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Revision as of 12:20, 12 July 2011

Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary previous Discussion Summary from 2011.06.14.
3. ACCE Program at AAMI
4. Action Items From F2F
5. AAMI Proposal - next steps
6. F2F Agenda, Registrations, etc.
7. Profile and WP Updates
- MEM Cybersecurity Whitepaper
- MEM Location Tracking
- RFP Language Whitepaper
8. Technical Framework Update
9. Standards Coordination
- AAMI Infusion Pump Safety Efforts
10. IHE International
- http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Profiles#IHE_Patient_Care_Device_Profiles
- Patent Process follow-up
11. DCC
- Technical Framework Template Discussions
12. Recruiting
- EHR/EMR, ADT, WCM, other
- Help GG
13. HIMSS11 Video Wrap Up
14. Connectathon and Showcase HIMSS12
15. Additional Business
16. Next Meeting

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary



Cochairs: Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Steve Merritt
Guest: Paul Schluter
Chair: Steve Merritt
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair




2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair
No changes were requested to the June 14 summary.



3 Agenda Items
- Chair

5. AAMI Proposal: An update was requested from Lisa. Changes to format, inclusion of the contract with Todd, etc. have been addressed but do not appear to change the intent.

6. F2F: Chad believes a decision will be available this week.

7. Profile update:

- WCM: This had not been posted correctly in the past. Mary Jungers is working on it and it should be published soon. There’s a possibility of testing and demonstrating in this cycle, with preliminary interest by several companies sending AR or DOR data.
- Event Communications: This Supplement should be ready for public comment in about a week. There has been preliminary interest in testing and demonstrating in this cycle. They are meeting twice weekly to have a standalone profile, with DOR and DOC actors and very specific content. There will be a subset of Rosetta terms for event MDC codes which will need to be vetted. There are about 10 terms, 3 common to all pump vendors and these will be required, the others optional. More will be added later; these will permit some testing. Some discussion of this will be addressed in the PC meeting with the agreement of the PC cochair (Steve).
- ADQ: Discussion included alarm archiving which has been deferred via CP and will need to be addressed at some future date. Ken noted that there will be several forms of archives which may include one or more types of data (e.g., alarms, waveforms, physiologic data).
- User Guide: Erin will bring to the PC tomorrow for review and ballot. John Rhoads believes it will require public comment and will be published by Mary. Steve indicated that the previous version was available for public comment after he includes some recently offered changes.

8. TF: Mary Jungers has the FT TF and she will handle the format and post.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be June 28, 2011 PCD Cochairs 2011-06-28 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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