Difference between revisions of "ITI Change Proposals 2007"

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Focus on CPs critical to connectathon.
Focus on CPs critical to connectathon.
* CP 231 - See [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Assigned/CP-ITI-231-00.doc CP-ITI-231-00.doc] and [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Assigned/cp231-smm-03.doc cp231-smm-03.doc].
* CP 231 - See [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Assigned/CP-ITI-231-01.doc CP-ITI-231-01.doc] and [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Assigned/cp231-smm-03.doc cp231-smm-03.doc].
* CP 257 - XCA Missing Protocol Requirements: [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Assigned/CP-ITI-257-02.doc CP-ITI-257-02.doc]
* CP 257 - XCA Missing Protocol Requirements: [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Assigned/CP-ITI-257-02.doc CP-ITI-257-02.doc]
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* CPs in [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Incoming/ Incoming] directory
* CPs in [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/TF_Maintenance-2006-2007/CPs/Incoming/ Incoming] directory
** CP-ITI-bill-xds_ss_description.doc
** cp-iti-bill-xds_new_error_codes.doc
** CP-ITI-bill-xds_assoc_type_namespace.doc
** CP-ITI-bill-xds_partialsuccess.doc
** CP-ITI-bill-xds_partialsuccess.doc
** CP-ITI-MG-xds_base64.doc
** CP-ITI-MG-xds_base64.doc

Revision as of 09:10, 8 November 2007


See Change Proposal process page.

Return to ITI Technical Committee

ITI CP Tracking

All Change Propoposal management is in ITI CP ftp site. The tracking spreadsheet can be accessed at Status directory. It is the file with the most recent date in that directory.

Directory Structure

contains CPs that have been assigned an editor and are being actively worked on by the committee, i.e. Assigned status
contains Ballots that have been released for voting by the general community
contains CPs that have been canceled, i.e. Canceled status
contains the last version of a CP that is in Completed status. It is waiting to be put in a ballot
contains the last version of a CP that is in FinalText status. It is has been approved by ballot and is waiting to be integrated into the TF.
contains the version of the CP that was integrated into the TF.
contains CPs which have been submitted but have not been assigned a CP number or an editor. This is the place that new incoming CPs are placed prior to the first stage of processing by the committee.
Contains old versions of Completed and FinalText CPs
CPs that have been submitted by rejected by the committee
contains spreadsheets describing the status of CPs.

Integrated CPs

These CPs have been integrated into the Version 4.0 of the Technical Framework and the 2007 version of Supplements.

