Radiology 2022-2023 Development Cycle

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Timeline: 2022-2023 Development Cycle Milestones

The Timeline shows the main milestones of the development cycle, the Timeframe when they are typically expected to happen, and the actual date/time/location they have been Scheduled for this year. Specific meetings and their agendas and minutes are generally listed on the IHE Radiology Planning Committee and IHE Radiology Technical Committee pages.

Dates and times are U.S. Central Time (Chicago).

Typically Main Milestone Scheduled Location
June RSNA Call to Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) June 28 Wiki
Aug Deadline to Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) Aug 5 midnight Wiki
Aug PC Selects "Short List" of Proposals (Vote!) Aug 10 T-Con
Sept Deadline to Submit Detailed Proposals to PC/TC Aug 24
Sept/Oct PC makes Final Selection of Proposals for this year (Vote!) Sept 29 10:00 am - 12:00 pm T-Con
Nov TC Meeting for Profile Development Kickoff Nov 07-11 Oak Brook, IL
Jan/Feb TC Meeting to Finalize Supplements for public comment Feb 6-10 Oak Brook, IL
Mar/Apr TC Meeting to reconcile Public Comments and Finalize Supplements for Trial Implementation April 24-28 Oak Brook, IL
Mar? Test implementations at Connectathon (North America) Date TBD Location TBD
Oct? Test implementations at Connectathon (Europe) Date TBD Location TBD