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:::- Bridging HL7 to IHE.  Lot of work by Moerkhe and others to provide FHIR equivalence.
:::- Bridging HL7 to IHE.  Lot of work by Moerkhe and others to provide FHIR equivalence.
::- EC (John R)
::- EC (John R)
::: Event Communication – Generalized framework for dealing with events.  Much of it is addressed in other Profiles, especially ACM.  Generalized for none Alert info, can use ACM infrastructure.  IPEC is specialized EC, prototype for EC.  MEMDMC provides device focused events.  We are good at consistent implementation in those Profiles, this is available for other use.  Tom – Is there a need for generic EC?  Can John’s comments be put in V2 to address it?  A White Paper would have limited exposure.  Paul Sc - 10101B nails it an intermediate level.  John will draft it as an addition to the TF and send out for review and input.  ‘’’new Action Item’’’
::: Event Communication – Generalized framework for dealing with events.  Much of it is addressed in other Profiles, especially ACM.  Generalized for none Alert info, can use ACM infrastructure.  IPEC is specialized EC, prototype for EC.  MEMDMC provides device focused events.  We are good at consistent implementation in those Profiles, this is available for other use.  Tom – Is there a need for generic EC?  Can John’s comments be put in V2 to address it?  A White Paper would have limited exposure.  Paul Sc - 10101B nails it an intermediate level.  John will draft it as an addition to the TF and send out for review and input.  '''new Action Item'''
::- DCM Pulse Oximetry
::- DCM Pulse Oximetry
::: Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.  PCD determined that originator prepares FT.  It’s tested, so ready, but the creators haven’t been interested doing the work so far.  John will help as bandwidth allows, which it hasn’t.  Others are welcome to help as well.  Remains on the To Do list.  Michael Faughn has made great containment tool progress.  Smaller step to get the semantics readable.
::: Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.  PCD determined that originator prepares FT.  It’s tested, so ready, but the creators haven’t been interested doing the work so far.  John will help as bandwidth allows, which it hasn’t.  Others are welcome to help as well.  Remains on the To Do list.  Michael Faughn has made great containment tool progress.  Smaller step to get the semantics readable.

Revision as of 13:38, 7 October 2020

PCD Home

Paul Sherman, PCD TPM

Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • DEV Domain level Discussions
  • DEV PCD Program Discussion
Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals;Adjourn Joint PC&TC meeting. contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

- Virtual via Webex (Info below)

- To assist European participants, all meetings will be morning meetings, with a meeting on Friday.
the times will be 9AM EDT - 1PM EDT
Monday : Pump Working Group
Tuesday : Joint DEV Domain meeting (PCD+DPi+PCH), PCD Planning Committee
Wednesday : PCD Planning and Technical Committees
Thursday, : PCD Technical Committee
Friday, : PCD Technical Committee
The schedule is proposed; actual meeting times may change during the week.
Daily Schedule - All times Eastern Daylight Time (US)
  • 09:00 - 11:00 Session #1
  • 11:15 - 13:00 Session #2

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

From the DEV PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:

No current open Action Items

From the DEV PCD TC Action Items: PCD Technical Committee Action Items:

196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
201 Pump utilization - publicizing
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional

Webex Support

Because of COVID-19, these meetings will be held via Webex. The links will are provided below.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password is included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

The IHE Webex page is [IHE Webex]

DEV PCD Meetings
- Monday, October 5: DEV PCD Pump WG: Meeting Number: 145 575 8268
- Tuesday, Oct 6: DEV Domain joint, followed by DEV PCD PC: Meeting Number: 145 230 3641
- Wednesday Oct 7: Joint DEV PCD PC&TC and TC: Meeting Number: 145 257 7058
- Thursday Oct 8: DEV PCD TC: Meeting Number: 145 546 3377
- Friday, Oct 9: DEV PCD TC: Meeting Number: 145 767 6035
PCH Meetings:
- Tuesday, Oct 6: DEV Domain joint: Meeting Number: 145 230 3641
DPi Meetings:
- Tuesday, Oct 6: DEV Domain joint: Meeting Number: 145 230 3641

Updated 8/10/2020 PRS

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when available will be found at the [Devices Google Drive] unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda

Monday, October 5 (PCD Pump Workgroup)

