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Object Identifiers (OIDs) fill a need that comes up in many computing contexts, for identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique. With reliably unique identifier, you can be confident that your code for a measurement or a code set won’t collide with someone else’s. Unlike GUIDs or UUIDs, which are generated by a completely uncentralized process (using an algorithm that can run on any computer that is extremely unlikely to ever generate the same ID twice), OIDs are generated by a hierarchical network of aentities each of which is the ultimate authority for its own part of the tree.
IHE PCD now is one such authority.
There are a number of ISO Object Identifiers (OID) that are used in the PCD Technical Framework.  This includes OIDs that relate directly to IHE PCD developed content (e.g., the registraton of a PCD-01 HL7 message profile, which requires an OID), as well as content from outside of IHE (e.g., OIDs identifying parameters defined in the ISO/IEEE 11073 standards).
There are a number of ISO Object Identifiers (OID) that are used in the PCD Technical Framework.  This includes OIDs that relate directly to IHE PCD developed content (e.g., the registraton of a PCD-01 HL7 message profile, which requires an OID), as well as content from outside of IHE (e.g., OIDs identifying parameters defined in the ISO/IEEE 11073 standards).
CCITT, "Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)", CCITT Recommendation X.209, January 1988. ASN.1 is the original source of OIDs.
RFC 3061 - A URN Namespace of Object Identifiers. M. Mealling. A description of the general syntax and usage of OIDs.

Revision as of 17:38, 29 June 2009


Object Identifiers (OIDs) fill a need that comes up in many computing contexts, for identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique. With reliably unique identifier, you can be confident that your code for a measurement or a code set won’t collide with someone else’s. Unlike GUIDs or UUIDs, which are generated by a completely uncentralized process (using an algorithm that can run on any computer that is extremely unlikely to ever generate the same ID twice), OIDs are generated by a hierarchical network of aentities each of which is the ultimate authority for its own part of the tree.

IHE PCD now is one such authority.

There are a number of ISO Object Identifiers (OID) that are used in the PCD Technical Framework. This includes OIDs that relate directly to IHE PCD developed content (e.g., the registraton of a PCD-01 HL7 message profile, which requires an OID), as well as content from outside of IHE (e.g., OIDs identifying parameters defined in the ISO/IEEE 11073 standards).


CCITT, "Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)", CCITT Recommendation X.209, January 1988. ASN.1 is the original source of OIDs.

RFC 3061 - A URN Namespace of Object Identifiers. M. Mealling. A description of the general syntax and usage of OIDs.


The following OID has been assigned to IHE PCD:

OID Management

<Note: Discuss how PCD allocates and documents OID assignments>

OID Allocations

<Note: Indicate specific allocations of PCD OIDs; a la the ITI OID page listed below>


<Note: Provide X73 OID arc examples and usage>


<Note: Discuss how PCD uses OIDs w.r.t. HL7-based artifacts>

Additional Information