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::- More batches to be processed.  Containment model tool very helpful.  Pump group – send terms.  Hard IEEE deadline.  Need to make up tables.  Can use SS for term definitions, will upload well.  Finish term list with units, enumerated values.  Can help with systematic name.  Michael Faughn will help with tool.
::- More batches to be processed.  Containment model tool very helpful.  Pump group – send terms.  Hard IEEE deadline.  Need to make up tables.  Can use SS for term definitions, will upload well.  Finish term list with units, enumerated values.  Can help with systematic name.  Michael Faughn will help with tool.
:* 1:30 :  Continue current PCD Program review:
:: IDCO (Paul Schluter)  Covered in PC
:: DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R)  Covered in PC
:: IPEC (Al E, Jeff R)  Covered in PC
:: PIV (Al E, Paul E)  Covered in PC
:: EC (John R)  Mostly covered in PC    Those that need this most (mostly pumps) are addressing it in their work.  If another level, combining would be OK.  Pump folks – seems to be handled so far.  General rules, with reference to IPEC items.  Need to add PCD-10 to TF.  Which volume?  Unclear, discussed, maybe Vol 2.  This would add a chunk to it.  That’s OK, ITI has several editions.  Any part of IPEC not exercised at CN?  Is PCA part of IPEC?  Probably. Can go to commercial distribution with TI, just may need to change a few things. 
:: WCM (Paul Schluter)  Supplements passed ballots, needs some minor edits before entry.  Some kind of column index number – what to do with that?  John R – not required.  They will discuss in detail later.  Pretty locked down.
:: OMS (Ken F)  - No changes, no implementation
:: DPI  (John R) – Pretty well covered already
:: Pump (Al E, Paul E, Jeff R.) – Pretty well covered already
:: Physio monitor (John R)
:: Vent (Paul Schluter) – Some minor work, containment models
:: PCIM (John R) – White paper out, please review.
:- Standards Coordination
:: HL7 – Nothing much new
:: Nomenclature (Paul Scluter) – Not much to add, adding terms to LOINC
:: PCHA/Continua (Paul Schluter) – Working some FHIR items, moving toward
:* [[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Technical_Committee_Action_Items TC Action item]] review
:: 118. Implementation Guide – IGAMT tool, John extensively demonstrated the tool.  Any plain English ‘how to’ info?  Can hone in on device classes and even be model specific.  Will keep updating.  Helps with documentation and quick test development.  More consistent formatting guide.  Should be ready to test it out.  Hopefully will be able to automatically create the tests, rather than hand enter.  DIM editor output is much finer level than this – could be encoded, but at content level.  Close it and add as next F2F agenda item – IG and Test Case Development. 
:: 170. Convert IPEC to EC – Need to come up with TF text.  Close this and create new item:  Draft EC overview for Tech Framework;  Owner, John R.  Have a small note in V1, more detail in V2;  Due date after HIMSS.   
:: 196  Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78 – pp61 discusses it, we have values not in HL7.    HL7:  write up proposal for them to approve or not.  These are generic enough for other to use them, it is also a way to get some null values in there.  Can we create a local table to address it – Yes.  We will need to do that for the Connectathon.  But was only checked against HL7 table for DEC; need to add a local DEC table.  May want to define a write operation as well.  Targeting HL7 Jan 2017 to have values added to Table    Set due date to Feb TC meeting.
:: 197  Verify tiny URL values on business cards and welcome letter – Reviewed new card, it works.  Letter has been updated as well.  Close.
:* 3:30 > FHIR Update  (Todd):: Presentation on ftp site.  Overview of why it was created; V2 limited, V3 too complicated, CDA saved V3, but limited.  What if in another industry.  FHIR intended to focus on implantation – solve real world problems much cheaper.  Compared XML and JSON.  Use simple predefined operations.  Similar to CDA.  Documents are bundles, resources define content.  Messages similar to HL7, event driven. Extensive enthusiastic community, resources listed on slide.  Devices on FHIR overview – list of activities, not a lot of devices progress.  Want to make sure FHIR is semantically consistent with other programs.  Some info from ISO/IEC working group – how to be relevant to new standard?  Where headed and who is engaged?  DOF @ NIST – fits their two tools.  Still working on translator, need a more solid approach at NIST.  Very active community, agile and open source; Hapi, etc.  Had a Connectahon, sort of.  Was challenging – APIs were changed.  There was progress.    Are ‘paper’ standards obsolete?  Have DoF website, developer days Amsterdam in November.  Working on some vignettes.  Overview of HIMSS 2016 Demo.  2nd wave – cloud; 3rd - data driven, personalized.  Interested?  Contact Todd.  Presentation available?  Yes, Paul Sh will post to the website.
:* Discussion of additional pump terms (Todd and Jeff R) – came up with a couple of new terms, OBX18 issue not quite resolved yet, but minor.  Todd - some issues bringing up RTMMS.  10101 deadline close, less than ½ year to lock it down.  Terms need to be completed ASAP with containment model.  Discuss with Michael Faughn, he can help with containment tree.  Todd and Jeff don’t have time themselves, need another to help; Mike F willing to lead them through it.  Todd will discuss with Michael.
:* AAMI sent info out regarding Physician training.  Tom will send to Paul Sh to share with the group for discussion Thursday.

