Rad TF Maintenance 2016-17

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Target Dates:

  • Publish CP Ballot in early-Jan 2017? (for CPs needed for IHE-Europe Connectathon in April 2017)
    • Allow adequate time at the Nov F2F Meeting to prep for this
  • Publish CP Ballot at end-of-April 2017
  • Incorporate FT CPs into updated TF released July 2017

Number of outstanding CPs:

  • 68 Assigned CPs to work on (up from 59 last cycle)
  • For specifics refer to [1] and sort by Status
  • (about 2/3 are stagnant) Should do a review of dormant CPs and confirm or re-assign (to non-authors of profiles)
  • Discuss who will take over CPs that have been assigned to Chris Lindop
  • 0 Completed CPs that failed ballot and need to be reworked
  • 5 Submitted CPs to review/assign (as of Sept 15)
  • Add a row for Completed that haven't been balloted. TODO
  • CP321? Final Text CPs to confirm have been incorporated into TF - there were two copies.

List of "non-trivial" CPs:

  • CP-304 : Add Multiple Identity Resolution Option to SWF.b
  • Kinson might have this ready for kickoff too, else at the January mtg.
  • a couple of order-related CPs for CDS that may be long (not complex?)
  • CP-RAD-328: Add OBR/ORC segments to RAD-35 (Charge Posting)
  • CP-RAD-329: RAD-# needs to expand ORC-2 specification (HL7 v2.5.1 semantics)
  • CP_RAD-309: OBX Optionality in RAD-1,2,4
  • CP-314 MHD-I vs FHIR DSTU2 dependencies - might be simple change? but examples need rework in any case - might have to wait for ITI work on MHD
  • FHIR Manifest is in STU3 so we could update MHD-I in CP314 at the kickoff meeting.
  • Others????

List of outstanding items not yet submitted as CPs:

  • None

List of other maintenance tasks:

  • Add 2 (estimated) FT Supplements to TF (e.g. SWF.b, IID?)
  • Review of old supps for retirement
  • Repeat TOP TEN CPs process
  • note that the list of CPs is increasing, not decreasing
  • CP author distribution
  • Consider which might help a profile go to FT
  • Consider organizing batches of CPs around themes (Profile or topic) so we can get relevant domain experts on that call and keep them engaged
  • Cleanup of Cross-Referencing to ITI (they renumbered their sections)

  • Adoption of new IHE Templates for Tech Framework
    • An upcoming forcing function will be when we make Final Text any of the new supplements that have used the new supplement template which is intended to align with the new TF Template.

  • Profile Pages on Wiki
  • Suggest to DCC that maybe these should be posted to Wikipedia for greater visibility?
  • Although Google finds it on wiki.ihe.net
  • IHE would lose some control if it's on Wikipedia and they might not like our "practical details" section.
  • In any case, Job #1 is to get the text written.
  • In practical terms, the author of the profile likely has to be involved.
  • Build it into the Webinar work?
  • Assign this as offline work for any TC members who do not have a profile this cycle (Antje volunteers to help)

7. Risks

9. Tech Cmte Evaluation

Effort Evaluation (as a % of Tech Cmte Bandwidth):

Total Maintenance load

  • 15%

Candidate Coordinator:

Someone want a turn? (Maybe Teri depending on Profile editorship)