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*Andrea Pitkus (CAP, IHE Lab Secretary)
*Andrea Pitkus (CAP, IHE Lab Secretary)
*Naomi Ishii (Japan)
*Naomi Ishii (Japan)
*Eric Olson (Siemens, IICC President)
*Ed Heierman (Abbott, IICC Chief Technical Officer)
*Ed Heierman (Abbott, IICC Chief Technical Officer)
*Eric Olson (Siemens, IICC President)
*Andrzej Knafel (Roche)
*Andrzej Knafel (Roche)
*James Harrison, MD, PhD. (CAP)
*James Harrison, MD, PhD. (CAP)
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*Daniel Moncusi (Systelab)
*Daniel Moncusi (Systelab)
== Minutes==
'''Thursday, September 30, 2010'''
'''1. Welcome (Andrea Pitkus)'''
:* Introductions
:* Agenda Review
:* Domain Sponsor Announcements
'''2. IICC Updates'''
:a. IICC Introduction and Overview (Eric Olson) [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzeZcmIY9FvEOTdkYjgxOTktMjlhMy00MmFlLWE1NzAtNDZkM2VmMWNhZDI3&hl=en&authkey=CP-7yZwK View Slides Presented Here]
::i. Overview of IICC and the connectivity between LIS/EHR/Lab Analyzers and interfaces is presented.  Goal is to reduce complexity and variability for the interoperability of lab data to ensure adoption and reducing the cost and time in interfacing.
:b. Current status of IICC (Ed Heierman) [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzeZcmIY9FvEMWMzMGVlMTQtMmFlZi00MzYxLWFkM2YtZDc3ODgyOGVlNmZi&hl=en&authkey=CMSKsqYG View Slides Presented Here]
::i.  Members are mostly diagnostics vendors with some middleware and LIS companies represented. 
::ii. Baseline standard recommendations including IHE lab and HL7 within O&O are reviewed.
'''3. Domain News'''
: a. Implementations & IHE North America Connectathon Overview (Sondra Renly) [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzeZcmIY9FvEOGQxMTljYzAtYzIzNi00NzI5LTllM2YtYjEyOWExYjU5MzVh&hl=en&authkey=CI6w1PkG View Slides Presented Here]
:b. The IHE Profile needs to be ready by August 2011 if it is to be tested at the January 2012 North America Connectathon.  The goal is to have a global standard so participation should include Japanese and European Connectathons too.
:c. IHE Europe Connectathon Presentation (Francois Macary) [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzeZcmIY9FvEODFmNjVhZGYtNTY2NS00MTlkLTkzZDMtYTM3NjBjNjRiYjQ0&hl=en&authkey=CJ3dn7ID View Slides Presented Here]
:d. IHE Japanese Connectathon Presentation (Yoshimi Hirasawa) [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzeZcmIY9FvEOGNiODM3ZGItOTc1YS00MWViLThkODQtNTllOGJlODYyYzdi&hl=en&authkey=CJ7thNEM View Slides Presented Here]
'''4. IHE Lab Communication (Sondra Renly).'''
:a. Wiki Overview: Everyone can contribute content.  Please provide Sondra feedback on the Wiki.  [[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Laboratory_Technical_Committee]]
:b. Google Groups: Announcements, people and documents are located here.
:c. Website’s
::i.  [[www.ihe.net]] -Where profiles are published.
::ii. [[ftp.ihe.net]] -FTP server is where the documents are stored
'''5.  GIR Supplement Public Comments. (Yoshimi Hirasawa and Francois Macary).'''   
:a. Interlab profile addition to the GIR.  Publish for trial at next connectathons.  (http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/public_comment.cfm#laboratory)
'''6.  IICC ELDA Proposal'''
