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'''Portable Data for Imaging (PDI)''' provides reliable interchange of image data and diagnostic reports on CDs for importing, printing, or optionally, displaying in a browser.  
'''Portable Data for Imaging (PDI)''' provides reliable interchange of image data and diagnostic reports on '''CDs, DVDs and USB''' for importing, printing, or optionally, displaying in a browser.  
Portable Data for Imaging allows users to distribute imaging related information on interchange media.  This allows users to import, display or print imaging related information received through the interchange mediaCD was chosen as the physical transport mechanism.
Portable Data for Imaging further standardizes the distribution of imaging related information on interchange media.  This allows users who receive interchange media to more reliably import, process, archive, display or print the imaging related information.  The Profile specifies CDs as the physical media, with additional options to handle DVDs and USB Drives.
''<Insert a simple graphic that, at a glance, gives an impression of what the profile is aboutE.g. a graphic of a hospital, a clinic, and a lab with patient records moving between them.  Do not use an actor/transaction diagram here.>''
PDI media is '''fully DICOM compliant''', in fact much of the the PDI specification simply constrains DICOM more tightly for improved compatibilityAs such, any DICOM compliant reader should have no trouble reading PDI-compliant media.
''<See [[Help:Contents#Tips_.26_Tricks| Help - Tips and Tricks]] for details on inserting an image/graphic.>''
'''Reduce Errors and Enhance Patient Care'''
* Reduces gaps in the patient record by providing digital data which can be imported into local systems and integrated in the patient record
* Improves patient peace of mind because patients can be directly provided with copies of their personal health information
'''Reduce Operational Costs'''  
'''Reduce Operational Costs'''  
* Reduces unnecessary films for surgery, referrals to other sites or referring physicians—modality creates Portable Data for Imaging CDs to be sent to those users
* Reduces unnecessary film costs for surgery, referring physicians, or referrals to other sites by providing images on cheap, high capacity media
'''Reduce Errors and Enhance Patient Care'''
'''Improve Data Accessibility'''  
* Prevents missing data from other sites because the PACS is able to import data sent on CDs and integrate it with the patient’s record
* Improves access to data from other institutions and clinics by providing it in a standard digital format on familiar media
* Prevents mismatched patient identifiers in data imported from CDs from other institutions because the PACS reconciles this information to local values at import time
* Improves access by allowing clinical data consumers (referring physicians, second-opinion radiologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, other institutions, clinics, referrals, etc.) to access imaging directly on their workstations
* Improves patient peace of mind because the PACS provides patients with straightforward access to CD copies of their personal health information
'''Increase Throughput'''
'''Increase Throughput'''
* Prevents time scanning film priors from other sites—the PACS supports the import and reconciliation of studies on CD
* Avoids time lost scanning film "priors" from other sites by instead providing the original data in digital format
The imaging information placed on the media by the creator can include '''medical images (CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Angiography, etc)''' and associated DICOM objects such as '''encapsulated diagnostic reports, measurements, dose records and clinical application results'''.
The media must include diagnostic data in '''DICOM format''', which is thus suitable for import for further viewing, processing and archival.
The media may include '''optional "web viewable" copies''' of the information, suitable for viewing in a browser (e.g. HTML versions of the reports and JPEG versions of the DICOM images)
The media may also include an '''optional DICOM Viewer''' program for receivers who do not have access to a PACS where the images can be imported, or to a workstation on which they can load their preferred DICOM viewer.
'''Improve Data Accessibility'''
The data on the media is generally suitable for display, review, importing and/or printing by the receiver.
* Improves access to other sites’ data—the PACS can import and reconcile patient and diagnostic information on CD from other institutions and clinics
* Improves access by clinical data consumers (referring physicians, second-opinion radiologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, other institutions, clinics, referrals, etc.)—the PACS exports patient and diagnostic information on CD when a reliable high-speed network connection is missing
* Improves patient information portability (a HIPAA issue)—the PACS implements the standardized distribution of patient imaging history on CD
The profile constrains the contents of compliant media to:
:* a standard physical format and file system
:* a consistent organization of the contents
:* the most generic DICOM Media Profile
The '''''Portable Data for Imaging Integration Profile''''' specifies actors and transactions that provide for the interchange of imaging-related information on interchange media. The intent of this profile is to provide reliable interchange of image data and diagnostic reports for import, display or print by a receiving actor.
Guidance is provided on physical identification of the media, and how to avoid some of the most common errors when creating DICOM media.
This profile addresses identification of the media content’s source and the patient (where appropriate), reconciliation of data during import, and the structure of the media contents.
The central elements of the profile are:
The profile also recommends the contents of a README.TXT file on the media which can help identify the institution and software that produced the media to make it easier to deal with any issues that might arise.
*Reliable interchange of imaging-related information based on the DICOM standard
The profile allows for '''several options''' (which can be found on the Integration Statement of compliant systems):
*A Web Content Option that provides guidelines for including web-viewable content on media
:* '''DVD Media''': able to read and/or write to DVD media.
:* '''USB Media''': able to read and/or write to USB media.
:* '''Basic Viewer''': able to burn a viewing application onto the media which complies with the [[Basic Image Review]] profile.
:* '''Web Content''': able supplement the DICOM data with browser viewable versions
:* '''Privacy Protection''': able to encrypt the media data using either passwords (PBE) or public keys (PKI).
:* '''Sending Software''': able to burn an application onto the media which can de-crypt, de-compress and convert (as necessary) images on the media and send them to a DICOM PACS or workstation.
The Web Content Option addresses the case of media containing both DICOM-encoded objects and objects in XHTML or JPEG derived from these DICOM-encoded objects.
'''[[Import Reconciliation Workflow]]''' [IRWF] (another Profile) supplements PDI by describing how to import DICOM images and reports from PDI discs (or film digitizers) while addressing issues such as mapping to local patient ids and procedure codes.
==Systems Affected==
==Systems Affected==
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Systems which are expected to have implemented actors from this profile include:
