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==Scope and Current Work==
The IHE PCD Planning Committee is primarily focused on preparation of Profile Proposals, increasing public awareness of IHE PCD activities and coordination of public demonstrations such as the IHE Showcase at HIMSS.
Committee participation is open and voluntary.  Roster is based on attendance at one TCON or Face-to-Face meeting within an 18-month period. Policy regarding membership status is being finalized so this list may be adjusted to reflect the policy decision and follow the format of the [[Committee Template|Committee Page Template]].
Representatives with a '''[[Roster Status]]''' of '''Co-chair''', '''Voting''' or '''Liaison''' may vote and count towards quorum.  A - represents a missed meeting.
Additional information on profile development activities are detailed on the [[PCD_Profiles | PCD Profiles]] page.
Representatives with a '''[[Roster Status]]''' of '''Secretary''' or '''Non-voting''' or may not vote or count towards quorum.  A + represents an attended meeting.
==Current Meetings==
Note: The roster is for active participants in Committee MeetingsMembers of the [[Mailing Lists|Mailing List]] are not formally recorded.  
Meeting notifications and reminders are sent to the Google Groups lists the committees maintain as listservsT-Cons are generally held every other week, but may be added or re-scheduled when appropriate. To receive meeting notices, please contact a committee cochair (see roster).
{| style="width:95%" border="1" cellpadding="3"
==Committee Membership Roster==
![[IHE Member Organizations]]
! Representative Name             
! [[Role]] 
! Voting
! Domain Ballot 4/08
! April 21-23
The Membership Roster identifies those organizations and individuals who carry out the work of the Planning Committee. Committee participation is open and voluntary. The roster is based on attendance at one TCON or Face-to-Face meeting within an 18-month period.
|[http://www.DO11073.com Breakthrough Solutions Foundry, Inc.]
|| Todd Cooper, Co-chair
| Primary
! Yes
|Technology in Medicine, Inc.
|Raymond Peter Zambuto, CCE, FACCE, FASHE, FHIMSS, Co-chair
| Primary
! Yes
|Jeff Secunda
| Primary
! Yes
|AMS Consulting
|Melvin I. Reynolds, MISciT, MBCS
| Primary
! Yes
|Alan Lang
| Primary
! Yes
|B. Braun Medical, Inc.
| Gale T. White<br>Michael J. Zakrewski
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Beth Hurter
| Primary
! Yes
|[http://www.capsuletech.com Capsule Technologies]
|Bikram Day<br> John McHutcheon
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Cardiac Science
|Rich Fronek
| Primary
! Yes
|Columbia Presbyterian
|Michael Schmidt, PhD
| Primary
! Yes
|Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.
|Kenneth Fuchs<br> Frank Visgalio, Jr.<br> Frank Ralfs
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
! Yes
|[http://www.gehealthcare.com GE Healthcare]
|Marc Goodwin<br>Robert Flanders<br>Ken Marks<br>Cristina Purtill<br>Paul S. Schluter, PhD
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate<br>Alternate<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
! Yes
|[http://www.himms.org/IHE HIMSS]
|Didi Davis<br> Joyce Sensmeier
| Secretariat
|Hospira Worldwide, Inc.
|Thomas Canup<br> Patrick B. Keely<br>Juliana M. Reed<br> Steve Wehba
| Primary<br>Alternate <br>Alternate<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Karen Witting
| Primary
! Yes
|Intermountain Healthcare, Inc.
|Bill Hawley
| Primary
! Yes
|Peter Hendler, MD
| Primary
! Yes
|Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
|George Panagiotopoulos
| Primary
! Yes
|Kaiser Permanent
|James Lewis<br> Bridget A. Moorman, CCE
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Kaiser Permanente
|Tracy L. Rausch, MSME<br> Michael B. Robkin
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|IBM Korea, Korea Solution Software Laboratory
|Andrew Kim
| Primary
! Yes
|McKesson Medical Imaging Group
|Bob Baumgartner
| Primary
! Yes
|Misys Healthcare
|Larry Washington
| Primary
! Yes
|Montefiore Medical Center
|Devin Upton
| Primary
! Yes
|Newport Medical Instruments, Inc.
| Rick Crawford<br>Victor Rosero