:a. ELDA Proposal Use Cases (Jean-Christophe Hurpeau.)  [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzeZcmIY9FvENjJjNDZlY2EtMTlkYy00YmNiLTliODctOTI4OTljYTAwNjU5&hl=en&authkey=CLqGk_UF View Slides Presented Here]
:b. Use Case Discussion (Ed Heierman, Francois Macary, and Naomi Ishii).
::i. Discussion and a working session.  Proposal arises to split LDA and LTW profiles.
'''7. Daily Wrap-up and Assignments'''
'''8. Adjourn'''
'''Friday, October 1, 2010'''
'''1. Agenda Review and Announcements (Andrea Pitkus)'''
'''2. Review of Assignments (Sondra Renly)'''
:a. ELDA Proposed Split (Filip Migom)
'''3. IICC ELDA Proposal:  Use Cases (Jean-Christophe Hurpeau)'''
:a. Uses cases reviewed on wiki one by one with discussion.
:b. Multiple queries pending is optional capability
:c. Sequential query is a required capability
'''4. Documentation (Sondra Renly, Francois Macary)'''
:a. Lab TF Maintenance
:b. Change Proposals  [http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Laboratory_Technical_Committee Posted to IHE Lab-Technical Committee Wiki Page]
'''5. IICC ELDA Proposal Documentation'''
:a. Sequential message exchange (Ed Heierman)
'''6. Daily Wrap-up and Assignments'''
'''7. Adjourn'''
'''Saturday, October 2, 2010'''
1. '''IICC ELDA Proposal Documentation:''' It was decided that this Proposal would be now called the Laboratory Automation Workflow (LAW) Proposal.
:a. IICC LAW Proposal: Review of Jean-Christophe Hurpeau’s delta slides of use cases.
::i.  Next Steps:  Define use cases for the LAW profile.
::ii. Milestones.
:::1. Request for a server (TBD) where vendors can submit LOINC codes.
:::2. Work on Change Proposals by October 8
'''2. Domain Coordination (Yoshimi Hirasawa, Francois Macary, Sondra Renly)'''
:a.  Next Face to Face
::i.  No decision on whether next Face to Face will be in France or Japan.
::ii.  Timing of Face to Face to be in late May or early June 2011.
::iii. Follow up calls beginning in two weeks
'''3. Review of assignments (Yoshimi Hirasawa, Francois Macary, Sondra Renly):''' [http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=IHE_Lab_Domain_Face_to_Face_Minutes#Action_Items.2FAssignments Assignments posted to Wiki]
'''4. Adjourn'''
== Action Items ==
== Assignments ==
Thursday, Sept 30th Assignments
'''Thursday, Sept 30th Assignments'''
#  Present the delta of use cases between IHE and IICC (Jean Christophe to do) '''(Completed)'''  
#  Present the delta of use cases between IHE and IICC (Jean Christophe to do) '''(Completed)'''  
# Change Proposals to existing technical framework (IHE has a form for this).  '''(Completed)'''  
# Change Proposals to existing technical framework (IHE has a form for this).  '''(Completed)'''  
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# GIR (Francois) with Sondra following up with Mary Jungers?  '''(Completed)''' (it's published)
# GIR (Francois) with Sondra following up with Mary Jungers?  '''(Completed)''' (it's published)
Friday, October 1st    Assignments
'''Friday, October 1st    Assignments'''
# Take Filip’s write on Wiki and link to it to Google groups (Sondra)(in progress)
# Take Filip’s write on Wiki and link to it to Google groups (Sondra)(in progress)
# CP to vol2, section (Francois) '''(Completed 10/19/2010)'''   
# CP to vol2, section (Francois) '''(Completed 10/19/2010)'''   

