Rad Tech Minutes 2024-01-18

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--> RAD CP Tracking Spreadsheet

(1) Process results of CP Ballot 2023B

All CPs in Ballot 2023B, listed below, were processed and are now Final Text. They have been moved to the Final Text folder in Google Drive.

Several of the CPs were updated based on ballot comments. Those comments and the resolution are found here:

--> Link to ballot votes & responses

  • CP-RAD-347 XDS-I.b Volume 1 Cleanup
  • CP-RAD-475 RAD-107 WADO-RS Retrieve: Add retrieve rendered images message pair
  • CP-RAD-479 RAD-60 – update reason codes reference to DICOM
  • CP-RAD-490 Update Vol 1x and 2 for RESTful transport in Submit Dose Information [RAD-63]"
  • CP-RAD-496 SWF.b – missing arrow in actor/transaction diagram
  • CP-RAD-501 WIA – RAD-129 - additional Enterprise Identity attributes
  • CP-RAD-522 MAP: Update outdated references in transactions
  • CP-RAD-523 Clarify Scrolling of DBT Images
  • CP-RAD-524 Add missing triggers for RAD-108
  • CP-RAD-526 Update XDS-I to align with Vol 1 template
  • CP-RAD-527 Add WADO-RS as an option for image retrieve in XDS-I
    • Note that this new option for XDS-I will be offered for testing at the IHE Connectathon in Trieste in June

(2) Process Newly Submitted CPs:

(3) New Topics:

Two topics were identified to add to the agenda for the Feb 5-9 Rad Tech F2F

1. Discuss possibility of adding WADO-RS and an option to XCA-I (similar to CP 527 approved above)

2. PDI options - should CD still be a basline rqmt (CP 529 accepted above)