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Robert Barker
| Primary
! Yes
|Lisa Carnahan<br>John J. Garguilo<br> Sandra I. Martinez<br> Richard M. Rivello<br> Lynne Rosenthal
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Shaji Nathan<br> Gary Semans<br> Mike Stallone
! Yes
|[http://www.medical.philips.com/main/index.asp Philips Medical Systems]
|Jon J. Blasingame, CCE
| Primary
! Yes
|[http://www.medical.philips.com/main/index.asp Philips Medical Systems]
|Jack J. Harrington<br>John Rhoads, PhD<br>Robert Snyder<br>Jan Wittenber
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Jeff Raponi
| Primary
! Yes
|Christopher Carr
| Primary
! Yes
|Siemens AG
|Dirk Huske-Draus
| Primary
! Yes
|Siemens Medical Solutions
|Tobias Komischke, PhD
| Primary
! Yes
|Spacelabs Medical, an OSI Systems Company
|Allen Enebo<br> David Teixeira
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|Veterans Affairs Medical Center
|Walter K. Bordett, CCE
| Primary
! Yes
|Welch Allyn
|Sam Carello<br>Pascal Gand<br> Jeffrey H. Schmidt
| Primary<br>Alternate
! Yes
|align="center"  | '''X'''
!'''Pending Organization Membership'''
! Representative Name
! Voting Role
! Voting
! Domain Ballot
! Apr 21-23
|Jonathan Barmettler
| Primary
|Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
|J. Michael Fitzmaurice PhD, FACMI
| Primary
|Alert Life Sciences Computing, Inc.
|Cathy Glenz
| Primary
|Slav Lerner
| Primary
|Aurora Health
| Alan Gresch<br>John-Paul Guimond
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Bay State Healthcare System
|Steve Merritt
| Primary
|Biomedical Engineering
| Shankar Krishnan<br>Marcia A. Wylie
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Booz Allen Hamilton
|Carla D. Smith
| Primary
|Brigham and Women's Hospital
|Jennifer L. Jackson, MBA, CCE
| Primary
|Jeremy R. Malecha
| Primary
|Carilion Health System
|Chris Riha
| Primary
|Catalyst Consulting of Kennett
|Bob Fetters
| Primary
|C & M Medical Services
|Robert Tassin, MD
| Primary
|James Power
| Primary
|DEEI, University of Trieste
|Andrea Poli
| Primary
|Department of Veterans Affairs
|Henry Stankiewicz
| Primary
|Duke University Medical Center
|Terri G. Monk, MD
| Primary
|Jonathan Gaev
| Primary
|Monroe Pattillo
| Primary
|Endovations Boston Scientific 100 Boston
|Byron Mattingly
| Primary
|EQ International
|Ronald Baumann<br>Steve Juett<br> Peter O'Connor
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
|Julie Burgoon
| Primary
|Fraunhofer IIS
|Thomas Norgall, MSc
| Primary
|GHESA Ingenieria y Tecnologia, S.A.
|Luis R. Bernal
| Primary
|Paul M. Connelly<br> In K. Mun, PhD
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Healthcare Management Systems, Inc.
|Steve Starkey<br> Dave Dyell
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Image Stream Medical
|Pete Renzi
| Primary
|Improvement Technologies, LLC
|Emanuel Furst, PhD, CCE
| Primary
|Intel Corporation
| Alan Boucher<br>Eric White<br> David L. Whitlinger
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
|Martin J. Hurrell, PhD
| Primary
|Keith Naylor
| Primary
|IT Strategy & Planning
|Mary L. Moewe, MS, FACHE, PMP, SHIMSS
| Primary
|ITAC -Information Technology Association of Canada for Ontario
|Caren Adno
| Primary
|IXXAT, Inc.
|Joshua Pearl<br>William E. Seitz
| Primary
|Kadlec Medical Center
|Roy Kerns
| Primary
|Karin Kajbjer
| Primary
|KJWW Engineering Consultants
|Sudhakar Nagavalli, MS, CCE, CBET
| Primary
|Kyungpook National University
|Sungkee Lee, PhD
| Primary
|LiveData Inc
|John Hotchkiss<br> Jeff Robbins
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Martha Jefferson Hospital
|Greg Mika
| Primary
|Masimo Corp.
|James Welch
| Primary
|Massachusetts General Hospital
|Julian M. Goldman, MD<br> Rick Schrenker
| Primary<br>Alternate
|MD Anderson
|Tim LeCuyer
| Primary
|Medical Automation Systems<br> Timothy Gee
|Brian L. Gunderson, MS, MT(ASCP), CISSP
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Medical Connectivity Consulting
|Timothy Gee
| Primary
|MediServe Information Systems
|Joseph Ahrens
| Primary
|Ministry of Health
|Nancy Gertudiz
| Primary
|Jason Williams
| Primary
