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Latest revision as of 11:11, 2 April 2018

PCD Home

Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
  • Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule


Meeting Location:

  • Building N
  • 5775 Morehouse Dr,
  • San Diego, CA 92121
Hotel Arrangements
-Hotel Name:
Hyatt House San Diego Sorrento
10044 Pacific Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92121
Reservation Link

Dates - Preliminary committee schedule:

Monday April 3 Pump WG meeting
Tuesday April 4 PCD Planning Committee
Wednesday April 5 morning: Joint PC, TC - Tentative
Wednesday April 6 afternoon through Thursday EOD: PCD Technical Committee

Daily Schedule - Placeholder
- 08:00 - 08:30 Meet at Qualcomm, San Diego, CA
Meeting will start promptly at 08:30 Pacific Time each day.
- 08:30 - 10:30 Session #1
- 11:00 - 12:30 Session #2
- 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (on site)
- 13:30 - 15:00 Session #3
- 15:30 - 17:00 Session #4

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.


Webex meetings have been set up in anticipation of interest. They will be provided when requested in advance; i.e., the log in information is provided here, and the Webex will be initiated for those portions of the agenda that are of interest. Please let the co-chairs and Paul know of your interest and when you are available. The co-chairs will try to arrange the agenda to permit your remote participation.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password has been included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

[Webex Meeting Link]

Monday morning, April 3 Pump WG: Meeting Number: 928 240 105

Monday afternoon: April 3: Pump WG: Meeting Number: 923 708 548

Tuesday morning, April 4: PC: Meeting Number: 920 941 521

Tuesday afternoon, April 4: PC: Meeting Number: 925 851 052

Wednesday morning, April 5: Joint PC&TC: Meeting Number: 929 939 373

Wednesday afternoon, April 5: TC: Meeting Number: 920 246 800

Thursday morning April 6: TC: Meeting Number: 924 687 030

Thursday afternoon April 6: TC: Meeting Number: 929 695 676

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when established will be found at Meeting FTP site unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

PCD Schedule/Deadline Information: Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda


Date Hours Committees Topics


2017 April 3

08:30 - 17:00 Pump Workgroup Meeting
  • 08:30 > Pump Workgroup (lunch will be catered)
- Introductions
- Review and update agenda
- IHE IP Management Process
- Discussion Topics
- PIV for Multistep infusions
- Discuss ways to make drug library to EMR mapping easier
- Define core drug library concepts
- Possible new IPEC events
- Intro to RTMMS
- Terminology
- Term spreadsheet - current state
- Red and green edits have been discussed previously (colors indicate markups from 2 different meetings)
- Changes need to be entered into RTMMS
- IEEE 11073-10101b updates (camera-ready) including introduction, terms, definitions
- Remote Device Control
- Action items/next steps
  • 17:00 > Adjourn


Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday Morning

2017 April 4

08:30 - 12:30 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 08:30 > Introduction
- Greeting & Introductions (20 minutes)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (Pattillo/Elliason 10 minutes)
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
- Review Discussion Summary of Last PC Meeting
  • 09:15 > Review Current PCD Program:
- Open Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
157 Update cookbook to include ACM implementation (Monroe)
168 Stakeholder Survey (Paul, Juuso)
  • 10:30 - 10:45 > Break
  • 10:45 - 11:15 > 2017 Development Calendar
  • 11:15 - 12:30 > IHE PCD Long Term Calendar

