Rad Plan Minutes 2013-01-08

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  • Chris Carr
  • David Clunie
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Joan McMillen
  • David Mendelson
  • John Paganini


  • Plan sessions for RSNA 2013
  • Topics were well attended and well received
  • Audience responses showed that we need to present new information for a sophisticated audience
  • IHE Sessions for RSNA 2013
  • Repeat course topics and speakers with some modification of content
  • Expand session on IHE and the Cloud to something like IHE, the Archive and the Cloud
  • Add one or two additional sessions:
  • What's New in IHE Radiology and Beyond?
  • Action Item: Kinson and Chris Lindop to work on planning subtopics and speakers
  • Include detailed discussion of IHE and Vendor Neutral Archive Architecture - expand upon Cloud topic
  • Include discussion of XDS and other profiles that support VNA (IOCM, IRWF)
  • Develop brief 3-5 slide overview for each session on "What is IHE and How do you use it?"
  • Action Item: Chris Carr and Joan McMillen to update and distribute list of topics and speakers
  • Other planning business
  • Sessions at other meetings
  • Deadlines for AUR and SIIM 2013 have passed
  • Action Item: Create tracking spreadsheet of upcoming meetings (see draft version)
  • Action Item: Chris Carr to contact SIIM leaders to see if there is any opportunity to present at June meeting (Carr, Clunie, Ho, Paganini plan to attend)
  • Profile development activities
  • Next activity to review any profiles recommended by Technical Committee for promotion to final text in May or June timeframe
  • Profile proposal selection to begin in August
  • Committee leadership
  • Deferred to February meeting. Chris Carr will contact Dr. Carrino about participating in that call and future calls and meetings.
  • Meetings and tcons for planning committee
  • Establish monthly meetings the first Tuesday of each month until further notice
  • Next Meeting: Feb. 4, 2013, 10-11:30am CT
  • Topics include: Finalize IHE sessions for RSNA 2013; Committee co-chair position

Radiology Planning Committee