|Niceware International, LLC
|Lee Patty
| Primary
|Nihon Kohden Co.
|Masaaki Hirai<br> Kevin Standen
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Michael Krupnick
|Richard King
| Primary
|Pan American Health Organization
|Antonio Hernandez
| Primary
|Ellen Bellini
| Primary
|Precision Dynamics Corp.
|Rick Ellis
| Primary
|Protolink, Inc.
|Peter Bausbacher<br>Al Engelbert
|Radianese, Inc.
|Steven Weisner
| Primary
|Reliance Software Systems
|Dann R. Lemerand
| Primary
|William (Chip) Furniss<br> Michael Madison
|RFIDeas inc.
|Richard W. Landuyt
| Primary
|Vern Williams
| Primary
|Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center
|Brenda Bland
| Primary
|Sanz Medical Center Laniado Hospital
|Yossi Pri-Paz
| Primary
|SSM Integrated Health Technologies
|Joseph Hatleli
| Primary
|SSM Health Care
|Heidi Horn
| Primary
|Standards Technology Manager Digital Health Group (DHeG)
|Rick Cnossen
| Primary
|SunTech Medical, Inc.
|Tony Francisco<br>Christine Winters<br>Edward Wright
| Primary<br>Alternate<br>Alternate
|Sybase, Inc.
|Dave Chmielewski
| Primary
|The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Insitiute
|David E. Sterry, MT(ASCP)
| Primary
|Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network
|Joseph Cafazzo<br> Tony Easty<br>|John Leung
| Primary<br>Alternate
|Toronto General Hospital
|Mat Trudel
| Primary
|u-Health Division
|Kyung Hee Kang
| Primary
|US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
|Ronald Marchessault, Jr.
| Primary
|Sandy Weininger
| Primary
|Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Ctr
|Stephen L. Grimes
| Primary
|Joe Strachan
| Primary
|Viasys Healthcare
|Terry Blansfield
| Primary
|Villanova University
|Elliot B. Sloane, PhD
| Primary
|Virtua Health
|Linda Chan
| Primary
|Viterion TeleHealthcare
|Angelo D'Agostino
| Primary
|Washington Hospital Healthcare System
|Lee Herrmann
| Primary
|Zoe Medical, Inc.
|Stephen J. Staats
| Primary
|Deborah Chan
|Craig Cunic
|Deborah Dahl
|Deborah Domelle
|Michael Ganzlin
|Mike Higgins
|John Howse
|John D. Hughes
|Ersel Llukacej
|Brad Lund
|Glen Marshall
|Austin Montgomery
|Michael Phelps
|Ioana Singureanu
|Rick Smith
|Scott Zaffrin
|Zachary Zimmerman
'''The current co-chairs of this committee are Rob Wilder ([https://www.spok.com/ Spok]) and Kurt Elliason ([http://www.smiths-medical.com/ Smiths Medical])'''<br>
If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.
=== Voting Privileges===
According to the IHE governance, concerning '''[[Voting Privileges]]''', votes will begin to be effectively considered from the March 2008 face to face meeting on.
If your status needs to be adjusted, please contact the Secretary and or a Cochair.
Representatives with '''[[Voting Privileges]]''' (shown in the table below as Voting = Yes) may vote and count towards quorum.
Voting Privileges are based on the '''[[Roster Role]]''' and attendance of the Member Organization for this committee.
'''NOTE: New Member Organizations are granted Voting Privileges at the start of their second consecutive meeting.'''
To check your current voting status please view the PCD Planning Roster now posted on the IHE FTP SITE (ftp://ftp.ihe.net/).
===PCD Planning Roster===
'''NEW LINK TO THE PCD PLANNING ROSTER ON THE IHE FTP SITE:''' ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/ROSTER_PCD/
===Roster Legend===
* '''+''' represents an "attended" vote (either in person, through proxy or distant vote)
* '''-''' represents a missed vote
* '''n.a.''' represents a non-voting member
* A red <font color="red"> (+) </font> indicates a vote was received when the organization did not have voting privileges; however, the vote goes towards attendance.  If a successive vote/decision meeting is attended the voting privileges will be reinstated.
===Please contact the Committee Secretary at [mailto:pcd@ihe.net pcd@ihe.net] for any of the following requests:===
* If your voting status needs to be adjusted
* If there needs to be an update or correction to your name or organization
* If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.
==Action Items==
*Current Action Items: [[PCD Planning Committee Action Items]]