Date Hours Committees Topics

Monday 09:00 - 1:00 PCD Pump workgroup
  • Morning (09:00-1:00)
  • 9:15
Pump Terms containment model update - 1.5hr
Are all terms correct and unambiguous?
Identify any missing comments/descriptions for terms.
Identify any deprecated/withdrawn terms.
Decision on readiness of terms for IEEE 10101b
  • Break (10:45-11:00)
PCD-10 question
  • 1:00 > Meeting Adjournment

Tuesday Oct 6, 2020

Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 Joint IHE Devices (DEV) Meeting
  • 09:00 > IHE IP Management Process (Kurt)
  • 09:05 > Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt and Thom)
  • 09:20 > Welcome (15 minutes)
  • 09:30 > Program Reports (20 minutes each)
09:30 PCD
09:50 PCH
10:10 DPI
  • IHE International Board - Update & Feedback (Todd)
  • Review 2020/2021 Milestones - [1]
  • Domain Discussions
Domain vs. Program decisions (Profiles, CPs, etc.) (Paul Sherman)

Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Tuesday Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM Joint IHE Devices (DEV) Meeting Continued
  • 11:15 >
New Proposals
- DPI - Medical Device Interoperability Reference Architecture (MDIRA)
PCH- PCH D2C Work-item Brief Proposal [2]
DEV PC Action Items: DEV PC Action Items
- 002 Board Review
- 003 Wiki Web Updates
- 004 Finalize the DEV Cochair Leadership (PCD vs DEV TC & PC) - Call for Domain Cochairs. Put forth 2 names for the DEV Ballot
Ballot currently open - results or finish vote (Michael)
Proposed schedule for Spring 2021 F2F
- If Virtual
Tuesday AM Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Thurs AM TC
Friday AM Joint DEV
- If Live
Tuesday Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Wed PM and Thurs AM TC
Thurs PM Joint DEV
  • 12:45 > Next steps and wrap up
  • 13:00 > Adjourn Joint DEV Meeting

updated 10/02/2020

Wednesday Oct 7, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Wednesday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:15 AM
  • 09:00 > Joint DEV PCD PC/TC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve Joint PC&TC Agenda (Kurt)
  • Five year plan
No current plan
- 2017 Roadmap
- and 2011 Plan Notes
  • Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.
  • Location, Dates of the DEV PCD 2021 Spring F2F
  • Continue Joint PC/TC F2f meeting?
Adjourn Joint DEV PCD PC&TC meeting.
Break 11:15 - 11:30 AM
Thursday Pt. 2 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
11:30 > Start DEV PCD PC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (Kurt)
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM DMC (Rob W for Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Rob W for Monroe P)
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Kurt)
- IPEC (Kurt)
- Pump (Kurt)
- PCIM (John R)
- Physio monitor (John R)
  • General update PCD TF) (John R)
- EC (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
None as of 9/30/2020
Adjourn Planning Committee meeting

Updated 10/02/2020 PRS

Thursday Oct 8, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Thursday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 AM
  • 09:00 > COpen DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
  • DEV PCD Program review:
ACM (Monroe P)
MEM DMC (Monroe P)
MEM LS (Monroe P)
DEC (John R)
EC (John R)
PIV (Kurt)
IPEC (Kurt)
Pump (Kurt)
DPI (John R)
Physio monitor (John R)
PCIM (John R)
Vent (Paul Schluter)
IDCO (Alexander Kraus)
RTM (Paul Schluter)
Quiet Hospital
Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Thursday, Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 11:15 > Continued topic discussions
PCD TC Action item review
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
201 Pump utilization - publicizing
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional

updated 10/02/2020 PRS

Friday, Oct 9, 2020

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Friday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 AM
  • 09:00 > Continue DEV PCD TC Meeting

Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Friday, Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 11:15 > Continued topic discussions

F2F Action Review (from this week)
- DEV - PCD Program
If approved, schedules for Spring 2021 F2F
- If Virtual
Tuesday AM Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Thurs AM TC
Friday AM Joint DEV
- If Live
Tuesday Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Wed PM and Thurs AM TC
Thurs PM Joint DEV

  • > TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Fournier)

updated 10/02/2020 PRS

Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO


Monday Oct 5

Chair: Kurt Elliason (Smiths Medical)
Participants: Al Engelbert (BBraun), Ali Nakoulima (Cerner), Brian Witkowski (BBraun), Christophe Fournier (Fresenius), Jeff Rinda (Interoperability Solutions), Marufur Rahmen (ICU), Paul Schluter (CMI), Tom Kowalczyk (BBraun)

Tuesday, Oct 6

Wednesday, Oct 7

Thursday, Oct 8

Friday, Oct 9


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Monday Pump WG Meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Reviewed IHE IP Management Process


Agenda approved


2 Pump Terms containment model update
Comments added to Review Comments tab in spreadsheet
Identified some missing terms/descriptions.
Deprecated/to be withdrawn terms have been removed from Model already, Brian has a list that has been added to spreadsheet as new tab
Deprecated terms needs to be reviewed by everyone, need to add replacement terms for each deprecated term.
Decision on readiness of terms for IEEE 10101b - getting closer, still need to finish a few updates based on questions/comments.

