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== Proposed Agenda ==  
== Proposed Agenda ==  
# Agenda Approval
# Agenda Approval

Revision as of 23:24, 18 August 2010

Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly Scheduled PC Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Planning Committee Meeting

Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

  1. Agenda Approval
  2. Review Discussion Summaries: July 21 PCD PC 2010-07-21 Webex
  3. WCM out for Public Comment
  4. ACM CP Ballots (Closes TODAY!)
  5. PCD Help Forums
  6. Annual Board Report submitted
  7. Webex being planned for HIMSS Nursing Community
  8. Co-chair elections call for nominations
    1. Extended to Friday 8/6 Open call for co-chair nominations
    2. September 1, 2010- New co-chairs start their term
  9. MEM Coordination Meeting Mon 8/9 at 1PM (NY Time)
  10. 2010 IHE Webinar series
    1. PCD was Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 1:00-2:30 pm CST
  11. Call for Work Item Proposals open (Due by 9/17)
  12. Action Item Review
  13. Additional Business
  14. Next Meetings

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.



Chair: Steve Merritt
Jon Blasingame, Bikram Day, Robert Flanders, Monroe Patillo , Steve Merritt, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Erin Sparnon, Todd Cooper, Ken Fuchs, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Rich Hillman,


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
  • Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Calendar attachments to meeting invitations
- All

Decisions/Issues: Invititation creators should make sure that they either have the url to the Webex calendar attachment or attach the calendar attachment directly to the invitation email.

Action(s): Manny, workgroup leaders make sure to follow this

3 WCM Out for Public Comment
- All
  • WCM supplement is out for Public Comment, a meeting next week will be held to discuss some open comments

Decisions/Issues: Please provide comments through RSNA forum using the template.

Action(s): WCM Meeting next Wed 8/11 at 4PM (New York)

3 PCD Help Forum
- All
  • There is a growing need to provide new implementers with guidance on getting started. Manny has provided this service to others in the past - providing guidance on the process and pointing to individual experts for advice on implmementation. We should capture this information as much as possible so its available on-demand. Several options were discussed including a new google group, "PCD-Help"; a wiki page; use existing google groups for indivual working groups.

Decisions/Issues: Create a wiki type of getting started page to walk new implementors through the process.

Action(s): Manny, cochairs to draft a wiki page. Cochairs to send survey out to TC and PC asking for volunteers to act as guides/mentors/answer questions.

6 Action Items
- Chairs
  • 72: Annual webinar was presented by Todd and Steve, the recording will be available soon.
  • 103: Meeting this afternoon to review draft before sending out to PC for review.
  • 104: Closed based on last action
  • 106: Close this item but keep on the radar for future
  • 107: Todd continues to drive this item through the Board
  • 108: Closed as the webinar will be scheduled in the near future
  • 110: The live version will occur 8/19, look for the invite
  • 111: There is enough interest to at least do a New Directions display at HIMSS 2011.
  • 114: Ken has left a message for the staff at PCIA to engage them on needs
  • 115: MDPnP is an IHE member so nothing should be required. We will re-engage with ASTM if a specific need arises but there doesn't appear to be a specific need at this point. Closed

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be August 18 PCD PC 2010-08-18 Webex

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