QRPH Tech Minutes 2015 02 24

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  • Lisa Nelson
  • John Eichwald
  • Thierry Dart
  • Julie Dumons
  • Lara Tramontan
  • Amit Popat
  • Laura Bright
  • Eric Larson
  • Patty Craig
  • Bob Joliffe
  • Derek Ritz
  • Xen Santas
  • Michelle Williamson
  • Justin Fyffe
  • Lori Fourquet
  • Mauro Zanardini
  • Didi Davis
  • Jen Foltz
  • Jim Grace
  • Lauren Lemieux
  • Nichole Drye Mayo


  • Agenda Review
    • Upload FTP instructions
    • Laura Bright volunteered to participate in the Documentation Work Group
    • Documentation Software
      • Investigate Al Fresco software

  • RPE
    • On track; infrastructure in place

  • Change Proposals
    • BFDR not ready for a vote yet

  • Content-based document types

Decision to be made tonight and further discuss tomorrow; Whether CDT is gonna be its own profile with one transaction or an extension of DEX.

  • HW

  • ADX