QRPH Tech Minutes 2015-08-07

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  • Bob Joliffe
  • John Eichwald
  • Laura Bright
  • Derek Ritz
  • Didi Davis
  • Eric Larson
  • James Kariuki
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Xidong Deng
  • Lara Tramontan
  • Amit Popat
  • Aly Goodman
  • Xen Santas
  • John Donnelly
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo


  • QME-EH Technical Discussion
    • Didi motioned to approve QME-EH for Trial Implementation. Lisa will submit Change Proposals to track subsequent changes. John seconded the motion.
      • 8 for
      • 0 against
      • 0 abstain
    • Final version will be delivered to Eric before 8/10.
  • ADX Review
    • Laura motioned to approve current version of ADX for Trial Implemention with replacement of the graphic and the removal of the actor grouping.This version replaces the version approved at the July 2015 face to face. Derek Ritz seconded.
      • 7 for.
      • 0 against.
      • 0 abstain.
    • Final version will be delivered to Eric before 8/10
  • HW has not been delivered to Mary Jungers yet.
    • Lynn will email Eric about status.

  • Webinar Presentation Walk Thru
    • Not enough time for this review.
      • Planning call scheduled for 8/14 for those that are ready to review their presentations.
      • Planning call scheduled for 9/4; Webinar Presentation walk thru
  • Board Report
    • Additional input needed for the Board report.