CP Title Profiles Affected Date
xds_028_09.doc Proposed Error Codes XDS August 2007
xds_117_05.doc Refinement of RPLC Semantics XDS August 2007
xds_130_03.doc DocumentEntry.legalAuthenticator should be multivalued XDS August 2007
xds_145_01.doc Date/Time Format XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-156-07.doc ATNA PIX/PDQ Events PIX & PDQ August 2007
CP-ITI-164-10.doc XDS ATNA Events XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-180-01.doc Missing Team message ATNA August 2007
xds_187_07.doc Extra metadata XDS August 2007
pdq_203_02.doc Update Examples of last name search PDQ August 2007
pix_204_04.doc Locator deprecation, multidomain issues (pid fields) PIX August 2007
CP-ITI-208-05.doc XDS metadata should clearly specify single vs. multi-valued XDS August 2007
all_209_00.doc Volume 1: Appendix F is obsolete ATNA August 2007
pix_xds_212_02.doc Why does Doc Reg get A08 messages XDS/PIX August 2007
xdssd_214_01.doc Format code not consistant with other profiles XDS-SD August 2007
xdssd_215_02.doc xs:base64Binary encoding XDS-SD August 2007
xdssq_216_01.doc Patient ID not quoted in example XDS-SQ August 2007
xdssq_217_01.doc Parameters for Required Queries XDS-SQ August 2007
xdssq_218_01.doc FindDocuments paremeter ConfidentialityCodeScheme missing XDS-SQ August 2007
xdssq_219_01.doc GetAssociations query parm should be Required XDS-SQ August 2007
xdssq_220_01.doc Status Value Typos XDS-SQ August 2007
xds_225_02.doc uniqueId enforcement XDS August 2007
xds_226_01.doc XDSDocumentEntry.uniqueID without extension XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-230-02.doc Clarify <softwareName> and <manufactureModelName> for virtually scanned documents XDS-SD August 2007
CP-ITI-232-03.doc ATNA Self Signed and CA Signed Certificates ATNA August 2007
CP-ITI-233-01.doc ATNA Key Length ATNA August 2007
CP-ITI-236-02.doc XDS ATNA immediate transfer not always required ATNA August 2007
CP-ITI-238-03.doc Combined Registry/Repository Breaks RFP Process XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-239-03.doc Audit Syslog Requirements (TAG field) ATNA August 2007
CP-ITI-240-02.doc Mapping CDA ID to XDS-SD XDS-SD August 2007
CP-ITI-242-01.doc PDQ Use case #2 correction PDQ August 2007
CP-ITI-243-02.doc PDQ RCP Field 2 clarification PDQ August 2007
CP-ITI-244-00.doc Consistent terminology specified in CP 150 not applied to Vol. 1 XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-245-01.doc Inconsistencies in PAM PAM August 2007
CP-ITI-246-03.doc Move XDS Metadata sections to separate chapter and reference from multiple transactions XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-247-01.doc ATNA Certificates format (DER / BER)transactions ATNA August 2007
CP-ITI-248-00.doc PWP should point at RFC3377 PWP August 2007
CP-ITI-250-03.doc UUID conversion to OID OID Appendix August 2007
CP-ITI-251-00.doc Typos in XDS metadata section ( XDS August 2007
CP-ITI-229-01.doc RFD Needs ITI Transaction Numbers RFD May 2007

Canceled CPs

These CPs have been canceled.

CP Title Profiles Affected Date Reason
xds_030_06.doc Standardizaton of XDS Documents XDS July 2007 Failed ballot
xds_227_01.doc Provide list of Content Integration Profiles XDS July 2007 Failed ballot

Final Text CPs

These CPs are ready for integration into the Technical Framework and Supplements.

CP Title Profiles Affected
CP-ITI-234-FT.doc ATNA Maintaining a List of Certificates for Trusted Nodes/Applications ATNA
CP-ITI-237-FT.doc Submission of Association Objects XDS
CP-ITI-241-FT.doc Document source replace support from required to optional XDS
CP-ITI-249-FT.doc XDS Demographics XDS
CP-ITI-252-FT.doc XDM allignment on XDS.b XDM
CP-ITI-253-FT.doc Option update and allignment on XDS.b XDR

Balloted CPs moved back to Assigned

These CPs had comments from the ballot that suggested they are not ready for final text yet. Have been moved back to assigned status.

CP Title Profiles Affected
CP-ITI-228-03.doc FindDocumentQuery eventCode problem XDS

Completed CPs

CP Title Profiles Affected

The ITI specific CP Process

See CP Process for IHE specific processing.

  1. Submission into the Incoming directory
  2. First consideration by the committee. If CP is accepted it is given a CP #, assigned an editor, renamed to CP-ITI-xxx_00.doc and placed in Assigned. If CP is rejected it is moved to Rejected and submitter is informed of explanation for rejection. Likely reasons for rejection are: dublicate, merged, withdrawn or not enough information to understand the request. Rejected CPs can be resubmitted with more information for reconsideration.
  3. Committee works with editor to draft the CP. Versions are kept in Assigned directory and numbered starting with -00, -01, -02, etc.
  4. Committee decides CP is ready for ballot. Latest version of CP is moved to Completed diretory and old versions are moved to old_versions.
  5. Co-chair collects Completed CPs into a ballot. The Ballot directory will be used for this.
  6. Ballot is released to the general community for voting
  7. Votes and comments are collected. All yes votes means the CP passed ballot and moved to FinalText. No votes are resolved by the committee. Sometimes CP is withdrawn, sometimes NO voter changes to yes vote after explanations. CP may be updated in this process. If updates are insignificant (clarification only) the CP is considered passed. If updates are significant the CP is submitted for another ballot.
  8. CP approved in ballot are put in FinalText and scheduled to be integrated into the Technical Framework or Supplement.

