Rad TF Maintenance 2014-15

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  • Publish CP Ballot in early-Jan 2015 (for CPs needed for IHE-Europe Connectathon in April 2015)
    • Allow adequate time at the Nov F2F Meeting to prep for this
  • Publish CP Ballot at end-of-April 2015
  • Incorporate FT CPs into updated TF released July 2015

Number of outstanding CPs:

  • 47 Assigned CPs to work on
  • For specifics refer to Tracking Doc and sort by Status
  • (about 2/3 are stagnant) Should do a review/triage of dormant CPs and cancel or re-start
  • 0 Completed CPs that failed ballot and need to be reworked
  • 6 Submitted CPs to review/assign (as of Sept 24)
  • 21 Final Text CPs to confirm have been incorporated into TF

List of "non-trivial" CPs:

  • CP-xxx :

List of outstanding items not yet submitted as CPs:

  • Refactor SWF.b to isolate/reference PAM transactions

List of other maintenance tasks:

  • IHE-J has prepared a National Extension document for submission (focus on SWF.b)
  • Add 2 (estimated) FT Supplements to TF
  • Cleanup of Cross-Referencing to ITI (they renumbered their sections)
  • Adoption of new IHE Templates for Tech Framework
    • An upcoming forcing function will be when we make Final Text any of the new supplements that have used the new supplement template which is intended to align with the new TF Template.

7. Risks

  • Risk of effort spent on updating existing Supplements and TF to match new templates being low return-on-investment. (although it does have some payoff in terms of easier to read/understand spec for implementers, possibly lower error rate, and it will reduce work for volume editors folding new template supplements into the TF if the TF is aligned.)

9. Tech Cmte Evaluation

Effort Evaluation (as a % of Tech Cmte Bandwidth):

  • 30% to do the identified work
  • 20% if the Planning Cmte wants us to start dropping bits of maintenance work in favor of new Profile work

Candidate Coordinator:

Kevin O'Donnell