Latest revision as of 16:30, 10 December 2010

Attendence List

  • Sondra Renly (IBM Research, IHE Technical Committee Co-Chair)
  • Yoshimi Hirasawa (Techno Medica, IHE Technical Committee Co-Chair)
  • Francois Macary (ASIP Sante, IHE Planning Committee Co-Chair)
  • Andrea Pitkus (CAP, IHE Lab Secretary)
  • Naomi Ishii (Japan)
  • Eric Olson (Siemens, IICC President)
  • Ed Heierman (Abbott, IICC Chief Technical Officer)
  • Andrzej Knafel (Roche)
  • James Harrison, MD, PhD. (CAP)
  • Rob Bush (Orchard)
  • Jean-Christophe Hurpeau (bioMerieux)
  • Jean Benech (bioMerieux)
  • Ed Harshberger (bioMerieux)
  • Anna Orlova (Public Health Data Standards Consortium)
  • Bill Ormerod (Siemens)
  • Nathan “Dan” Roberts (Siemens)
  • Bill Williams (Abbott)
  • Filip Migom (MIPS)
  • Daniel Moncusi (Systelab)


Thursday, September 30, 2010

1. Welcome (Andrea Pitkus)

  • Introductions
  • Agenda Review
  • Domain Sponsor Announcements

2. IICC Updates

a. IICC Introduction and Overview (Eric Olson) View Slides Presented Here
i. Overview of IICC and the connectivity between LIS/EHR/Lab Analyzers and interfaces is presented. Goal is to reduce complexity and variability for the interoperability of lab data to ensure adoption and reducing the cost and time in interfacing.
b. Current status of IICC (Ed Heierman) View Slides Presented Here
i. Members are mostly diagnostics vendors with some middleware and LIS companies represented.
ii. Baseline standard recommendations including IHE lab and HL7 within O&O are reviewed.

3. Domain News

a. Implementations & IHE North America Connectathon Overview (Sondra Renly) View Slides Presented Here
b. The IHE Profile needs to be ready by August 2011 if it is to be tested at the January 2012 North America Connectathon. The goal is to have a global standard so participation should include Japanese and European Connectathons too.
c. IHE Europe Connectathon Presentation (Francois Macary) View Slides Presented Here
d. IHE Japanese Connectathon Presentation (Yoshimi Hirasawa) View Slides Presented Here

4. IHE Lab Communication (Sondra Renly).

a. Wiki Overview: Everyone can contribute content. Please provide Sondra feedback on the Wiki. [[1]]
b. Google Groups: Announcements, people and documents are located here.
c. Website’s
i. www.ihe.net -Where profiles are published.
ii. ftp.ihe.net -FTP server is where the documents are stored

5. GIR Supplement Public Comments. (Yoshimi Hirasawa and Francois Macary).

a. Interlab profile addition to the GIR. Publish for trial at next connectathons. (http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/public_comment.cfm#laboratory)

6. IICC ELDA Proposal

a. ELDA Proposal Use Cases (Jean-Christophe Hurpeau.) View Slides Presented Here
b. Use Case Discussion (Ed Heierman, Francois Macary, and Naomi Ishii).
i. Discussion and a working session. Proposal arises to split LDA and LTW profiles.

7. Daily Wrap-up and Assignments

8. Adjourn

Friday, October 1, 2010

1. Agenda Review and Announcements (Andrea Pitkus)

2. Review of Assignments (Sondra Renly)

a. ELDA Proposed Split (Filip Migom)

3. IICC ELDA Proposal: Use Cases (Jean-Christophe Hurpeau)

a. Uses cases reviewed on wiki one by one with discussion.
b. Multiple queries pending is optional capability
c. Sequential query is a required capability

4. Documentation (Sondra Renly, Francois Macary)

a. Lab TF Maintenance
b. Change Proposals Posted to IHE Lab-Technical Committee Wiki Page

5. IICC ELDA Proposal Documentation

a. Sequential message exchange (Ed Heierman)

6. Daily Wrap-up and Assignments

7. Adjourn

Saturday, October 2, 2010

1. IICC ELDA Proposal Documentation: It was decided that this Proposal would be now called the Laboratory Automation Workflow (LAW) Proposal.

a. IICC LAW Proposal: Review of Jean-Christophe Hurpeau’s delta slides of use cases.
i. Next Steps: Define use cases for the LAW profile.
ii. Milestones.
1. Request for a server (TBD) where vendors can submit LOINC codes.
2. Work on Change Proposals by October 8

2. Domain Coordination (Yoshimi Hirasawa, Francois Macary, Sondra Renly)

a. Next Face to Face
i. No decision on whether next Face to Face will be in France or Japan.
ii. Timing of Face to Face to be in late May or early June 2011.
iii. Follow up calls beginning in two weeks