Latest revision as of 11:41, 17 April 2018

Scope and Current Work

The IHE PCD Planning Committee is primarily focused on preparation of Profile Proposals, increasing public awareness of IHE PCD activities and coordination of public demonstrations such as the IHE Showcase at HIMSS.

Additional information on profile development activities are detailed on the PCD Profiles page.

Current Meetings

Meeting notifications and reminders are sent to the Google Groups lists the committees maintain as listservs. T-Cons are generally held every other week, but may be added or re-scheduled when appropriate. To receive meeting notices, please contact a committee cochair (see roster).

Committee Membership Roster

The Membership Roster identifies those organizations and individuals who carry out the work of the Planning Committee. Committee participation is open and voluntary. The roster is based on attendance at one TCON or Face-to-Face meeting within an 18-month period.

The current co-chairs of this committee are Rob Wilder (Spok) and Kurt Elliason (Smiths Medical)

Voting Privileges

According to the IHE governance, concerning Voting Privileges, votes will begin to be effectively considered from the March 2008 face to face meeting on.

Representatives with Voting Privileges (shown in the table below as Voting = Yes) may vote and count towards quorum.

Voting Privileges are based on the Roster Role and attendance of the Member Organization for this committee.

NOTE: New Member Organizations are granted Voting Privileges at the start of their second consecutive meeting.

To check your current voting status please view the PCD Planning Roster now posted on the IHE FTP SITE (ftp://ftp.ihe.net/).

PCD Planning Roster


Roster Legend

  • + represents an "attended" vote (either in person, through proxy or distant vote)
  • - represents a missed vote
  • n.a. represents a non-voting member
  • A red (+) indicates a vote was received when the organization did not have voting privileges; however, the vote goes towards attendance. If a successive vote/decision meeting is attended the voting privileges will be reinstated.

Please contact the Committee Secretary at pcd@ihe.net for any of the following requests:

  • If your voting status needs to be adjusted
  • If there needs to be an update or correction to your name or organization
  • If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.

Action Items