December 5, 2007

No Agenda yet.

November 8, 2007

Focus on CPs critical to connectathon.

  • CPs in Incoming directory
    • cp-iti-bill-xds_new_error_codes.doc
    • CP-ITI-bill-xds_assoc_type_namespace.doc
    • CP-ITI-bill-xds_partialsuccess.doc
    • CP-ITI-MG-xds_base64.doc
    • CP-ITI-KW-XCAMissingHomeActions-01.doc
  • Discussion subjects from ITItech list
    • "Interesting MTOM choice for XDS.b" email thread

Discuss release of a CP ballot in December or January.

October 1, 2007

  • CP 231 - conclude email discussion. See CP-ITI-231-00.doc and cp231-smm.doc. (see more text below)
    • Discussion agreed on direction. Steve to write up final wording and have email review. Goal to have final version of CP available by end of October.
  • CPs in Incoming directory
    • IHE_TF_Change_Proposal-XDSMetadata-parentDocumentRelationship.doc
      • Assigned to Bill CP 259
    • IHE_TF_Change_Proposal-XDSMetadata-intendedRecipient.doc
      • Assigned to Bill CP 260
    • CP-ITI-LF-ATNA-missing-option.doc
      • Assigned to Rob CP 254
    • CP-ITI-Renaming of two sections on security in XDS.doc
      • Assigned to Manuel CP 255
    • ICP-ITE-JAR- AllowDocumenttDeletion.doc
      • Agreed that function is desirable to beyond the scope of what can be accomadated by a CP. Manuel is submitting a planning proposal which encompasses this so detail will be rolled into his planning proposal. This CP will be rejected as too big to cover in a CP.
    • CP-ITI-KW-XCATypo-00.doc
      • Assigned to Karen CP 256
    • CP-ITI-KW-XCA-WSDL-02.doc
      • Assigned to Karen CP 257
    • CP-ITI-KW-XCAImpliedRequirement-00.doc
      • Assigned to Karen CP 258. Karen will create a XCA Implementors page on the wiki which will refer to these CPs and give guidance to implementors for this year.
    • xds_errata.doc
      • Assigned to Bill CP 261
    • xds_doc_rel_model.doc
      • Assigned to Bill CP 262
    • xds_deprecated_err_code.doc
      • Assigned to Bill CP 263
  • CP 160: DSG use of URNs
    • Need to assess the likelihood of implementation of DSG and NAV this year to determine priority. Karen to ask the demo committee.

Last email on CP 231. Would be a good starting point for Oct 1 discussion

This was the last note from the August email discussion on PDQ. I don't know if it is the consensus view, but I think we can use it as a starting point for discussion on Monday. I believe it implies the following

1 Client uses MSH-5 to indicate the source of the patient demographics.

2 Server needs to publish a list of values for MSH-5 indicating which values get mapped to which demographic source.

3 Patient ID domains are specified by QPD-8

4 Patient ID domains are not linked to MSH-5/demographic source

5 If QPD-8 is empty, server will return all identifiers in all domains.

6 If QPD-8 is filled in, server will return only identifiers in the domains requested by the client.

7 Implies these requirements for a client

7a Needs to be able to specify a configurable value for MSH-5 based on publication by the server

7b. Needs to be able to configure

7b1 Empty value in QPD-8, and receive all IDs in all domains, OR

7b2. Single value in QPD-8, and receive one ID on single domain, OR

7b3. Multiple values in QPD-8, and receive multiple IDs in those multiple domains

That would mean that a client cannot just leave QPD-8 empty and hope that the server gives back the "one ID in the one domain that I care about".

As before, my opinion is not that important. My goal is that the group agrees on the behavior and that we document this clearly.