3 PCD-10 question Flush event
PCD-10 question on Flush event, MDC_EVT_STAT_LINE_FLUSH.
IPEC has very specific events defined, this could be a PCD-01 event but would not be a PCD-10 event.

5 Next meeting
Decided to hold next pump WG meeting on Oct 26th, will cancel Oct 12th.
Brian working on FHIR based approach to programming pumps - will add to agenda for discussion on the 26th
Christophe will prepare some examples of messages using the Model for review on the 26th.
Pump WG F2F meeting adjourned at 10:30

Action(s): See above

Tuesday DEV Domain Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

3 Agenda Items

  • 09:05 > Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt and Thom)
  • Program Reports
- Quiet Hospital (Rob)
Constant progress, discussing some changes, esp with ACM. Some changes underway. Lot of Definition progress. Word is getting out very well via a HIMSS video. Pla to have presentations witrh SDPi and ACM included at the HIMSS Showcase.
- Pumps (Brian)
Terminology updating underway. Formalizing new termss and cleaning up existing terms. New spreadsheet with containment model hierarchy. Michael Faughn asking a lot of good questions. Hope to get it out for review and then inclusion in 10101b.
PCH (Thom)
- Slide deck on Google Drive.
- Promotional Activities – Blog series came out. Participated in FHIR Dev Days, will join the November session as well. IHE Webinar, video on Youtube. Participated in HIMSS Europe 2020.
- Preparing Program Value proposition for customers.
- Working with IEEE-PHD to simplify the information model. Working on 2nd draft – will have BT info to develop a generic sensor profile. Close to BARB (Bluetooth Architecture Review Board) review.
- D2C constrained Implementation (Brief Proposal prepared to vote on today)
- Mobile Health Apps – styill in queue
- Test and Tools – Gazelles, POU Profiles and Remote Testing capabilities.
- Project Gemini Participation – Info in slides.
- PCHA Code report – Goal to connect any medical devices to any EMR.
- Surveyed builders – Got to 300-400 people, will wrap up in a couple of weeks.
10:10 DPI (Ken)
- Had about 2-3 meetings focused on Brief Profile Proposal. Still getting organized and moving forward.
  • Review 2020/2021 Milestones - [3]
2020 – TF in final stages, will be published soon
2021 – Looking format similar to ITI, rather than hard dates, would make us more nimble. Monroe – need to check with Mary on how it will affect her workload. DEV Cochairs will take this forward as an ‘’’Action Item’’’
  • Domain Discussions
Domain vs. Program decisions (Profiles, CPs, etc.) (Paul Sherman)
- Thom – Do things at the program level as much as possible. Rob – CPs at program level, but communicate at Domain level. Quiet Hospital is a good example PCD work that affects DPi is a good example. Unless it’s at the governance level, we may not need Domain action. Rob will assemble some notes for review at DEV Cochairs ’’’Action Item’’’
New Proposals
- DPI - Medical Device Interoperability Reference Architecture (MDIRA) (Todd)
Been circulated within Dpi and DEV for review. A 10 year journey to get here.
How to leverage existing standards to create a DEV Porofile (Add transactions and Actors). MDIRA leverages existing ICE work.
Talk about data logger – how will we get the data out of the logger? No guidance on that yet. Dialysis is using the HL7 v2 ‘Batch’ function – it works very well. There is a lot of work available that can help.
Are there actual devices that are using or planning on using this? Yes, it’s a DoD funded project; there is a pump and couple of monitors that are using it. 2-3 pump companies are preparing to implement it. The plan is to have it open source. Big question – is this addressing problems already solved? It is focused on solutions that provide value.
Todd displayed MDIRA website and link. Discussed process, monetization and open source nature of the product.
Motion proposed (Christophe), Second (Rob) – approved.
- PCH D2C Work-item Brief Proposal [4] (Thom and Michael)
Figure out to have a small device send info in a low coverage area without the battery running down fast. Touches on a number of standards for leverage.
Proposal voted on and approved.
Discussion of process for detailed proposal. Can be close to TI or just a bit more detailed. Other members will help with that work.
- Motions will be posted on the meeting folder and the current cycle folder.
DEV PC Action Items: DEV PC Action Items
- 002 Board Review
- 003 Wiki Web Updates
Todd has some more to do yet, re-open and set to Oct 27
- 004 Finalize the DEV Cochair Leadership (PCD vs DEV TC & PC) - Call for Domain Cochairs. Put forth 2 names for the DEV Ballot.
Closed, slate approved
Paul and Michael will formalize IHE notification.
Proposed schedule for Spring 2021 F2F
- Propose April for meeting month. Not week of
- Discussion regarding virtual vs. F2F, a lot depends on HIMSS support commitment. Concerns about HIMSS support coordination.
- Will
- If Virtual
Monday Pump WG
Wed Joint PC/TC and TC
Thurs TC
Friday Joint DEV
- If Live
Tuesday Pump WG
Wed AM PC and Joint PC/TC
Wed PM and Thurs AM TC
Thurs PM Joint DEV
Discussion of HIMSS conference and Use Case presentations.
- Rob discussed their recent experience with the virtual showcase. Discussion on process and plans for the August HIMSS conference Showcase.
  • IHE International Board - Update & Feedback (Todd)
- January – update on Global Consortium at ONC conference. HL7, HIMSS, PCH Alliance and IHE pledge to cooperate. Consortium formed and will start to leverage strength. May hear some noise about IHE and FHIR ‘taking over the world’; not the case, taking advantage our work and support it. Work and coordination, specs, testing happens in IHE (Gemini Project), Consortium is interested in promoting and encouraging work forward and creating publicity and awareness. Is it all about FHIR? There was a lot of discussion. HL7 is highly focused on FHIR, though most work is in V2.
- Membership is strong, a lot due to DEV.
- IHE Europe Connectathon is virtualized (early November) Cost is about the same due to platform work. Plugathon coming up as well. Plan to leverage this work for the NA Connectathon. NA Connectathon is rescheduled for March now. Showcase will be part of August HIMSS conference.

