Peter and August 13.


  • ...


  • #73: Ray to call Didi and Chris to follow up.
4 Announcements
- As noted.


  • Todd makes a presentation tomorrow with IEEE Registration Authority Committee (RAC) to obtain an ISO OID for ____. He expects resolution later this week.
  • Ray: IHE/Continua MOU has been finalized. It provides a mechanism for the two to talk, is otherwise not comprehensive. Ray to send announcement to PCD about Continua MOU.
  • AHIC: Cochairs, Paul and Elliot had meeting with Anita Samarth (consultant to AHIC) regarding how PCD profiles fit into the next cycle of their activities. They are considering extensions of existing efforts to fill gaps.



5 PCD Calendar and F2F
- Todd, Ray, Manny


  • Develop a WG to finalize the TF. Schedule Webex for TF work first half August.
  • Call for profile proposals – move up two weeks, change dates on IHE Wiki to conform to Oct F2F where they will be discussed and prioritized. Ray noted that the PCD Roadmap has a number of profiles that should be considered by the members.
  • The F2F Oct. 21-23: first day will be PC, joint meeting the morning of the second day, and TC from noon second day until noon third


  • ...


  • Manny will make hotel arrangements later, after asking for preliminary registration in order to block rooms. Manny will send email with meeting location and link to the meeting Wiki page to post suggestions for agenda.

Next Meeting

July 30, http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_PC_2008-07-30_Webex

<Add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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