Systems which are expected to have implemented actors from this profile include:
* Acquisition Modalities
* Acquisition Modalities which are capable of saving Diagnostic Imaging information to PDI media.
* Display Workstations
* Display Workstations which are capable of either saving or viewing Diagnostic Imaging information to/on PDI media.
* Reporting Workstations
* Reporting Workstations which are capable of either saving or viewing Diagnostic Imaging/Report information to/on PDI media.
* Radiology image management/archiving (i.e. picture and communication systems (PACS)
* Radiology image management/archiving (i.e. picture and communication systems (PACS)which are capable of saving Diagnostic Imaging information to PDI media.
* Workstations  
* Workstations which are capable of viewing imaging-related information through a Web Browser or Diagnostic Imaging-related information through the DICOM Viewer provided on the PDI media.
'''Actors & Transactions:'''
'''Actors & Transactions:'''
''<Insert an actor-transaction diagram, and or list of Content Definitions>''
'''Profile Status:''' [[Comments| Final Text]]   
'''Profile Status: ''' [https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Comments#Phases_of_Development Final Text]   
'''Documents:''' IHE Radiology Technical Framework:
[http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#radiology IHE Radiology Technical Framework:]
:* [https://profiles.ihe.net/RAD/ IHE Radiology Technical Framework]
:* [http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/upload/ihe_tf_rev8.pdf Vol. 1] - Section 15
:* [http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/upload/ihe_tf_rev8-3.pdf Vol. 3] - Section 4.47, Appendices E and F provides additional informative text
PDI Options for '''Compression and Encryption''' are in '''Trial Implementation''':
:* [http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/upload/IHE-RAD_TF_Suppl_PDI_Extensions_2009-06-21.pdf PDI Extensions - 2009]
'''Underlying Standards:'''
'''Underlying Standards:'''
:* ''<list standards on which this profile is based; if possible with links to sources>''
:* [http://dicom.nema.org DICOM]
:* [http://dicom.nema.org DICOM]
:* [http://www.hl7.org HL7]
:* [http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1 XHTML V1.0]
:* [http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1 XHTML V1.0]
:* [http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic XHTML Basic 1.1]
:* [http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic XHTML Basic 1.1]
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'''Related Profiles'''
'''Related Profiles'''
''<List profiles this one depends on, profiles that depend on this one, profiles that are synergistic with this one>''
* [[Cross-Enterprise Document Media Interchange]] [XDM] complements PDI by adding XDS documents and metadata on the same CD.  It also handles USB memory and email attachments.
* [[Import Reconciliation Workflow]] [IRWF] manages the import of DICOM images and reports from PDI discs, other CDs or film digitizers.
Several "content profiles" specify DICOM Objects that may be placed on PDI media.
* [[Nuclear Medicine Image]] [NM] specifies Nuclear Medicine images and result screens.
* [[Mammography Image]] [MAMMO] specifies Mammography images and evidence.
* [[Evidence Documents]] [ED] specifies digital measurements.
* [[Key Image Note]] [KIN] let users flag images as significant (e.g. for referring, for surgery, etc.) and add notes.
* [[Simple Image and Numeric Report]] [SINR] specifies Diagnostic Radiology Reports.
* [[Radiation Exposure Monitoring]] [REM] specifies radiation exposure reports.
'''Consumer Information'''
'''Consumer Information'''
The [[{{{3|Profile FAQ Template}}}]] answers typical questions about what the Profile does. ''<Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>''
The [[Portable Data for Imaging FAQ]] answers typical questions about what the Profile does.  
The [[{{{3|Profile Purchasing Template}}}]] describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. ''<Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>''
[[Portable Data for Imaging Purchasing]] describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile.
'''Implementer Information'''
'''Implementer Information'''
The [[{{{3|Profile Implementation Template}}}]] provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. ''<Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>''
The [[Portable Data for Imaging Implementation]] provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software.
'''Reference Articles'''
'''Reference Articles'''
''<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis) >''
* Standardizing Portable Medical Imaging Formats to Enhance Safe, Timely, Efficient Care; Board of Trustees Report, American Medical Association, Pg 6 [http://www.ama-assn.org/assets/meeting/mm/i-09-ref-comm-k-annotated.pdf link]
* ACR–AAPM–SIIM Technical Standard for Electronic Practice of Medical Imaging. J.T. Norweck, et al., [http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10278-012-9522-2.pdf SIIM & ACR Publication, Sept. 2012]
* Medical Imaging Exchange. [http://motorcycleguy.blogspot.com/2012/01/medical-imaging-exchange.html Keith Boone's Blog, Jan 2012]
* Importing outside imaging to PACS reduces repeat imaging. Lu MT, Tellis W, Fidelman N, Qayyum A, Avrin DE. American Journal of Roentgenology, in press.
** [http://www.radiologytoday.net/archive/rt0611p8.shtml Related article in Radiology Today] - June 2011
* Outside Imaging in Emergency Department Transfer Patients: CD Import Reduces Rates of Subsequent Imaging Utilization, Sodickson, A. MD et al, Radiology, (April 2011) [http://radiology.rsna.org/content/early/2011/04/07/radiol.11101956.full link] [http://www.rsna.org/Publications/rsnanews/August-2011/image_transfer_feature.cfm overview]
* Policies and Procedures for Reviewing Medical Images From Portable Media: Survey of Radiology Departments, Vivek Kalia, MPH, MS, John A. Carrino, MD, MPH, Katarzyna J. Macura, MD, PhD, Journal of the American College of Radiology Volume 8, Issue 1 , Pages 39-48, January 2011 [http://www.jacr.org/article/S1546-1440(10)00387-X/abstract link]
** Radiology practices should routinely produce only CDs and DVDs that are compliant with the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) integration profile, according to a research team led by Vivek Kalia of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore [http://www.auntminnie.com/index.aspx?sec=sup&sub=pac&pag=dis&itemId=93737&wf=4173 Aunt Minnie]
** [http://www.ihealthbeat.org/articles/2011/1/6/study-says-cd-dvd-issues-raise-concerns-among-radiologists.aspx#ixzz1ANgicaQE iHealthbeat Summary]
* Reviewing Images From Portable Media: An Ongoing Challenge, Katarzyna J. Macura, MD, PhD, John A. Carrino, MD, MPH, Charles E. Kahn Jr, MD, MS, Journal of the American College of Radiology (Jan 2009), [http://wiki.ihe.net/images/e/e5/Macura_JACR_2009_Jan_ReviewingImagesFromPortableMedia.pdf link]
* American Telemedicine Association’s Practice Guidelines for Teledermatology, E. Krupinski et al., Telemedicine and e-Health, April 2008, 14(3): 289-302
* Outside Images on CD: A Management Nightmare, R. Morin, Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 2, Issue 11, Pages 958-958 (Nov 2005) [http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1546144005002309 link]
* See also [[Import_Reconciliation_Workflow#See_Also|Import Reconciliation Workflow Profile references]]
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[[Category:RAD Profile]]