Any details on when we’ll get info on the NA Connectathon? Likely nothing until after the European Connectathon.

- Discussion of Showcase presentations and virtual vs. live. Cost estimates? Tom: Took 5 months to prep, physical device expenses, software costs were minimal. May be an advantage to prep for virtual; live conversion costs wouldn’t be overwhelming. Getinge sponsored a lot of the work, so those expenses were minimized. More support from HIMSS would help this a lot. It’s easier to pivot from virtual to F2F vs. the other direction. Do we, or can we assemble a ‘lesson learned’ document to take back to IHE and HIMSS – Tom and Todd will work on it. ‘’’DEV Action Item’’’ Review at DEV Leadership call Oct 27.
- Role of IHE with other orgs – Making slow but consistent progress. Seems to be at a good pace. Project Gemini components are easier to understand than prior efforts. Confluence helps, Rob recommends we adopt it. ONC funded project to get IHE published same level as HL7, making progress, though still heavily FHIR focused.
  • Github discussion: Make sure which CPs need integrated to Github. John R – Cps
Draft 2020 TF prep. Make a DEV Committee ‘’’Action Item’’’, due Oct 28.
  • Next steps and wrap up
Milestone process review
Proposals distributed as needed to proceed, plus confirm Milestones dates.
Spring meeting – assume virtual, select April dates after week of 5th.
Send final list of Cochairs to IHE.
DEV Cochairs – virtual vs. live Showcase
Github update
  • > Adjourn Joint DEV Meeting


New Proposals
  • DPI - Medical Device Interoperability Reference Architecture (MDIRA)
  • PCH D2C Work-item Brief Proposal [5]


Milestone process review
Proposals distributed as needed to proceed, plus confirm Milestones dates.
Spring meeting – assume virtual, select April dates after week of 5th.
Send final list of Cochairs to IHE.
DEV Cochairs – virtual vs. live Showcase
Github update

Wednesday DEV PCD PC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Minutes approved