  • 12:30 LUNCH
Tuesday Afternoon

2017 April 4

13:30 - 17:00 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 13:15 - 13:45 > Approved programs for 2017-2018 cycle 12
- PCD Workflow profile (needs definition)
- Integration Profiles for OR.NET (on-hold)
- Remote Device Control (RDC) WP and profile
- PCIM migration from WP to profile
- Bring DEC SPD (filter) up to date, maybe add to PCD TF
- Migration of IPEC from TI to Final Text status to PCD TF
- Identify WG resources to finalize pulse-ox documentation
- Review of planning for all PCD profiles (DEC, PIV, IPEC, IDCO, ACM, WCM, MEM DMC/LS, RDQ, POI, PCIM, DPI)
- Communication of FDA UDI becoming a trending topic - reminder of what IHE PD has already done to prepare the path
  • 14:45
  • Adjourn PC Meeting
  • Commence Joint PC&TC meeting
  • Review of last PC/TC Meeting Summary
  • 15:00 > HIMSS Showcase Update (30 Min) (Monroe)
  • 15:30 > Location, Dates of the Fall F2F
  • Philips, Boca Raton
  • C4MI, Nashville
  • Other??
Dates - Standing conflict on 3rd Monday for Epic.
  • 11:00 > Elections
We really need new blood in the cochair positions (does Monroe need to provide a last day to push things forward?).
  • 17:00 > Adjourn Joint Planning and Technical Committee


Date Hours Committees Topics

Wednesday Morning

2017 Apr 5

08:30 - 12:30 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78 John Garguilo) (due May 17th)
198 Draft EC overview for Tech Framework (John Rhoads)
199 SFT Segment (John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda)
  • 10:15 > Break
  • 10:30 > Review of ongoing work
Device Enterprise Communications (DEC) / Subscribe to Patient Data (SPD)
Alert Communications Management (ACM)
Infusion Pump Event Communications (IPEC)
Medical Equipment Management Location Services (MEMLS)
Medical Equipment Management Device Management Communications (MEMDMC)
  • > 12:00 AAMI Interoperability Experience (Wil Vargas)
  • > 12:30 > LUNCH
Wednesday Afternoon

2017 Apr 5

13:30 - 17:00 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 13:30 > Discussion of pump and RTMMS, SDDO, prep for testing (Jeff R, Tom K)
  • 14:30 > Continue Review of ongoing work
Remote Data Query (RDQ)
  • 15:00 > Break
  • 15:15 > Point-of-Care Identity Management (Rhoads)
  • 16:00 > Remote Device Control (RDC)


Date Hours Committees Topics
Thursday Morning

2017 Apr 6

08:30 - 12:30 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
New term development status
New event and alert code additions
  • 10:15 > Break
  • 10:45 > Review Notes - wrap up, leftover items
  • 11:45 > Adjourn TC meeting
  • 12:00 > Lunch
  • 13:00 > Tour of Qualcomm museum
Thursday Afternoon

2017 Apr 6

13:30 - 17:00 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 4:00
  • 5:00 > Adjourn

Note: Additional evening working sessions may be scheduled as needed.

Webex Support

Webex will be available for those who cannot attend in person. The links are provided below. Reminder: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights. Note: For security, the password is in the emails.

Call in numbers:

1-866-469-3239 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-429-3300 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Tuesday Morning

Meeting Link
Meeting number: 920 941 521

Tuesday Afternoon

Meeting Link
Meeting Number: 925 851 052

Wednesday Morning

Meeting Link
Meeting number: 929 939 373

Wednesday Afternoon

Meeting Link
Meeting number: 920 246 800

Thursday Morning

Meeting Link
Meeting number: 924 687 030

Thursday Afternoon

Meeting Link
Meeting number: 929 695 676


Monday, April 3

On Site:


Tuesday, April 4

On Site:


Wednesday, April 5

On Site:

Remote (morning, PC & TC):

Remote (afternoon, TC):

Thursday, April 6

On Site:



Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.


Pump workgroup

Item Topic Discussion
1 Discussion Summary
- Pump group members

Tom Miller, Ali Nakoulima, Shanatu Chawla, John Rhoads, Monroe Patillo, Prabhu Chinnaiah, Brian Witkowski, Megan Tetlow, Tom Kowalczyk, Olivier Coeffic, Caroline Cornelius, Bill Haralson, Raymond Kan, Paul Schluter

Discussion and Actions:

Supporting multistep infusions was discussed in detail. Jeff summarized the discussion in a document which has been distributed to the pump group.

Initial discussion on mapping pump drug libraries to the EMR, more work is needed. Document distributed to pump group.

Discussion was held on resuming pump group calls on a weekly basis.

Terminology - Todd Cooper and Jeff attempted to make changes in RTMMS based on the term spreadsheet. Most changes were not successful. Follow up will be held with John Gargiulo and Nicholas. Any new terms added to RTMMS will need the "ds-ip-2.0" tag in order to be exportable to a spreadsheet. There is also a sort order in the current spreadsheet that will require further investigation.

Brian led a discussion about reporting events that have occurred but for which complete information is not yet available yet, such as "dose given", "bolus given", etc. Possible scenarios included when a pump that was offline resumes communication and "knows" that a bolus was given. Further discussion is needed.

Monroe updated the group on the current status of the RDC (Remote Device Control) effort. A white paper is in the initial draft stage and will be made more generally available after further review.


Planning Committee Meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved
IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
- Any issues with PCD in the past? Some issues with jpeg and png IP in the past.
- There was one in the past, hasn't been fully resolved yet.
- If you're aware of any patents that may affect PCD, please let us know.


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Accepted: Planning Committee



3 Agenda Items
- Standards Coordination
Tuesday Morning

2016 April 19

08:30 - 12:30 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 08:30 > Introduction
- Greeting & Introductions (20 minutes)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (Pattillo 10 minutes)
- John G has some items for Wed or Thursday
- Add discussion of pump and RTMMS, SDDO, prep for testing. 1:30 Wed afternoon
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
- Review Discussion Summary of Last PC Meeting
  • 09:15 > Review Current PCD Program:
- Open Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
157 Update cookbook to include ACM implementation (Monroe)
  • Last updated 2011, Monroe reviewed changes entered so far. There was a lot more changes needed than just adding ACM info. Monroe highlighted a number of those changes. Discussion of implementation matrix, could use table to help define before examples. Add certification discussion and possible additional points, cover the topic but won’t approach its value. Monroe will distribute among the co-chairs, then PC&TC, then IHE overall for review before publishing. Is there a way to determine how many use the device
168 Stakeholder Survey (Paul, Juuso)
  • Monroe reviewed and sent changes back to Paul and Juuso,
  • 2017 Development Calendar
Monroe provided overview of process and how dates are determined. Tell Mary that we will update and republish the Technical Framework. John Rhoads will update, please review and provide him with marked-up Word documents.
  • IHE PCD Long Term Calendar Review
Cycles need adjusted – Cycle 12 should be 2017/2018. Extensive discussion of when cycles change. Agreed it’s after HIMSS. Per NIST, they just finished cycle 11 after HIMSS. Per vote, cycle will run April 1st to March 31, Cycle 12 started this April.
DOF (PCD-02) – not a lot of interest yet, but some work.
Moved to Cycle 13: IPEC FT, Specializations,
PCIM – Needs TC review of next iteration, fairly minor. Will show at this week’s TC session. Will be public, need to fill in a draft a bit. Some PCC work impeding. Will release for public comment next cycle.
Added multi step infusions and Infusion nomenclature to 11073
MEMLS and MEMDMC nomenclature to 11073, FT moved to cycle 13
DPI – UML model done, editor almost done, DIM and containment model editor being managed by NIST. WP and Symmetric comms moved to cycle 13
Content Mgmnt: 10101b devel moved to 13, Alerts/Events set for this cycle.
WCM – need to assign some codes, hoping for 10101b
Pump specializations – in TF Vol 3, better done by automated process
PCHA – trying to add FHIR encoding, pretty covered. Devices on FHIR group working on migrating.
ONC – PCD DEC listed in ISA as acceptable terms.
Cross domain – Working to add ACM for critical lab results. Working with PCC on point of care medical device tracking.
AAMI – Assess ICE data logger against RDQ when ready
VA – POI; no change
Certification – no change
New - CMI (was C4MI) – looking for a secure IHE-PCD transport.
IEC 60601 – ACM CP to align with latest 60601-1-8

  • 12:30 LUNCH
Tuesday Afternoon

2016 April 19

13:15- 13:45 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 13:15 > Approved programs for 2017-2018 cycle 12
PCD Workflow profile (needs definition)
Integration Profiles for OR.NET (on-hold)
Remote Device Control (RDC) WP and profile
PCIM migration from WP to profile
Bring DEC SPD (filter) up to date, maybe add to PCD TF
Migration of IPEC from TI to Final Text status to PCD
TF To get nomenclature into normative state
- Identify WG resources to finalize pulse-ox documentation
  • > Review of planning for all PCD profiles (DEC, PIV, IPEC, IDCO, ACM, WCM, MEM DMC/LS, RDQ, POI, PCIM, DPI)
- DEC - nomenclature
- PIV/IPEC – Drug library export and import
- IDCO - Working on Alerts and Advisories. Not using ACM. Coming up with some core categories for vendors to build on. Meeting with Heart Rhythm society in May.
- ACM; MEM DMC/LMS/DMC – (Presentation is on ftp site)
ACM in final text. Need more AC vendors, pushing for a virtual AC if needed, in many demonstrations.
MEM – In TI, some technical details shown.
- LS – have three instances ready.
RDC – Have three use cases, being risk conscious.
- WCM – Need to assign numeric codes
- RDQ – Nothing new
- POI- Looking for resources
- PCIM – work under way, looking at possible PCC overlap
- DPI – some work completed. WP and symmetric comms, move to Cycle 13.
- Communication of FDA UDI becoming a trending topic - reminder of what IHE PCD has already done to prepare the path. Some info in our TF on how to manage. Hammered out internationally, but some want to have local implementations.
  • Discussion of any further items?

Close PC at 13:45



4 ___ Status/Discussion:




Tuesday Afternoon

Joint PC & TC meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Action(s):

2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- N/A



3 Agenda Items
- Standards Coordination
:* 13:45 > HIMSS Showcase Update (Monroe) – Seems to be not a lot of uptake so far. They have some use cases, but are open to new ones. We can propose a use case, but need to create it with at least 6 vendors to sell it to them. When do we need to start? Start developement in October, scripting will start earlier. Unclear if participation will include non-IHE vendors, didn’t work too well last time.
Example – Drug library movement. When is it standard enough to demo. If it’s at least in a WP stage, we may be able to sell it.
  • 14:15 > Elections
We really need new blood in the cochair positions (does Monroe need to provide a last day to push things forward?).
  • 14:30 > Location, Dates of the Fall F2F
  • Philips, Boca Raton – They are moving to smaller quarters, without meeting space. Bob is looking into options.
  • CMI, Nashville – They would like to host us – Ken will provide Paul Sherman with a contact. First choice
  • Other?? – Interoperability Cleveland is happy to host us. Philips Andover, MA may be able to host us. AAMI (Arlington, VA).
Dates - Standing conflict on 3rd Monday for Epic.
  • Tentatively Oct 2-6.
  • Room blocks? No one is a fan. Paul Sherman will see if it’s required.
  • 15:00 > (TC Item) NIST Update (John Garguilo)
(Presentation is on ftp site). Working on RTMMS, HL7 v2 tools, DIM modeling and editor.
  • Allows users to build useful device profiles.
Work Areas and Status Updates – Described Conformance Tooling Suite
  • Will demo PCD-01 tools tomorrow.
HL7 v2.6 validation tools – described, useful by many IHE entities. CP updates for Cycle 12 highlighted. Pre-connectathon was required, not required any more. 8 profiles with 64 test cases.
RTMMS – 10101b underway, many terms entered. Extensive discussion on how to convince LOINC fans to accept IEEE 11073. LOINC is not either/or in our profiles. For IHE PCD, MDC is preferred, LOINC is acceptable (reference RTMMS MDC to LOINC mappings). They are complimentary standards with extensive overlap. 88 organizations registered in RTMMS. Term approval –
DIM editor/Profiler – Hope to create template profiles to allow easier construction of compliant models. IEEE agreed to royalty free use of some 11073-10101 attributes. WG meets Thursdays, feel free to join.
Implementation Guide and Use Case tool/builders are being developed at NIST. PCD has well defined integration profile in TF documentsa LOT of work (eg. see ACM specification in the TF Vol 2 appenices). IGAMT and TCAMT enable users to produce what NIST calls "resource bundle files" (xml) which facilitate automatic production of web test instance pages. If a changes are made, they are propogated into the resultant web sites. It automates the process immensely, very critical for NIST to maintain full suite of validators. Any thought to expanding those tools beyond HL7v2? Yes, working on FHIR and other standards.
2017 plans – New tooling framework, review test cases/demographics, CPs added, Consider ACM/WCTP validation, support test events and roadmap (on PCD wiki. Update RTMMS, Add terminology and DIM Editor. Looking at FHIR and DoF validation.
NIST encourages user to provide feedback.
  • > Adjourn Joint PC/TC



4 ___ Status/Discussion:





Technical Committee Meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Accepted: Technical Committee April 8



3 Agenda Items

  • Timetable
PCD Key Dates (Cycle 12) - Reviewed
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78 John Garguilo) (due May 17th)
198 Draft EC overview for Tech Framework (John Rhoads)
  • Will discuss in detail section
199 SFT Segment (John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda)
  • Will discuss in detail this afternoon, need to determine how best to represent it in software.
  • DEC/SPD - Presentation on ftp site
  • TI published 2007. Basic key – DOF actor. Designed to solve ‘drinking from a firehose’ issue. Profile supplement for TI published (link in presentation). Reviewed TI pubs. SPD implemented by B.Braun (Al E). Need more partners. What’s next? Is it a solution for no problem? Will this fit FHIR better than DEC? Subscriber requested rather than subscriber ‘turned off’. Requests need to be very precise. Need to revisit query predicates. This is live data, RDQ is past info. Not a currently officially published TI, republished 2011, but not on currently published ftp list. Are we OK with it as it stands? Uses a deprecated HL7 query. May be due for a review re newer tools/standards. May be worth harmonizing with RDQ. Preconfiguring DORs may ‘compete’. Clinical archives may want everything. EMR – they take all info and let users filter at their end. Ask Mary to place this TI on ‘currently published’ ftp site.
  • ACM – Presentation on ftp site
  • Two approved CPs (129 and 130). Asking NIST to verify PCD-04 attributes. Requesting AC peer test, needed to enable pre-CN testing and CN testing if no AC shows up (could cripple ACM testing). Does someone offer these products? Yes, and AM as well. They just don’t come to a Connectathon or AAMI. ACM working with RTM on alerts/events and attributes. Maintain mapping 60601 and 11073 mappings.
ACM AC Testing Tool? Specified in appendix, John G has discussed with Monroe. On the list, awaiting resources
  • IPEC
Not much to discuss at this point, will cover a this afternoon with Jeff.
Final text moved to next cycle, terms must be finalized 1st (this summer).
  • MEMDMC - presentation on ftp site
MDC’s/REFIDs submitted, CP to update same, TI update to incorporate.
  • MEMLS – presentation on ftp site
MDC’s/REFIDs submitted, CP to update same, TI update to incorporate. Broadened to include temperatures and other infrastructure info. Trying to get additional LS vendors on board. IEEE group has some hospital chains.
WP underway to comm to devices. Addressing security and safety issues. Initial use cases – Pause alert, clear volume infused, unlock device panel. Will send draft WP out after F2F. Covered during Friday MEM calls.
  • PCD Cookbook (In MEM presentation)
More work involved than planned, hope to publish this year.
  • PIV
  • Multi-step – discussed at pump F2F. What happens if you change in mid-process? How to handle it? Discussed how to report each step at pump F2F.
  • Term Discussion
Need to pick a time on Monday to meet: 1PM CDT scheduled.
  • POI – Awaiting workgroup activity to move it to FT.
  • RDQ – Quiescent, some interest, but not enough to start working again. ACM decided to remove their equivalent process to let RDQ do the work.
  • WCM (Schluter)
  • Approved a few months ago, awaiting codes (done in about 3 months). Folks seem pretty satisfied. Awaiting ACM actors to implement as well. If enumerators needed, Paul Schluter can provide.
  • IHE International (Cooper)
Membership model tracking well. IHE services – trying to take it to the next level; have a funded core to direct the project. IHE Europe is doing this now. Can help interested parties get up and running. Presentation at Feb Board meeting. Board retreat last year; had 5-6 taskforces. Todd on a TF to move it to next technologies and quick adoption of same. Developing artifacts to enable quick updates. Will report progress to Board in June. Mhealth apps and Devices on FHIR plug a thons at CN. Follow-on at Europe CN right now. IHE should promote these types of events (at related events). Let them know if you have any suggestions. Revenue model – fees to attend meetings? No. Some countries have their own memberships, this creates some challenges. Connectathon numbers going down because profiles are becoming mature. There is a use case taskforce, will publish in some journals focusing on business proposals.
  • FHIR (Cooper)
3 years ago IHE formed FHIR workgroup. HL7 also created an external standards workgroup. Has 3 cochairs; lot of members in IHE as well. Muddling along. Resurrecting the group; John Rhoads a member. First meeting April 10; intend to have FHIR implementers come together, list and coordinate activities. HL7 has also created FHIR Foundation, which focusses on implementation. Trying to separate the ‘conjoined twins’. Getting FHIR v3 out took a lot of work; now done, people are becoming more available. Where are alerts? 1st focused on consistent reporting, next item includes alerts and controls.
  • Devices on FHIR (Cooper)
Started initiative last June, but didn’t hit critical mass until recently. Got info into STU3 regarding device metrics and components. 11073 mapping went fairly well. PCHA was well involved. Have weekly calls, 12-15 participants, some lurking. Now that core pieces are in place, will look at profiles. Containment trees will be profiles and implementation guides. FHIR intent is ‘on demand’; we discussed SPD earlier, this could be a good application. Will be doing something around DEC, RDQ and ACM. Trying to formally move the work into the FHIR Foundation. What is the group’s priority and interest?
  • > 12:00 AAMI Interoperability Experience (Wil Vargas)
Presentation will be on ftp site
Recruiting – reached to prior participants and other exhibitors. Includes a hospital. What’s new – Anomalous event, presentations from main program, analytics, possible 1st responder.
Show up 1st thing June 9 for set up. Have presentations on USB drive. If you want to present, let him know by May 1.
  • Devices on FHIR cont:
Feedback? Started wanted to be ISO-semantic. See where it has practical advantages and uses. Also embedded in domains’ thinking. Risk of FHIR splintering. Priorities: Getting data organized, linked, semantically aligned, Alerts integrated. SPD functionality is a good fit. Won’t mimic V2, but using those features could help. Much feedback (500+ comments), moving forward. RDQ not used in V2, may be a better fit with FHIR. FHIR has a core and build extensions, the opposite of other standards. Google put up a FHIR server this week. V2 not going away, need to see FHIR as complementary. Charles P recommended PCD prepare a mission statement for FHIR – we have enough info to put together a paragraph. Not a burning issue for pumps. Most hospitals won’t drive it, academic ones are more likely. What PCD functionality are they looking for? ACM most likely, generally research focused. Waiting for some FHIR resources defined before we can move forward. Are we going to move forward with some specific items?
  • 13:30 > Discussion of pump and RTMMS, SDDO, prep for testing (Jeff R, Tom K)
Monday the pump group tried to bring up the RTMMS tool with partial success. Afterward, nothing was in. What do they need to do to move it forward? John G walked through the website. How do we edit x73 tab? Any desired edits go to a ‘bin’ for review and potential inclusion. The changes won’t directly replace that text, but will be added as additional reference info. Can send Nicholas a spreadsheet with the needed terms and supporting info; he will upload them as needed. Will need a new bin, mechanism to export. If you want to revise x73, need a mechanism to send it forward. Everyone has vendor access, Jeff has SVO access. If they edit that, where does it propagate? To the proposed terms table.
Moving forward – WG will create a spreadsheet with all changes, then submit it to Nicholas for loading into RTMMS. They can edit in the vendor table (except Jeff)- they can submit that way. They are trying edit a lot of things; will focus on those they can edit, then look at how to take care of the rest of the changes. Went through the process while in the Infusion Pump WG account.
  • Discussion of F2F schedule
Tom proposes: Pump (and other) WGs meet Tuesday, PC and TC Wednesday and Thursday (full day).
Proposal accepted
  • Point-of-Care Identity Management (Rhoads) – presentation on ftp site
Quick Review: WP reviewed, issued for public comment, comments resolved. Updated document will go to TC for final review then off to IHE for publishing.
Changes – Covered applications and supplied IHE diagrams.



4 ___ Status/Discussion:





Item Topic Discussion
1 Agenda Items
  • 8:45 > IEEE P11073-10101b Updates (Paul Schluter) – Presentation documents will be on the ftp site
New term development status
  • RTMMS updated with 10101a nomenclature. 10101b extends 2004 and 10101a-2015
New event and alert code additions
  • Reviewed fundamental principles –
How much detail do we want to deal with? As much as possible, Paul had some concerns, but doesn’t seem that bad. Trying to maintain high precision.
How can it be used? Equipment vendor provides mapping from proprietary – 11073 to integrator. Mapping will further promote advancing meaning and equivalencies.
No attempt to require minimum attribute list of information in ACM Alerts? No, wants to, but no uptake. Will take steps, more to follow, event category to start.
Events have different details, can be included.
Extensively demonstrated examples of the work done thus far and how it applies moving forward. Discussed how the process works and possible options moving forward. All of these have unique MDCs and REFIDs. Can be in different VMDs. Needed some new terms, particularly for CPAPs (CO2 apnea, CO2 airway blocked, etc.). Added new terms for new events within the partition. Some event terms will go away if they are covered in ACM as well. Looking to consolidate where feasible. Most used by us are green (established), only a few are new (blue). Consistent event identifier structure. A lot of detailed terms were already in the standard, don’t see enough reason to deprecate many of them. Receivers (EMRs and ACM systems) will need a way to filter as needed. Need full definition for some of the service terms. Added about 300 terms to existing 600, plus several hundred more could be added.
  • Prepping for ballot and ready by end of June is daunting, please provide him with terms ASAP.
Monroe – hope to have some nurse call terms available, likely for next iteration. Paul wants to publish alerts and events into 10101b, less daunting than 700 pages of terms.
  • As you think about new terms – he can do a generic event using lower case characters as a placeholder. Any aids you can think of – let him know.
  • Review Notes - wrap up, leftover items
PC Review
  • Change Y or N to Y in calendar – Done
  • DPI - WP and symmetric comms, move to Cycle 13 - Done
  • Cross domain – Change to “Working to add ACM…” - Done
  • Ask Mary to place the last published version of SPD ‘currently published’ ftp site. (provide link to PCD wiki) - Done
  • Term Discussion - Needed to pick a time on Monday to meet: 1PM CDT scheduled, Paul Sherman to send invitation. - Done
  • 11:45 > Adjourned TC meeting
  • 12:00 > Lunch
  • Tour of Qualcomm museum



Action Items - PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Action Items - TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings

Joint Planning and Technical Committee: PC and TC April 27 PCD PC&TC 2016-04-27 Webex

TC May 4, 2016, PCD TC 2016-05-04 Webex

PC PC May 11, 2016, PCD PC 2016-05-11 Webex