QRPH Tech Minutes 2015 02 25

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  • Amit Popat
  • Eric Larson
  • Jen Foltz
  • Michelle Williamson
  • Patty Craig
  • Amit Popat
  • Lara Tramontan
  • Justin Fyfe
  • Xen Santos
  • Laura Bright
  • Derek Ritz
  • Bob Joliffe
  • John Eichwald
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Lori Fourquet
  • Xidong Deng
  • Thomson Kuhn
  • James Kariuki
  • Nichole Drye Mayo


  • Content based Document Types (CDT)
    • Make this a named option in DEX; need to create a CP; Volume 1 sign off on use cases and wording; create the option and fill out the actor option table and add, if any, changes to actor behaviors; use the latest published version of DEX adding track changes
    • Add 2 more use cases; CRF and Epidemiology
    • No grouping required but ok if wanted (optional grouping)

  • QME-EH
    • There will be 3 actors, creator, consumer and report assembler and named options that will result in 4 different data flows; get tables correct

  • ADX (Bob Joliffe)
    • Document the options

  • VRDR
    • Reviewing open issues; template open issues that our Documentation Work Group rep (Laura Bright) will raise with the group;
    • Need 2 CP #'s
      • VRDR RFD reference update - 0084 (Lori will send Eric email w/number so can add both to spreadsheet)
      • VRDR update cause of death mapping - 0085
      • A CP to correct RFD references from trial implementation to actual reference of technical framework
      • Need a number for the RFD
      • Update cause of death mapping
      • Want the form to be international so took out form references
      • New code assigned in order to identify the individual causes of death according to what HL7 uses
      • Updating to represent the new structure and codes documented in HL7
      • Limit the characters to 240 to be internationally compliant
      • Mapping to the message table
        • Similar update to cause of death, inherited the text of max characters of 120
        • Keep WHO ICD classifications for death
  • Lori motioned to accept CP0084; John Eichwald seconded the motion
    • 8 for
    • 0 against
    • 0 abstain
  • Lori motioned to approve CP0085; John Eichwald seconded the motion
    • 8 for
    • 0 against
    • 0 abstain