Revision as of 20:00, 12 October 2016

PCD Home


Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
  • Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

- Philips Healthcare,
951 Yamato Rd, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Suite 175W
- Meeting room
- Springhill Suites
Boca Raton FL 33487
Book at group room rate at Reservation Link

Monday October 10: Pump Working Group
Tuesday October 11: PCD Planning Committee
Wednesday October 12 morning: Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committees
Wednesday October 12 afternoon through Thursday: PCD Technical Committee

Daily Schedule -
08:00 - 08:30 Meet at Philips, Boca Raton, FL
Meeting will start promptly at 08:30 Eastern Time each day.
08:30 - 10:15 Session #1
10:30 - 12:30 Session #2
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (location to be announced)
13:30 - 15:15 Session #3
15:30 - 17:00 Session #4

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

From the PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:

157 Update cookbook to include ACM implementation
168 Execute Stakeholder Survey
170 Create Stakeholder Survey

From the TC Action Items: PCD Technical Committee Action Items:

118. Implementation Guide
170. Convert IPEC to EC
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
197 Verify tiny URL values on business cards and welcome letter.


Webex meetings have been set up in anticipation of interest. They will be provided when requested in advance; i.e., the log in information is provided here, and the Webex will be initiated for those portions of the agenda that are of interest. Please let the co-chairs and Paul know of your interest and when you are available. The co-chairs will try to arrange the agenda to permit your remote participation.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password is different, and has been included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

The HIMSS Webex page is [here]

Monday morning, October 10: Pump WG: Meeting Number: 928 875 189

Monday afternoon, October 10: Pump WG: Meeting Number: 928 748 661

Tuesday morning, October 11: PC: Meeting Number: 929 278 938

Tuesday afternoon, October 11: PC: Meeting Number: 922 063 449

Wednesday morning, October 12: Joint PC, TC: Meeting Number: 928 696 483

Wednesday afternoon, October 12: TC: Meeting Number: 921 883 845

Thursday morning October 13: TC: Meeting Number: 921 358 368

Thursday afternoon October 13: TC: Meeting Number: 927 389 385

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when available will be found at the [ftp site] unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda

Monday October 10, 2016 (Pump Workgroup)

Date Hours Committees Topics

Monday 08:30 - 17:00 Pump workgroup
  • Morning (08:30-12:30)
  • CP – add optional software (SFT) segment to DEC/IPEC (Jeff Rinda)
  • RDC - Remote Device Control and other options to control a pump (Kurt Eliason)
  • Support for multistep infusions (Jeff Rinda/Brian Witkowski)
  • PIV
  • Lunch (12:30-13:00)
  • Afternoon (13:00-17:00)
  • Continue morning discussions if needed
  • Pump-anesthesia machine integration (Mike Krajnak)
  • Improving efficiency of pump integration implementation through use of a common Schema (Brian Witkowski)
  • 17:00 > Meeting Adjournment

Tuesday October 11, 2016

Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday Q1 08:30 - 10:15 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 08:30 > IHE IP Management Process
  • 08:35 > Introductions and Agenda Review
  • 0900 > Need for new PC CoChair
  • 0915 > Review current PCD programs (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Monroe P)
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Monroe P)
- DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Al E, Paul E)
- IPEC (Al E)
- EC (John R)
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- OMS (Ken F)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
Break 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Tuesday Q2 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM PCD Planning Committee (PC)(Cont)
  • 10:30 > Continue reviewing current PCD programs
- RDQ (John R)
- DPI (John R)
- PCIM (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry Integration Supplement(Completed)
- Pump (Al E, Paul E, Jeff R.)
- Physio monitor (John R)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
  • 11:30 > Action item Discussion
157 Update cookbook to include ACM implementation
168 Execute Stakeholder Survey
170 Create Stakeholder Survey
  • Location, Dates of the PCD 2017 Spring F2F
  • Review IHE Milestones from now until Pre-Connectathon
IHE 2017 Publication Schedule [1]
  • 12:30 > Adjourn PCD Planning Committee (PC) Meeting
Lunch 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Tuesday Q3 1:30 - 3:00 PM PCD Joint Planning & Technical Committee (PC & TC) and Technical Committee (TC)
  • 1:30 > Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
  • 1:45 >
- Review & Approve Joint PC & TC Agenda (10 minutes)
- Review Discussion Summary Last PC & TC Meeting PCD PC&TC 2016-10-05 Webex
  • 2:00 > HIMSS Showcase Webex
- PCD Discussion
Break 3:00 - 3:15 PM
Tuesday Q4 3:15 - 5:00 PM PCD PC&TC Cont)
  • 3:15 > AAMI Interoperability Experience
  • 3:30 > Review proposed ACM CP (TJ Root)
  • 4:15 > Nomenclature update (Paul Schluter)

Wednesday October 12, 2016

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items

Wed Q1 08:30 - 10:30 AM PCD Joint Planning & Technical Committee (PC & TC) and Technical Committee (TC)
  • 08:30 > Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
  • 08:35 > RTMMS and Test Tool Update (John G)
  • 09:15 >
  • 09:30 > Cybersecurity Update (Axel)
  • 10:15 > Adjourn PCD Joint Planning & Technical Committee (PC & TC)
Break 10:30 - 10:45
Wed Q2 10:30 - 12:30 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 10:30 > Open PCD Technical Committee (TC)
- IHE IP Management Process
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
  • 10:35 > TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
- Intellectual Property Requirements
ACM (Monroe P)
MEM DMC (Monroe P)
MEM LS (Monroe P)
RDC (Monroe P)
  • 11:00 > Demo of DIM Editor (Michael Faughn)
  • 11:45 > Continue current PCD Program review:
RTM (Paul Schluter)
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30
Wed Q3 1:30 - 3:15 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 1:30 : Continue current PCD Program review:
IDCO (Paul Schluter)
DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R)
IPEC (Al E, Jeff R)
PIV (Al E, Paul E)
EC (John R)
WCM (Paul Schluter)
OMS (Ken F)
DPI (John R)
Pump (Al E, Paul E, Jeff R.)
Physio monitor (John R)
Vent (Paul Schluter)
PCIM (John R)
- Standards Coordination
Nomenclature (Paul Scluter)
PCHA/Continua (Paul Schluter)

TC Action item review

118. Implementation Guide
170. Convert IPEC to EC
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
197 Verify tiny URL values on business cards and welcome letter
Break 3:15 - 3:30 PM
Wed Q4 3:30 - 5:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 3:30 > FHIR Update (Todd and John R)

Thursday October 13, 2016

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Thursday Q1 08:30 - 9:45 AM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 8:35 > Drug Library (Epic, Jeff R)
- Add optional SFT segment to DEC. (Jeff R)
[FTP link]
- Proposal Review

Break 09:45 - 10:00 AM
Thursday Q2 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 10:00 > F2F Action Review (from this week)
  • 11:00 > TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Kowalczyk)
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Thursday Q3 1:30 - 3:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 1:30 >
  • 2:30 >
Break 3:00 - 3:15 PM
Thursday Q4 3:15 - 5:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 3:15 >
  • 4:00 >
  • 4:45 >


Note: Additional evening working sessions may be scheduled as needed.
Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO

Webex Support

Webex will likely be available for those who could not attend in person. The links will be provided below. Reminder: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.


