Rad Tech Minutes 2013-11-12 to 2013-11-14

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Day 1 Minutes

(Number in parentheses is cumulative total hours for week)

Tuesday, Nov.12, 2013: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm


  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Paul Morgan
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Jim Philbin
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard

RSNA Staff: Chris Carr, La Shawn Edwards

09:30-10:00: Welcome, Agenda review

*Agenda approved

10:00-01:00: Technical Framework Maintenance (3)

*Review of CP RAD 051

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet/Gap Analysis/rewrite based on KOS

*Review of CP RAD 075

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet

*Review of CP RAD 082

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet
  • Proposal to cancel CP and open with a new one (See notes in tracking sheet)

*Review of CP RAD 113

  • Propose to reassign (RIS)

*Review of CP RAD 118

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet/propose to review for Feb f2f

*Review of CP RAD 137

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet/target Feb f2f

*Review of CP RAD 141

  • See notes/

*Review CP RAD 144


*Review of CP RAD 145

  • Will CANCEL See notes in CP tracking sheet

*Review of CP RAD 153

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet


  • See notes in tracking sheet

*Review of CP RAD 189

  • See notes in tracking sheet

*Review of CP RAD 191

  • See notes in CP tracking sheet
01:00-02:00: Lunch
02:00-05:00: Mobile Access to Health Documents - Imaging (3)
  • Review of Mobile profile/scope
  • changes revisions noted in supplement
  • Review of Scope (DBT)
  • edits/notes made while reviewing document

Day 2 Minutes

Wednesday,Nov. 13, 2013: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • Jeanne Couder
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Kinson Ho
  • Renate Hoecker
  • Janey Keyes
  • Chris Lindop
  • Paul Morgan
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Jim Philbin
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard
  • Dr. Judy Wolfman

RSNA Staff: Chris Carr, La Shawn Edwards

08:00-12:00: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis - inital discussion, scope, identify clinical issues (4)

*Review of Use Cases (DBT)

  • Edits/revisions done while reviewing document
12:00-01:00: Lunch
01:00-05:00: Technical Framework Maintenace (7)

*Review of CP RAD 200'

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes

*Review of CP RAD 192

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes
  • Review of CP RAD 212
  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes

*Review of CP RAD 221

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes

*Review of CP RAD 222

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes

*Review of CP RAD 224

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes

*Review of CP RAD 240

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes

*Review of CP 243

  • Terri to review make edits/clean up

*Review of CP 251

  • See CP tracking sheet for comments/notes
  • Review of CP RAD 283
  • Assigned to Kinson/see notes in CP tracking
  • Review of CP RAD 284
  • Assigned to Kinson/see notes in CP tracking
  • Review of CP RAD

05:00-05:30: Scheduling

Day3 Minutes

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013: 8.00 am - 4:00 pm


  • Jeanne Couder
  • David Clunie
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Brad Genereaux
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Paul Morgan
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Jim Philbin
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard

Mammography Committee

  • Dianne Georgian-Smith
  • Rita Zuley
  • Judith Wolfman
  • Janet Keyes
  • Bruch Schroeder
  • Renate Hoecker

RSNA Staff: Chris Carr, La Shawn Edwards

08:00-12:00: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis - clinical discussion(8)
  • Review of Use Cases
  • Revisions/edits noted while reviewing document
  • Review of MRRT CP's
  • Revisions/edits done on CP tracking sheet
12:00-01:00: Lunch
01:00-04:00: Mobile Access to Health Documents - Imaging (6)
  • Review of XDS/XDSI
  • Edits/revisions done while reviewing document see notes
  • Storage
  • Edits/revisions done while reviewing document see notes

Radiology Technical Committee