RO 2011-2012 Development Cycle

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Timeline : 2011-2012 Development Cycle Milestones

The Timeline shows the main milestones of the development cycle, the Timeframe when they are typically expected to happen each year, and the actual date/time/location they have been Scheduled for this year. Specific meetings and their agendas and minutes are generally listed on the page of the relevant Committee.

Timeframe Activity Location Scheduled
Jan Request new Use Cases ASTROgram;
email to TC and PC;
ListServs (see IHERO_listservs)
by mid-January
article in Jan ASTROgram;
templates on wiki;
Feb Publicize Deadline for Submitting Use Cases Astrogram, email, Wiki email out by Mon, Feb 14.
Mar Deadline to Submit Use Cases Wiki submission on wiki or by email to by Fri, March 11
Mar Assign/Identify Use Case Champions email from PC co-chairs TCON Fri, March 25
May Deadline for Champions to flesh out Use Cases and provide 3-5 slides per user case (as PDF) Wiki Information on by Friday, June 10, TCON June 13
May Discussions on potential Use Cases (PC) Tele/Web-conference TCON for Tues, June 13*Updated
Jun Update Use Case information Wiki Updated information on by June 3.
Jun Use Case Prioritization. IHE-RO PC members only. ? votes must be in by Fri, June 17
Jul Generation of detailed profiles for top 3 selected Use Cases. Update detailed profiles for any 'tabled' Use Cases. Wiki by Fri, July 15
Aug Rank top 3 new use cases with 'tabled' use cases SurveyMonkey ? Aug 19
Sept Review top 3 selected Use Cases PC focus meeting, Fairfax, VA Sun/Mon 11-12 Sept 2011 (before Connectathon)
Oct Detailed Profile Review Meeting (PC & TC) Miami, FL 04-Oct-2011 (during ASTRO Annual Meeting, Oct 2-6, 2011)
Feb. TC Profile development kickoff Fort Myers, FL Feb 06-13
Feb TC Finalizes profile supplements for public comment St. Louis, MO April 12-20
Mar. Publication of Public Comment Supplements April 12-20
Apr. Deadline for submission of public comments on supplements April 30, 2012
May Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements November 2012
Sep (Test implementations at ASTRO Headquarters) ASTRO HQ September 5-11