Monday, October 10

On Site:


Tuesday, October 11

On Site:


Wednesday, October 12

On Site:


Thursday, October 13

On Site:



Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Monday Pump WG Meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 General Discussion
reviewed IHE IP Management Process

Decisions/Issues: See above

Action(s): See above

Tuesday Morning

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Monroe reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Minutes approved



3 Agenda Items
  • 08:30 > IHE IP Management Process
  • 08:35 > Introductions and Agenda Review
  • 0900 > Need for new PC CoChair
  • 0915 > Review current PCD programs (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Monroe P)
Monroe reviewed with presentation. Presentation will be on ftp site. In FT, like to have more vendors involved, WCM messages. Enabled mACM/FHIR discussion.
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
Presentation will be on ftp site, combined with ACM and MEMLS
TI at 2016 CN, need more vendors,
- MEM LS (Monroe P)
Presentation will be on ftp site, combined with ACM and MEM DMC
TI at 2016 CN, need more vendors, monitor IEEE (via Dalibor)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry Integration Supplement(Completed)
- DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R)
Evolving, adding parameters and
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
Recent endorsement by cardiology community, huge win. Make progress, but using different approaches.
- PIV (Al E, Paul E)
Pump meeting Monday, ½ on PIV, discussed multi-step infusion, Discussed how message could represent all stages in single message. Discussed anesthesia integration. Extending PIV’s reach for programming
- IPEC (Al E)
Discussed reporting multi-step and new transaction describing pump programming and EMR confirming that info.
- EC (John R)
Discussed profile – Reporting episodic events, rather than asking (‘pushing’ the info). Much covered by DEC and IPEC already, syntax straightforward. Moving from specific to general, but no requests for that info. Discussion of device specific vs. general grouping under EC. Some discussion of events, alerts and alarms. General framework; should be in TF eventually, start with descriptive guide and proceed from there. Paul Sc – starting to build a way to do this. He will show it later. Every event should start the same with a containment tree model. EC won’t be a standalone profile.
- WCM (Paul Sc)
Two years of demo and testing, Rosetta terms approved. Should have numeric codes soon. Have a way for this info to be handled by end users. More annotation comments,
- OMS (Ken F)
Nothing really done on it lately.
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
Presentation – updated with 10101a nomenclature with units, enums, etc. 880 terms with needed details. Can be generated on demand? Almost. How to synch? Can export it and lock it down. Added four PCHA device info. Reviewed IEEE P11073-10101b progress. Self announcing would be helpful, but more long term. RTLS - In TI, can we combine and. Will work on RTLS immediately. Unsure where pump folks are, much work going on in a lot of areas. Necessary to have some control that responds quicker than the ballot process.
Presentation will be on ftp site.
- RDQ (John R)
Overview of profile. Not used much. One party wanted to test, but had no partner. Not very active, but will be useful to many cases. Easily modified to work with other profiles. Not a deprecation candidate yet.
- DPI (John R)
Came in early. Reliable Device-Device comms, useful in OR-Net applications. Goal – use existing standards to fill in the gaps. Vendors spend a lot of money creating proprietary interfaces; slow and expensive process. Resources limited, adopters limited, C4MI going another way. Another look at some 11073 nomenclature.
- PCIM (John R)
WP in publication queue, preparing TI supplement. VA working on related project using FHIR, we will consider adapting to include this; will discuss at TC.
RDC – Whitepaper in PCD review. Focus on safety/security
- Pump (Al E, Paul E, Jeff R.)
Mike at GE – Interested in integrating anesth data with pumps.
- Physio monitor (John R)
No activity, bare bones profile in Vol. 3. Unsure of resources and requirements to take it forward.
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
DPI completed some models, Carl and Paul have submitted them. Exposed vulnerabilities in models. Looking at mapping trees.
  • 11:10 > Action item Discussion
157 Update cookbook to include ACM implementation
Interoperability for Dummies gone, only treatise on how to buy conformant equipment. Should add PIV and ACM. A few more weeks. Set to Nov 9 meeting.
168 Execute Stakeholder Survey
170 Create Stakeholder Survey
- Reviewed healthcare survey – use checkboxes to select IHE PCD profile rather than free text.
- Reviewed vendor survey – replace open text boxes with check boxes.
- Location, Dates of the PCD 2017 Spring F2F
Qualcomm, San Diego. Paul will contact Olivier for logistics.
- Review IHE Milestones from now until Pre-Connectathon
IHE 2017 Publication Schedule [2]
- TF is almost ready. Next cycle – can start completing dates.
- Final profile selection Dec 9, 2016
- Likely not many profiles this year, PCD Domain is hitting maturity.