July 23-27, 2007

During the face-to-face we processed CPs. The details are documented at: CP Processing

May 30, 2007

The CPs listed below were discussed on the call. The version listed below of each file is the version including the updates from today's discussion. If the link fails then the author has not yet submitted the promised fixes. To load previous version, copy/paste the link and edit.

May 25, 2007

  • CP-ITI-156-04.doc- editorial comments, updated version will be reviewed by email and then ready for ballot.
  • xds_164_09.doc - reformat to go into the Security Considerations sections of transactions (rather than in a separate appendix). Updated version will be reviewed by email and then ready for ballot.
  • CP-ITI-232-02.doc - small editorial update and then ready for ballot.
  • CP-ITI-239-02.doc - small editorial update and then ready for ballot.

May 24, 2007

May 23, 2007 Joint with PCC

  1. Additional XDS Document Entry Identifiers Change Proposal CP-ITI-Additional_XDS_Document_Entry_Identifiers-03.doc. Discussion fleshed out the details of the proposal and identified a solution. Probably needs to be released as a small supplement. Keith will write up next version and distribute to committees.
  2. CP-ITI-240-01.doc - after discussion and clarification this CP is ready to be issued for ballot
  3. BPPC - ready to go to final text after application of several PCC change proposals. Agreed to provided revised supplement to ITI mid-June for review and feedback in July. After updates based on review the supplement will be integrated into the ITI Vol. 1 and 2 Technical Framework documents as part of the update to V4.0 expected in August.
  4. Web Services - Both ITI and PCC are defining HL7 V3 Web SErvices transactions. This work needs to be harmonized. Keith will review ITI's work and give input.

Face-to-face May 15, 2007

Agenda & Minutes

  • CP-ITI-241-01.doc - agreed to general direction of the CP. Break the lifecycle management options into independent options (including replace). Add query to be an optional transaction that is required if any of the options are specified.
  • xds_117_02.doc - good and substantial comments were received, an updated version will be reviewed again

Face-to-face May 16, 2007

Tcon May 7, 2007

Agenda & Minutes

  • pix_204_02.doc Agreed in principle, Laurie and Dave will be asked to review detailed text and then it will be released for ballot.
  • xds_028_03.doc General agreement on the direction. Suggestion that there should be a partial sucess status added. Email to ititech will solicit further comments.
  • Submissions from Laurie accepted and assigned CP 242 & 243. With a few wording fixes these are ready for ballot.
  • xds_118_00.doc agreed to cancel
  • pdq_203_01.doc Agreed on direction, Yongjian will update and review with Laurie and then ready for ballot.
  • CP-ITI-239-01.doc Reassigned to John.
  • CP-ITI-241-00.doc Requires a Vol. 1 update as well and discussion of requirement of query.

Tcon April 2, 2007

Agenda & Minutes

  • Assigned CPs ready for review: (as time allows, in following order)
    • 209 - Move CP to complete. All the items in the referenced Appendix have been addressed by the standards body. So the list should be removed from the TF. This CP updates the appendix to be empty.
    • 164 - Reviewed discussion items in text. Agreed that this should be an XDS specific section in a new Appendix. The PDQ and PIX work will be another section in the same appendix.
    • CP-ITI-228-01.doc - Brief review. Needs review by originator (Sarah).
    • 156 - Warren: deferred
    • 212 - Charles: deferred
  • CP Planning: Plan future CP work
    • xds_118_00.doc- Requires clarification by original initiator. Steve/Karen to followup with possible initiator. Re-assigned to Karen. New version at CP-ITI-118-01.doc
    • xds_147_00.doc - Two possible approaches to this a) require registries to do unicode normalization b) require patient ids to be in the ASCII character set. Second option seems preferable. Rob will write that option up and it will be distributed to national areas that would have a concern (Korea, others?)
    • dsg_160_00.doc - This requires more thought and there seems to be no urgency. Still not enough vendors implementing DSG to require connectathon testing of it.
    • atna_180_00.doc - team login question requires further discussion with larger group.

Tcon March 23, 2007

See Minutes .

Face to face March 13-15

See Minutes .

Tcon February 6, 2007

See Minutes .

Tcon November 15, 2006

See Minutes.

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