3 Agenda Items
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- ACM (Rob W and Monroe P)
Rather quiet, most work associated with Quiet Hospital. Reviewing a couple of Cps, another may be created. One is addressing some PCD-05 updates. Likely 3 Cps before CN, focus on PCD-05 content; CN testing showed some enhancements were needed. Found some HL7 non-compliance. NIST tool looks for some content and format, but not specific content. Market penetration is increasing, some Non IHE vendors asked Rob if SPOK was compliant.
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
No new major activities, mostly nomenclature, which didn’t affect TI. Getting some interest in this profile.
- MEM LS (Monroe P)
No new major activities, mostly nomenclature, which didn’t affect TI. IEEE still planning to use HL7 for upper communication layer. IEEE wants to know who to contact for agreeing to them using it. Todd may be a good source to check. Dalibor will check with him. John R. - There may be a copyright acknowledgement needed, check with Todd or Mary Jungers.
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
Nothing major.
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
Very good progress. Close to drafting text. Many hope to attend NA Connectathon.
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
Very good pump term progress, due to Brians updates. Once finalized can add codes to them and MEMDMC terms. Dialysis is in very good shape, a full profile. Includes TF and master spreadsheet with all needed terms, trees, models, etc. Includes six major vendors. Once pumps and dialysis done, can have a balloit.
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
Working with Getinge on their products. Also working on vent modes, can include ISO 223 mode strings.
- PIV (Kurt)
No major changes this cycle. CP to clean up some terms
- IPEC (Kurt)
FT, no changes
- Pump (Kurt)
Finalizing terms, pretty stable otherwise.
- PCIM (John R)
Dormant for a while, but coming back to life. A couple of vendors are interested. Some of the original members have moved on, hope some new staff there may be interested. Unlike other work, very like FHIR work, so may be a better fit. V2 query handling is ugly, FHIR handles them much better.
- Physio monitor (John R)
VERY stable – solid foundation laid 2004-006. Very good fit, haven’t needed to modify it much. Could work on V3 for data management. Some FHIR work; won’t replace V2, but once data is in the ecosystem, FHIR can help enable distribution.
General update PCD TF) (John R)
- Some
- Bridging HL7 to IHE. Lot of work by Moerkhe and others to provide FHIR equivalence.
- EC (John R)
Event Communication – Generalized framework for dealing with events. Much of it is addressed in other Profiles, especially ACM. Generalized for none Alert info, can use ACM infrastructure. IPEC is specialized EC, prototype for EC. MEMDMC provides device focused events. We are good at consistent implementation in those Profiles, this is available for other use. Tom – Is there a need for generic EC? Can John’s comments be put in V2 to address it? A White Paper would have limited exposure. Paul Sc - 10101B nails it an intermediate level. John will draft it as an addition to the TF and send out for review and input. new Action Item
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT. PCD determined that originator prepares FT. It’s tested, so ready, but the creators haven’t been interested doing the work so far. John will help as bandwidth allows, which it hasn’t. Others are welcome to help as well. Remains on the To Do list. Michael Faughn has made great containment tool progress. Smaller step to get the semantics readable.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
None as of 9/30/2020
10:30 - Adjourn Planning Committee meeting



New Action Item - Incorporate EC work and guidance into TF Volume 2. Owner: John Rhoads

Wednesday Joint PCD PC&TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
IHE IP Management Process


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

  • Five year plan
No current plan
- 2017 Roadmap
- and 2011 Plan Notes
- Need to move links to Google Drive
- Nothing past 2020/2021 cycle. Does it serve a purpose? Is this an IHE requirement? Check the IHE for Domain requirements. If not, we could eliminate it. Also check with other programs to see if they want to continue with it. It did serve a good purpose originally. Can this be merged into other resources. We have an updated document. It is useful for showing plans to member organizations and sponsors.
- Add for ACM – Rationalize 60601 rules, address nomenclature
- Discuss at next PC meetings
- Paul will share the document with everyone.
  • Cochair Action item - 106 - Activities Promoting PCD.
The Showcase video and This is ‘IHE webinar’. Todd may have a couple of DPI activities.
  • Location, Dates of the DEV PCD 2021 Spring F2F
Probably virtual, not the week of April 5. Shoot for week of 26th.
May be able to adjust dates and length after this session.
  • Do we continue this meeting? Stop for next F2F meeting and review.
9:40 - Adjourn Joint DEV PCD PC&TC meeting.

Thursday/Friday PCD TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved
IHE IP Management Process
Announcements –
- Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

PCD Program review:

F2F Action Review (from this week)


  • Spring F2F

No Follow-up action for TC, most relevant are at DEV level.

TC Meeting Wrap up and Adjournment (Kowalczyk)

TC Meeting Adjourned


Action Items - PCD PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Action Items - PCD TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings

DEV Domain Meeting:

Technical Committee:

Planning Committee: