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Newborn Admission Notification Information describes the content needed to communicate a timely newborn admission notification electronically from a birthing facility to public health to be used by newborn screening programs.

Part of the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention - Family of Profiles.


A Newborn Admission Notification Information (NANI) profile transfers basic newborn demographic data electronically to public health programs from a birthing facility. By automating delivery of these basic required data elements, more effective and timelier services can be undertaken. The NANI profile provides accurate data on the number of newborn hospital admissions within a public health jurisdiction. These data can then be used as a denominator to evaluate the effectiveness of Public Health program interventions. This helps birth facilities and state newborn screening programs by facilitating both the evaluation of the quality of care delivered and the capacity for improving care. In the case of EHDI this means determining the number of newborns accurately screened who received follow-up services. NANI also eliminates aggregate reporting by birth facilities, replacing it with individual patient level data.

In the future, the Newborn Admission Notification Information Profile could be used for more than just newborn screening; to improve the quality and quantity of information by other child health programs.


  • Newborn screening information communicated to public health is often incomplete and error prone NANI reduces patient errors from mistyped demographic information into public health systems through electronic transfer of patient demographics.
  • Newborn screening reporting is often time-consuming for birthing facility staff. NANI eliminates the staff time and costs associated with manually entering basic newborn demographic data for multiple uses.
  • NANI automation will result in more effective and timelier delivery of services through accurate information
  • NANI will facilitate both evaluation of the quality of care delivered and the capacity for improving care
  • NANI provides accurate data on the number of newborn hospital admissions within a public health jurisdiction. These data are then used as the denominator to evaluate effectiveness of Public Health program interventions. In the case of EHDI, this means determining the number of newborns accurately screened who received follow-up services.


This profile leverages IHI ITI transactions related to the Patient Identity Feed. The two NANI transactions constrain and extend these two ITI transactions. There are three actors: the Newborn Admission Notification Manager, Admission Information Source and Newborn Admission Notification Subscriber. Content is created by an Admission Information Source and is ultimately consumed by a Newborn Admission Notification Subscriber. The Newborn Admission Notification Manager sends relevant Content to the Newborn Admission Notification Subscribers. An Admission Information Source delivers Content to a Manager using a transport mechanism. The Newborn Admission Notification Manager delivers the Content to the Newborn Admission Notification Subscriber also via unspecified transport. It is possible to use any of the transport mechanisms defined by the IHE ITI PIX profiles or by some other mechanism supported by the Actors.

Systems Affected

Birthing Facility EHRs might expect to function as a Newborn Admission Information Source and could function as the Newborn Admission Content Manager as could a third party intermediary system (HIE) or public health. The NANI Subscriber is expected to be a public health information system that requires basic demographic information on a newborn as part of its jurisdictional and programmatic requirements. An integrated newborn public health IS, an EHDI IS, a Newborn Bloodspot screening information system, and even an NBS Laboratory information management system (LIMS) could benefit from an accurate count of hospital births. A NANI message could be used to track specimen receipt by the LIMS in Public Health or by the Birthing Facility.

Actors & Transactions:

NANI Transaction.PNG

NANI Transaction Actor II.png


Profile Status: Trial Implementation


Underlying Standards:

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template