Rad Plan Minutes 2011-08-12

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  • Ellie Avraham, Philips
  • Chris Carr, RSNA
  • LaShawn Edwards, RSNA
  • David Heaney, McKesson
  • Kinson Ho, Agfa
  • Chris Lindop, GE (co-chair)
  • Cor Loef, Philips
  • Tom Milo, Siemens
  • Kevin O'Donnell, Toshiba
  • John Paganini, Cleveland Clinic
  • Jeff Pohlhammer, Philips
  • Jerold Wallis, Washington University
  • Niki Wirsz, Siemens

Quorum attained. See roster.


  • Motion: Approve for advancement to final text. Carried unanimously.
  • XDS-I.b: Chris Lindop presented XDS-I.b FT Evaluation. Discussion about whether additions to XDS.b are sufficiently mature and impact the stability of XDS-I.b
  • Motion: Approve for advancement to final text. Carried unanimously.
  • NM Image: Chris Lindop presented NM Image FT Evaluation. Profile meets technical criteria. Chris Lindop and Jeff Pohlhammer confirement that all four options have been successfully tested at Connectathons. Open issue listed in trial implementation supplement related to optimal window levels for cardiac data sets has not been resolved and hasn't been test thoroughly at Connectathons. Issue needs to be resolved by Technical Committee before advancing to final text. No one-page summary provided for profile.
  • Vote deferred due to open issues.
  • Action Item: Set up call with Technical Committee and NM Subcommittee to discuss resolution of open issues.

Radiology Planning Committee