Adjourn PCD Planning Committee (PC)



Tuesday Afternoon

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Reviewed & approve Agenda (10 minutes)
Reviewed and approve PC/TC Meeting discussion summary
Reviewed PCD Calendar and Update "PCD ftp site [[3]]"


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair



Oct PC/TC summary approved
3 Agenda Items
  • 1:30 > Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
  • 1:45 >
- Review & Approve Joint PC & TC Agenda (10 minutes)
- Review Discussion Summary Last PC & TC Meeting PCD PC&TC 2016-10-05 Webex
  • 2:00 > HIMSS Showcase Webex
- PCD Discussion
Use cases not cast in stone. Tell Bronwen and Phil if you need changes.
With focus on commercially available, what about recently developed products (successfully tested but not yet sold)? Will demo whoever will pay the money.

  • 3:15 > AAMI Interoperability Experience
No info yet, should know soon. AAMI has the booth set aside for it.
  • 3:20 Review proposed ACM CP (TJ)
In PCD-06, not much alert info that produces notification. No way to know device, patient info, etc. Add another optional XML element to include this info. AC vendors were concerned about being medical ‘anything’. Have smarter ACs that can use this info. Will need to think about WCTP versions. If AM can send, but AC can't. Much discussion to refine the CP, TJ will make changes and submit.
  • 4:15 > Nomenclature update (Paul Schluter)
Presentation on [ftp site]
Went over much this morning. Showed example of potential domain info model and containment tree models. People use this as a summary to aid in message design. Have your group put their terms in a table like the sample, then it’s easier to finish the work and publish the new codes. Hard core deadline for the infusion pump terms. Will roll new events into PAR. Has a presentation, will post at ftp site. highlighted to make REFID and code assignment work quickly. Would like numbers in before Connectathon, but we can get the standard done afterwards. How valuable is a hard assigned code? Very valuable to GE. Reviewed Code and Term Assigment slide (last one): Much discussion of middle row (MDCX), consensus to eliminate it. Not much need for it; new codes need to be in RTMMS




Item Topic Discussion
1 TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
- Chair


