Quality Measures for Occupational Data
he QMOD (Quality Metrics for Occupational Data) profile profile will .
Communication and processing of quality metrics represents an emerging area within interoperability that will greatly enhance the ability to specify and execute logic for population health monitoring. Occupational Data for Health (ODH) has been identified as a framework containing key social history factors impacting patient health, the management of medical conditions, and identification of risk factors. There is also an opportunity for monitoring and improvement of healthcare delivery through quality measures of health outcomes, and to assess the effectiveness of mitigation strategies such as testing and education. This IHE profile will constrain quality reporting and measurement standards in the context of ODH to improve the ability to assess work-related risks and provide support for strategies to monitor and measure health impacts related to workplace conditions with specific content to support quality improvement efforts.
Quality metrics are typically generated by and/or adapted from external parties. Examples of such metrics are related to compliance with clinical practice guidelines (e.g. establishing occupational risk factors for lead exposure under the WHO Guideline for Clinical Management of Exposure to Lead), and identification of populations of interest (e.g. specific employment groups outlined in A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes). These metrics are generally manually configured and maintained in systems that support reporting. This profile will specify a human-readable and machine interpretable definition of such population metrics in the context of interoperable clinical summaries and laboratory reports to enable automated processing. The value proposition for quality improvement and public health is in improved reporting rates, consistency in metrics, and reduced implementation costs.
Systems Affected
Actors & Transactions:
<Insert an actor-transaction diagram, and or list of Content Definitions> Actors: Data Responder - TGenerates the requested ODH quality measure data and sends it to the ODH Quality Data Consumer. Data Consumer - Retrieves the ODH quality measure data. Data Sender - Sends the measurement data
Query for ODH Quality Data [QMOD-xx] - Query request for ODH quality measure data.
Send Quality Measure Data [QMOD-yy] - Sends a Report with data needed to compute ODH Quality Measures
Profile Status: [Draft]
Documents: TBD
Underlying Standards:
- HL7 HQMF: Health Quality Measures Format
- HL7 eMeasure HL7 Version 3 Standard: Representation of the Health Quality Measure Format (eMeasure) Release 1
- HL7 FHIR® R4 <https://www.hl7.org/fhir/>
- HL7 FHIR CQF Quality Measure Implementation Guide
- HL7 FHIR DEQM: Data Exchange for Quality Measures Implementation Guide
- LOINC: Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes
FHIR Implementation Guide
Using Resources at FMM Level 0-5:
See Also
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