Rad Tech Minutes 2011-02-10

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  • Ellie Avraham - Philips
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA
  • Lynn Felhofer - Tech Proj Mgr
  • David Heaney - McKesson
  • Kinson Ho - Agfa
  • Chris Lindop - GE
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Toshiba
  • Antje Schroeder - Siemens
  • Alexis Tzannes - Aware
  • Ron Cowan - Merge Healthcare


Reviewed final changes to IOCM (30 minutes)

  • Conducted approval vote for publication.
  • Motion to aprove for public comment comment pending the updates reviewed today - approved unanimously.

Review XCA-I: Draft was distributed; review XCA-I document (3 hours)

  • Motion to approve for public comment for release on Monday - approved unamimously.

Extend March face to face meeting for review of CP 213 and XCA-I

  • ACTION: Add Tuesday to the meeting - now will take place March 22 - 25

Next Committee teleconference: 3/3, Thursday, 9:00am CT - 11:00am - Review of CP-213 HL7v2.5 refactoring

Radiology Technical Committee