Agenda approved
IHE IP Management Process
Announcements –
- Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items
  • 08:35 > RTMMS and Test Tool Update (John G)
- Presentation from HL7 meeting. Michael Faughn will present more at 11AM (?). Pre-CN tool review; can access prior tests. Tool allows you to build constraints – can build tables usable in Vol 3. Able to build validation with constraints, needed to support several efforts with limited resources. Sets up consistent formatting/sections, like a template. Would like to present more on IGAMT and TCAMT later. Supported Japan, Korea and Europe Connectathons. One challenge – needed to support older versions of HL7. DIM editor going through the tool, giving community way to build compliant models. CaSC – chose PCD01 and PCD03 to create a virtual machine for certification. Reviewed meetings and activities. Reviewed list of test tools. RTMMS has 134 contributors, 1733 terms. Updated on EUI-64/DNS, conformance profiles, RTMMS. Presentations on HL7 website/resources. Would like to go forward on WCTP. Q – changing tools, is everything in there via CPs? Generally, but reflects consensus as well.
  • 09:15 > Follow-up on zombie terms in RTMMS. (Code and Term Assignment slide from Paul Sc’s session). Consensus to remove MDC’X’ stage from process. Some want it, but some don’t, useful for human viewing.
  • 09:30 > Cybersecurity Update (Axel)
Slide presentation (on ftp site) – Highlighted mission, members, relationships and completed projects. Concerned about little representation from healthcare organizations. Created two WPs, patching and best practices. Reviewed Ecosystem map; security, regulations/standards/frameworks, certification/assurance, integration/maintenance, manufacturer, HDO. Proposal – update WPs with FDA guidance info, complete Ecosystem map, ID stakeholders, spot gaps and how to address them. Obstacles; small group, only manufacturers, US focus, official mission & tasks.
Comments – Valuable activity, PC concern. Uwe; can we propose a higher level committee? Paul Sh – assemble a short article for ACCE news, will help facilitate.
  • PCC proposal – tying implant UDI info to patient. Seems to be largely part of PCIM. May need some CPs to address this, but it should be quite manageable. We will continue discussing with PCC.
  • 10:15 > Adjourn PCD Joint Planning & Technical Committee (PC & TC)

  • 10:30 > Open PCD Technical Committee (TC)
- IHE IP Management Process
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
  • 10:35 > TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
- Intellectual Property Requirements
- Review Current PCD Program:
ACM (Monroe P) – CPs 125, 126 and 127 as well PCD-04 CN tools. What hasn’t been done? Some msgs were missing basic attributes at 2016 CN.
MEM DMC (Monroe P) – Not enough changes to warrant a TI update, can do CPs when MDCs/RefIDs are updated
MEM LS (Monroe P) - Not enough changes to warrant a TI update, can do CPs when MDCs/RefIDs are updated
RDC (Monroe P) – started with a long name. Have initial use cases. Need to change message to include multiple changes. Can discuss in more detail later. No method to show no audio created.
- Detailed info available in file on ftp site
  • 11:00 > Demo of DIM Editor (Michael Faughn)
Over time will build library for user to build specializations and constraints. Mostly discussed in IEEE groups.
- Has presentation, will be on ftp site. Derived from 11073-10201. Model is the standard, driven by UML, but there are challenges. Construct issues, new plug ins are a lot of work, standard vs. function. Showed workflow. Went to editor to demo live. Near term goals – profile functionality and freeze features. Next steps: Generate IEEE std in Word, redesign app, resolve critical issues. Long term; Update permissions, improve RTMMS integration, audit DIM model, ease metadata and info access.
- Questions:
Will changes automatically propagate through all five channels? No, but he will do it.
  • 12:00 > Resume review of current PCD Program:
RTM (Paul Schluter)
- More batches to be processed. Containment model tool very helpful. Pump group – send terms. Hard IEEE deadline. Need to make up tables. Can use SS for term definitions, will upload well. Finish term list with units, enumerated values. Can help with systematic name. Michael Faughn will help with tool.
  • 1:30 : Continue current PCD Program review:
IDCO (Paul Schluter) Covered in PC
DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R) Covered in PC
IPEC (Al E, Jeff R) Covered in PC
PIV (Al E, Paul E) Covered in PC
EC (John R) Mostly covered in PC Those that need this most (mostly pumps) are addressing it in their work. If another level, combining would be OK. Pump folks – seems to be handled so far. General rules, with reference to IPEC items. Need to add PCD-10 to TF. Which volume? Unclear, discussed, maybe Vol 2. This would add a chunk to it. That’s OK, ITI has several editions. Any part of IPEC not exercised at CN? Is PCA part of IPEC? Probably. Can go to commercial distribution with TI, just may need to change a few things.
WCM (Paul Schluter) Supplements passed ballots, needs some minor edits before entry. Some kind of column index number – what to do with that? John R – not required. They will discuss in detail later. Pretty locked down.
OMS (Ken F) - No changes, no implementation
DPI (John R) – Pretty well covered already
Pump (Al E, Paul E, Jeff R.) – Pretty well covered already
Physio monitor (John R)
Vent (Paul Schluter) – Some minor work, containment models
PCIM (John R) – White paper out, please review.
- Standards Coordination
HL7 – Nothing much new
Nomenclature (Paul Scluter) – Not much to add, adding terms to LOINC
PCHA/Continua (Paul Schluter) – Working some FHIR items, moving toward

