Report Repository

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<Your page name should simply be Actor-Name Actor with spaces, with capitals, without the acronym. e.g. Order Placer Actor>

A system that provides long-term storage of diagnostic reports and their retrieval as DICOM Structured Reporting Objects.

<Explain the flavor of the tasks and information the actor is responsible for. This section is profile neutral.>

Responsibilities in Profiles

The responsibilities placed on this actor in the context of each Profile is summarized here. For the actual specifications, refer to the Technical Framework.

A system that supports an Actor does not have to meet the requirements in any given Profile unless the system claims support of that Profile in the product Integration Statement.

<Profile 1>

This Profile depends on the actor to <explain in broad terms>.

<Profile 2>

This Profile depends on the actor to <explain in broad terms>.

See Also

<Include/explain links to other Actors with similar jobs>

This actor is often grouped with: Secure Node, Time Client <Include links to commonly grouped Actors>

This page is based on the Actor Template