Latest revision as of 09:03, 26 June 2024

Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) provides reliable interchange of image data and diagnostic reports on CDs, DVDs and USB for importing, printing, or optionally, displaying in a browser.


Portable Data for Imaging further standardizes the distribution of imaging related information on interchange media. This allows users who receive interchange media to more reliably import, process, archive, display or print the imaging related information. The Profile specifies CDs as the physical media, with additional options to handle DVDs and USB Drives.

PDI media is fully DICOM compliant, in fact much of the the PDI specification simply constrains DICOM more tightly for improved compatibility. As such, any DICOM compliant reader should have no trouble reading PDI-compliant media.



Reduce Errors and Enhance Patient Care

  • Reduces gaps in the patient record by providing digital data which can be imported into local systems and integrated in the patient record
  • Improves patient peace of mind because patients can be directly provided with copies of their personal health information

Reduce Operational Costs

  • Reduces unnecessary film costs for surgery, referring physicians, or referrals to other sites by providing images on cheap, high capacity media

Improve Data Accessibility

  • Improves access to data from other institutions and clinics by providing it in a standard digital format on familiar media
  • Improves access by allowing clinical data consumers (referring physicians, second-opinion radiologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, other institutions, clinics, referrals, etc.) to access imaging directly on their workstations

Increase Throughput

  • Avoids time lost scanning film "priors" from other sites by instead providing the original data in digital format


The imaging information placed on the media by the creator can include medical images (CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Angiography, etc) and associated DICOM objects such as encapsulated diagnostic reports, measurements, dose records and clinical application results.