118. Implementation Guide – IGAMT tool, John extensively demonstrated the tool. Any plain English ‘how to’ info? Can hone in on device classes and even be model specific. Will keep updating. Helps with documentation and quick test development. More consistent formatting guide. Should be ready to test it out. Hopefully will be able to automatically create the tests, rather than hand enter. DIM editor output is much finer level than this – could be encoded, but at content level. Close it and add as next F2F agenda item – IG and Test Case Development.
170. Convert IPEC to EC – Need to come up with TF text. Close this and create new item: Draft EC overview for Tech Framework; Owner, John R. Have a small note in V1, more detail in V2; Due date after HIMSS.
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78 – pp61 discusses it, we have values not in HL7. HL7: write up proposal for them to approve or not. These are generic enough for other to use them, it is also a way to get some null values in there. Can we create a local table to address it – Yes. We will need to do that for the Connectathon. But was only checked against HL7 table for DEC; need to add a local DEC table. May want to define a write operation as well. Targeting HL7 Jan 2017 to have values added to Table Set due date to Feb TC meeting.
197 Verify tiny URL values on business cards and welcome letter – Reviewed new card, it works. Letter has been updated as well. Close.
  • 3:30 > FHIR Update (Todd):: Presentation on ftp site. Overview of why it was created; V2 limited, V3 too complicated, CDA saved V3, but limited. What if in another industry. FHIR intended to focus on implantation – solve real world problems much cheaper. Compared XML and JSON. Use simple predefined operations. Similar to CDA. Documents are bundles, resources define content. Messages similar to HL7, event driven. Extensive enthusiastic community, resources listed on slide. Devices on FHIR overview – list of activities, not a lot of devices progress. Want to make sure FHIR is semantically consistent with other programs. Some info from ISO/IEC working group – how to be relevant to new standard? Where headed and who is engaged? DOF @ NIST – fits their two tools. Still working on translator, need a more solid approach at NIST. Very active community, agile and open source; Hapi, etc. Had a Connectahon, sort of. Was challenging – APIs were changed. There was progress. Are ‘paper’ standards obsolete? Have DoF website, developer days Amsterdam in November. Working on some vignettes. Overview of HIMSS 2016 Demo. 2nd wave – cloud; 3rd - data driven, personalized. Interested? Contact Todd. Presentation available? Yes, Paul Sh will post to the website.
  • Discussion of additional pump terms (Todd and Jeff R) – came up with a couple of new terms, OBX18 issue not quite resolved yet, but minor. Todd - some issues bringing up RTMMS. 10101 deadline close, less than ½ year to lock it down. Terms need to be completed ASAP with containment model. Discuss with Michael Faughn, he can help with containment tree. Todd and Jeff don’t have time themselves, need another to help; Mike F willing to lead them through it. Todd will discuss with Michael.
  • AAMI sent info out regarding Physician training. Tom will send to Paul Sh to share with the group for discussion Thursday.



Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 ____________
- Chair



3 Agenda Items
** reviewed IHE IP Management Process
Review of On-going work

  • 11:30 > Proposal Review
Next steps – Evaluate proposals. Determine work needed and resources available. PC will review and determine if we'll take I forward. Will need to submit to HIMSS to determine if this is appropriate for PCD or another domain.

  • Continue TC Action item review.



4 ___ Status/Discussion:




Action Items - PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Submit updated Milestones to IHE (Mary Junger)
Update PCD's long term visionary roadmap calendar

Action Items - TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings

Joint Planning and Technical Committee: PC and TC __ PCD PC&TC 2015-10-28 Webex

TC PCD TC 2015-11-04 Webex

PC PCD PC 2015-11-11 Webex