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m (→‎Action Items 90-99: Update closed items from past and today)
m (→‎Action Items 100-109: Move closed items to Closed Items Action List)
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! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
| align="center" | 100
| '''<Action Item>''' | Newborn Hearing Screening Profile
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' | Close
| '''<Comments>:'''  | November 4, 2009: Todd responded saying this can be addressed via PCD-01; close
| align="center" | 101
| '''<Action Item>''' | CDSS Implications for MEM
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |Closed 11/11/09
| '''<Comments>:'''  |

Revision as of 22:52, 2 December 2009

To see changes between current and last(or any earlier) versions of the action item list, click the history tab at the top of the page, select versions to compare and click compare command.

Significant recent changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Decision meetings will have minutes that require approval. This may be accomplished by email ballot.

See also PCD Planning Committee Closed Action Items page.

Action Items 40-89

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
41 Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID Jeff Secunda -- August 5, 2009 Closed Ken reported that there is activity on this topic, but nothing concrete to report. He saw the headline to an article that claimed that the initial focus will be on Class III devices. A conference has been advertised. Manny to contact Jeff Secunda to ask if he is aware of more information. October 21, 2009: Jeff Secunda responded that Class Three devices will be addressed first, not before next year, and will address requirements rather than specific approach. Close.
71 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Ken, Manny -- Open Open Profile development may be a reasonable initial focus for involvement and perhaps lead to further involvement in PCD. Paul had suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liase with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies. Manny spoke with Cristal Anderson, HIMSS. Steve is talking with the Mass Health Data Consortium. Nov. 4: Todd will talk with Chris Dinegar about the AAMI program, and is preparing a Tcon for ACCE
72 Press releases as recruiting tool, including the Showcase. Modify to include marketing IHE, PCD Manny -- Open Open Manny to ask Tom, Nick for information to use re IDCO Trial Implementation version. October 21, 2009: Erin offered to solicit publications. Steve suggested a Wiki page for this purpose. November 4: Steve's page will be available in November. Item 99, marketing PCD, IHE to be included with Item 72.
74 Mapping PCD into v3 CDA with relevance to RTM Todd Peter Hendler August 5, 2009 Closed Todd: VA was planning to move forward about use of CDA. He will talk with James McCain. Peter: Kaiser and VA working to trade documents as part of NHIN project.
Goal is to assure the appropriate set of medical device semantic components is included in the appropriate location in CDA/CCD documents and HL7 v3 nessages.
Todd will ask the VA as to whether there is still any interest in this project.
Todd will schedule a webex the end of August/early September to discuss the status of the profile proposal and identify what needs to happen to move it forward in this next cycle.
Will be addressed in Vancouver meeting the week of September 15.
The HITSP CMDC/CDC Use Case includes a document communication profile. HL7 Technical Steering Committee, HITSP management, VA and Kaiser are considering how to move this forward. The technical requirements are clear, but there’s a lack of a sufficient number of volunteers to do the work. Will likely come up next week at HITSP meetings.
PCD and HL7 will meet at HIMSS. HITSP is pushing for more robust document communications. Change date to April 15.
  • October 21, 2009: John Rhoads noted there is a TC action item. This should remain on the TC. Close on PC.
  • November 4, 2009: Move survey to 2010 – Manny to share with Ray.

78 2009 Survey Development Ray Zambuto Manny August 5, 2009 Open See earlier meetings for history. Ray released updated survey to HIMSS. Steve asked if the results will be available at the October F2F. October 21, 2009: Manny to call Ray this week. November 11, 2009: Ray is attempting to gain HIMSS Analytics support.
82 Users Guide Steve Merritt -- NOvember 27, 2009 Open Will be available for review shortly. October 21, 2009: Steve received comments on the draft and will revise. Steve will set up a Webex to review. [Nov. 12]
86 Contribute to, or develop a glossary. Steve -- December 18, 2009 Open Ray will contact Patrick Bernat to arrange collaboration. Ray’s discussion with Patrick at AAMI revealed that Yadin is working on a glossary for a related area, but the CE-IT group has nothing on the agenda. PCD will take the lead. Steve Merritt will fold this into the User Handbook. DPI will include a specialized glossary and coordinate with Steve. This work should lead to a harmonized glossary. Steve will take responsibility. Ken will ask Ray about this one.

Action Items 90-99

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update

92 Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5 Manny Barbara, Monroe, Steve Merritt December 18, 2009 OPEN Manny offered to make initial contacts with potential participating companies and asked Barbara to provide a list of what users want. Manny will contact companies identified by ECRI Institute and Monroe, and include a list of user needs and priorities for ACM. Press releases represent another tool. Manny to remind participants that PCD should provide press releases. He will draft a release. Barriers to vendor participation were identified. Steve will develop the “Getting Started” Wiki page. The PCD webinar being prepared(HIMSS09 Showcase presentation) may be useful. Manny will make phone calls and requested contact information for potential participants. Also see #91. Sept. 23: Manny working to get AC actors, requested help with that and other recruiting. October 21: Revisit after the ballot. November 11, 2009: Ask PCD members to contact others who may be interested, based upon Brief Profile Proposals and Manny to draft a message.
93 Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance Elliot Ioana November 25, 2009 OPEN Elliot and Ioana will approach John Halamka, Steve Lieber and NIST regarding certification for PCD. Greg will follow up with Iaona this afternoon. Todd emphasized the importance of quick action to assure that PCD is on their radar. Todd will talk to Elliot and Iaona about progress.

Manny to ask Todd what to do with this item. November 11, 2009: Todd has had conversations with Elliot about certification. Among the issues that are out there: What will the role be for CCHIT, how will other national actions affect certification? Elliot is looking at this. Ken mentioned a company that plans to enter into the certification arena. There’s a question about CCHIT’s scope. Todd noted that this is very important from a user’s perspective, and their ability to specify certification in the purchase, and therefore this is very important to vendors. Erin noted that their evaluation of pumps will address components of this issue.

97 Potential for RTLS in New Directions OPEN November 11, 2009: Not this year.

98 AAMI and HIMSS10 Demonstrations OPEN November 11, 2009: AAMI at HIMSS10 will be 80001 and the HIMSS at AAMI relate to ____

Action Items 100-109

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
102 Next F2F Manny OPEN Manny to ask Celina about dates of other domains’ Spring meetings

103 OPEN

104 OPEN
105 OPEN

106 OPEN

107 OPEN
108 OPEN

109 OPEN

Action Items 110-119

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
110 OPEN

111 OPEN
112 OPEN
113 OPEN

114 OPEN
115 OPEN

116 OPEN

117 OPEN
118 OPEN

119 OPEN

Action Items 100-109

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
100 OPEN
101 OPEN

102 OPEN
103 OPEN

104 OPEN
105 OPEN

106 OPEN
107 OPEN