The media must include diagnostic data in DICOM format, which is thus suitable for import for further viewing, processing and archival.

The media may include optional "web viewable" copies of the information, suitable for viewing in a browser (e.g. HTML versions of the reports and JPEG versions of the DICOM images)

The media may also include an optional DICOM Viewer program for receivers who do not have access to a PACS where the images can be imported, or to a workstation on which they can load their preferred DICOM viewer.

The data on the media is generally suitable for display, review, importing and/or printing by the receiver.

The profile constrains the contents of compliant media to:

  • a standard physical format and file system
  • a consistent organization of the contents
  • the most generic DICOM Media Profile

Guidance is provided on physical identification of the media, and how to avoid some of the most common errors when creating DICOM media.

The profile also recommends the contents of a README.TXT file on the media which can help identify the institution and software that produced the media to make it easier to deal with any issues that might arise.

The profile allows for several options (which can be found on the Integration Statement of compliant systems):

  • DVD Media: able to read and/or write to DVD media.
  • USB Media: able to read and/or write to USB media.
  • Basic Viewer: able to burn a viewing application onto the media which complies with the Basic Image Review profile.
  • Web Content: able supplement the DICOM data with browser viewable versions
  • Privacy Protection: able to encrypt the media data using either passwords (PBE) or public keys (PKI).
  • Sending Software: able to burn an application onto the media which can de-crypt, de-compress and convert (as necessary) images on the media and send them to a DICOM PACS or workstation.

Import Reconciliation Workflow [IRWF] (another Profile) supplements PDI by describing how to import DICOM images and reports from PDI discs (or film digitizers) while addressing issues such as mapping to local patient ids and procedure codes.

Systems Affected

Systems which are expected to have implemented actors from this profile include:

  • Acquisition Modalities which are capable of saving Diagnostic Imaging information to PDI media.
  • Display Workstations which are capable of either saving or viewing Diagnostic Imaging information to/on PDI media.
  • Reporting Workstations which are capable of either saving or viewing Diagnostic Imaging/Report information to/on PDI media.
  • Radiology image management/archiving (i.e. picture and communication systems (PACS)which are capable of saving Diagnostic Imaging information to PDI media.
  • Workstations which are capable of viewing imaging-related information through a Web Browser or Diagnostic Imaging-related information through the DICOM Viewer provided on the PDI media.

Actors & Transactions:



Profile Status: Final Text


PDI Options for Compression and Encryption are in Trial Implementation:

Underlying Standards:

See Also

Related Profiles

Several "content profiles" specify DICOM Objects that may be placed on PDI media.

Consumer Information

The Portable Data for Imaging FAQ answers typical questions about what the Profile does.

Portable Data for Imaging Purchasing describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile.

Implementer Information

The Portable Data for Imaging Implementation provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software.

Reference Articles

  • Standardizing Portable Medical Imaging Formats to Enhance Safe, Timely, Efficient Care; Board of Trustees Report, American Medical Association, Pg 6 link
  • Importing outside imaging to PACS reduces repeat imaging. Lu MT, Tellis W, Fidelman N, Qayyum A, Avrin DE. American Journal of Roentgenology, in press.
  • Outside Imaging in Emergency Department Transfer Patients: CD Import Reduces Rates of Subsequent Imaging Utilization, Sodickson, A. MD et al, Radiology, (April 2011) link overview
  • Policies and Procedures for Reviewing Medical Images From Portable Media: Survey of Radiology Departments, Vivek Kalia, MPH, MS, John A. Carrino, MD, MPH, Katarzyna J. Macura, MD, PhD, Journal of the American College of Radiology Volume 8, Issue 1 , Pages 39-48, January 2011 link
    • Radiology practices should routinely produce only CDs and DVDs that are compliant with the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Portable Data for Imaging (PDI) integration profile, according to a research team led by Vivek Kalia of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Aunt Minnie
    • iHealthbeat Summary
  • Reviewing Images From Portable Media: An Ongoing Challenge, Katarzyna J. Macura, MD, PhD, John A. Carrino, MD, MPH, Charles E. Kahn Jr, MD, MS, Journal of the American College of Radiology (Jan 2009), link
  • American Telemedicine Association’s Practice Guidelines for Teledermatology, E. Krupinski et al., Telemedicine and e-Health, April 2008, 14(3): 289-302
  • Outside Images on CD: A Management Nightmare, R. Morin, Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 2, Issue 11, Pages 958-958 (Nov 2005) link

This page is based on the Profile Template