3. Review of assignments (Yoshimi Hirasawa, Francois Macary, Sondra Renly): Assignments posted to Wiki

4. Adjourn


Thursday, Sept 30th Assignments

  1. Present the delta of use cases between IHE and IICC (Jean Christophe to do) (Completed)
  2. Change Proposals to existing technical framework (IHE has a form for this). (Completed)
  3. OBX 8-Abnormal flag for repeatability (Andrzej, Francois) (Completed)
  4. SPM14-Specimen description repeatability ==> WITHDRAWN (Completed)
  5. LTW1-No changes. Clarification of actor of automation manager needed? (Completed)
  6. LDA- documentation changes to make the break of the pre-/post- analytical. This needs to be a documented task on the LAW (Sondra/Ed)
  7. On the wiki, the decision documented with logic behind the decision going forward. Just written (Filip) (Completed)
  8. Then send out an email on the Google Group about this suggestion asking for comments and feedback. (Sondra)
  9. Explanation should include what is planned to be done with LDA (all aspects). Document prior to end of meeting Saturday. (Analytical profile with Analyzer Manager and Analyzer)(Filip) (Completed)
  10. On the wiki, to add the slides Ed presented with the bullet list. This may be in collaboration with the delta of the use cases. (Ed Heierman)(Compeleted)
  11. Connectathon opportunities to visit North American connectathon (Chicago) in Jan or the European connectathon (Pisa) in April or Japanese connectathon. There is a day for visitors, except Japan. (IICC marketing task) (Eric, ongoing)
  12. On the wiki, add the HL7 decision rationale (v2 vs. v3). Discuss with Hans and report back to IHE Lab (Bill O) Blood bank testing is considered in scope. (Ed to update)
  13. Merge the use cases from patients and QC. (Jean Benech. Francois also has some documentation to share with the Google groups.) Please provide these updates on the wiki.
  14. Add Orchard Software to the wiki pages (2 pages) (Rob)(Completed)
  15. Putting documents on the FTP server. Create a folder for these materials (Sondra). Add to the FTP server additional docs (from IICC, such as spreadsheet) (Ed H and Sondra) Please inform people of the new folder. Please work through Sondra or Francois to upload. Dcouments can be created through the Google Groups account and then attach permissions of a Google Group. Word documents need to be maintained throughout the process.
  16. Create a link to the Google docs off the LAW wiki site (Sondra) (Completed)
  17. The profile needs to be named from LAW (Completed)
  18. Decide on how to switch term in the documents from use case to transaction or scenario? This applies to the wiki only. Wording will be in Volume 1 of the LAW profile too. (Ed Heierman)
  19. GIR (Francois) with Sondra following up with Mary Jungers? (Completed) (it's published)

Friday, October 1st Assignments

  1. Take Filip’s write on Wiki and link to it to Google groups (Sondra)(in progress)
  2. CP to vol2, section (Francois) (Completed 10/19/2010)
  3. To better expand on a use case for the expected behavior (broadcast mode) when you have multiple devices, but it is only run on a single instrument. Please post on the wiki. (Rob, Ed) (inventory is out of scope) (in progress)
  4. Add an out of scope section to the wiki (Ed Heierman)(Completed)
  5. Write up the discussion with guidance concerning broadcast mode (Ed Heierman)(in progress)
  6. Enhanced Acknowledgement updated/added to vol 2 to fix MSH 15 and MSH 16 (Francois) (Completed 10/1/2010), see Laboratory_Analytical_Workflow
  7. CP for vol 2 Table 9.5-2 to change the segment from an X to an Optional. (Francois)(Completed 10/1/2010)
  8. Documentation of a decision on the wiki that IICC will take the LDA acknowledgement as OK as is (Andrzej) (Compeleted)
  9. Documentation overlapping and sequential queries decisions on the wiki (Ed, Andrzej) (Completed)
  10. Follow up on the CPs for LCSD (Filip)(in progress)
  11. Followup on CP for XD Lab (Francois and Sondra) (in progress)
  12. Can specimen collection be attached to the entry level? (see above)
  13. If there are implications for specimen receiving… (see above)
  14. Documentation for ID specimen container, position, and time. (Filip)
    1. <draft version> (Please provide feedback, in progress)
  15. Review TF for use of OBX-18 requirements, write CP (?) (Andrzej) (Completed)
  16. Recruit participants for a call to discuss pooling use case. (Andrzej, Sondra)
  17. Review MLLP protocol (1-2 port communication) (Ed H, Andrzej, Francois)

(Reviewed and updated during October 19 call)